
Akros was founded many years ago when a group of slaves had escaped their chromatic dragon lords holding court at Lys. They found a tiny an inlet, protected by the swamps and the mists and blessed by Selune. They also found a fallen colossus built half covered in moss and algae, and through the guidance of Selune, awoke the giant golem and placed it at the entrance to their bay.   Protected from the dragons, and eager to prove themselves, Akros began to thrive as a free trading port and haven for the slaves who had become freed from Lys. Often times, a slave ship would find itself torn asunder in a storm, only to find the slaves washed up on the shores of the new colony. The denizens of Akros were also granted protection by the Straatosi society, and that soon established themselves as a protected entity from Lys.   Akros sprawls across a hundred small islands in a lagoon. The lagoon is bordered by marshes, the mainland and several large islands which act as windbreaks and defensive ramparts. There is only one gap between two of the islands which is large enough for ocean-going vessels to traverse, and this gap is straddled by the immense bronze golem, known as the Colossus of Akros.   These days, the notion of freedom is still incredibly important to the people's of Akros. Many adventurers are born here, guided by Selune to go forth and break the chains of those held down by oppressors. The city itself has been a prospering trading post as well, with many adventurous merchant captains coming out of the swamps and canals of the large city.


The city of Akros is ruled by the Sealord, which is not a hereditary position, nor democratic. The ruler is chosen by a complex and intense arcane ritual conducted by the magisters of the city as well as the powerful religious groups, who each bring forward a chosen champion. The current Sealord is Enris Wunnia, a champion of The Judge, which is rare. Only two other times in the city's long history have their been Sealords who were chosen by Kelemvor. Most usually hail from temples of Selune, Akadi, or Tymora.


Surrounded by marshes and water, the city of Akros has many natural barriers that would discourage any attackers from targeting the city. However, there is also a handful of arcane defenses that can be called upon, if they are needed. The first of which, and likely the most dangerous is the bronzed Colossus of Akros, an ancient bronze golem that can be awoken to defend the city. There are also certain rituals preformed by the Moonsingers that can bring a tide of mists that hide the city from above. These were used in times of old to protect themselves from their former chromatic dragon overlords.   Each trader that sails under the purple sails of Akros can also be called upon to defend the city in times of great need, and are outfitted with arcane canons to do so. There is also handfuls of mercenary bands and adventurers that are hired by the magisters to defend the city, if it is needed. The city is policed by the Purple Cloaks, a group of pious hoplites that are extremely well trained and practice some divine magic.


Akros itself comprises many dozens of small islands linked by bridges and walkways, divided by canals, channels and waterways of varying size. The Long Canal, which leads straight from the edge of the city to its heart, is the primary waterway and trade artery of the city, which becomes clogged with traffic during the day. The Ruby Port is where ships submit to inspection by harbor officials. From there foreign ships are directed to the Ragman's Harbor on the western side of the city, whilst Akros vessels are directed to the Purple Harbor on the northern side of the city, near the Sealord's Palace.   The Isle of Gods consists of a wide variety of temples and places of worship, including the Mistshadow's Citadel, a massive place of worship where the first freed slaves landed. It is here as well where the Violet Academy is found, a renowned school for alchemical studies.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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