Port Avrum

Port Avrum is a polis devoted to learning, magic, and progress. Unique in Straatos, Port Avrum is a haven to all manner of elves, and has been for some time. They make up a sizeable chunk of the population, and reside in great towers that seem to blend in with nature itself. Terraced farms surround the city itself, and the population itself lives in harmony with the forests nearby.    While independent in their culture, the populace of Port Avrum is incredibly loyal to their neighbors in Straatos and Akros, having built a mutual trust up through years of compromise and trade. The city has a reputation for treating children with the highest regard, and orphans from all over the three sisters are welcome into Port Avrum, and given all they need to succeed.   The towns population also has a reputation of exceptional archers, falconers and skirmishers, which the Straatosi military uses to great effect. There is also known to be a small sect of Satyrs located in Port Avrum, nestled deep within an area known as the Greenhorn. There is also known to be a great university known as the Faerfalls, where those studying the Feywild are welcome. It is here that a great amount of knowledge of the Feywild is kept, as well as training those who might be fey-touched themselves.


The architecture of Port Avrum favors a mix between that of the Straatos inspired insulae of the South, and of the elven traditional architecture featured in places like Tol Edwan and Averlorn. Great neighborhoods are separated by large open parks and sects of forest, and local residents often build their roofs out to feature gardens. Vines hang from the buildings and there are a great many ponds scattered about the city.


In the very center of the city is the temple to Waukeen, The Poet, patron of Port Avrum. Three ancient trees grow from an earthen rise and spiral around the heart of the city. The temple, built of glittering limestone, nestles amid the massive trunks. All manner of civic functions are based in the temple, and most of them are carried out by the Poet's attendants. These attendants serve as healers, advisors, teachers, chroniclers, and oracles.
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