Satyr's Grove

Satyr's Grove has long had a close relationship with the feywild, when during the Arcanum a powerful mage accidentally caused a major rift between the two realms. The rift has long since healed, but the influence from the feywild has remained.   Travelers and hunters that traverse the woods are advised to bring offerings of fresh bread, tropical fruits, and even pearls for the woodland spirits that are rumored to call the forest home. A community of fey beings watch over these woods, stepping from the veil of the Feywild to meddle with trespassers who show disrespect, or terrorize those who seek to rob the wilds of their boons. Local stories speak of a crew of unsanctioned loggers from Viterbo  who vanished naught but a week into their venture, only to return a month later aged thirty years, with no memory of what occurred in the interim.
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