Azimuth 2 - Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles

General Summary

New Keeleon

Elemental Forms and Spells
Elementals of fire and air spawned from the orbs set into the walls of the Chamber of Titles. With a roar, they attacked the party.   Arwin fired arrows at the fire elemental to no effect. Romsca moved toward the fire elemental and said to the group, “Either focus on the air or go catch Talmid. I can handle fire.” Reaching into the fire, she cast a massive harm spell. The runes along the walls of the chamber reacted to the magic and glowed bright red before fading.   Other spells from the party had similar reactions. A sweeping Tidal Wave from Romulus and a Fireball from Gertrude pummeled damage into the elementals while the rest of the party moved and launched attacks.   The air elemental flew forward. Gertrude stood firm, but the gale threw Romulus across the room. The fire elemental rushed across Romsca and swung wide, setting Romulus and Romsca on fire.  
Talmid and Shur
The door across the chamber opened and Sir Talmid and the acolyte, Shur, rushed in at the commotion. Shur recognized them from the gallery, and Talmid yelled, “It’s the fucking caravan guards. You led them here! Fucking useless cultists!” Talmid pushed the acolyte forward and directed him to be useful and attack.   Arwin looked directly towards Talmid and fired arrows. Talmid glared back. To Shur, he said, “At least you’re useful as a fucking shield,” and dragged the acolyte into the path of the arrows.   Mortimr and Chaka tried to incapacitate Talmid with magic, but he resisted both effects.   Ilmendwyth shot the fire elemental while Romsca stepped out of the flames. She cast the fire towards Talmid. His plate mail started glowing and burning him. In response, he pulled his greatsword and rushed towards Romsca.   Gertrude exploded another Fireball in the room. Shur was burned to his last legs, and he was heard uttering a Primordial prayer towards where Azur’tinax’s name was carved on the walls. Romulus then sent another Tidal Wave to slam the enemies and extinguish the spreading flames, and Shur and Talmid were knocked down.   Talmid stood up. His armor steamed from the burning metal evaporating the dripping water. He said, “Gim Gorod mentioned something about a pesky fucking gnoll!” He called to the air elemental and both attacked Romsca repeatedly. She resisted and held her own against the assault.   The fire elemental attacked Ilmendwyth and Romulus with sweeping fire. Both used Absorb Elements spells to resist the flames but were set ablaze.  
Mortimr’s Rage
Mortimr called out, “Hey you lecherous fuck!” Talmid turned, confused. Mortimr called to the entity in his head. In that moment, Talmid noticed something about Mortimr, even through his custom mask.   Demitri and Chaka attacked the blue orb tethered to the air elemental, and Ilmendwyth struck it with his sword. As the elemental faltered, Gertrude's radiant spell scattered in a burst of wind.   Arwin, Romsca, Demitri, and Romulus encircled Talmid and attacked alongside Mortimr. As Talmid fought back, he focused on Mortimr. Talmid called out to the fire elemental. It rushed across the combatants, setting Gertrude, Romsca, Mortimr, and Demitri on fire.   He said, “Fucking gnomes! I’ve always hated gnomes.” He slashed Mortimr repeatedly and sent him to the ground in flames. He stabbed down into Mortimr’s body, putting him next to death. Holding his blade aloft, he said, “Stop or he dies!”   With the distraction of the flames and battle, Arwin ran forward to Mortimr. He pulled off his demon mask and administered a healing potion. Mortimr briefly saw clear skies and a field of pink wheat before the potion pulled him back. Arwin pulled him close and said encouragingly, “You have a fucking debt to repay, mate.”   Talmid looked at Mortimr’s revealed face with recognition. He said, “Those damn eyes… You’re the brother he wouldn’t shut up about!”   From the ground, Mortimr said to both Talmid and the entity, “The debt is due.” He grabbed Talmid and funneled lashes of pink magic through him. His body seized from the tendrils.  
Extinguishing the Flames
In that moment, Chaka cast a Hypnotic Pattern spell on Talmid. The man’s face went blank and his arms fell slack as Mortimr stood slowly in the flames.   Ilmendwyth ran to the red orb. He aimed into the deepest crack on the surface and fired an arrow. At the same time, Gertrude threw another spell at the remaining elemental. Demitri slashed his rapier repeatedly, cutting motes of the flames away until nothing remained. The red orb went dull and fell to pieces.   Nearby, Romulus called forth an icy storm in the room. The raining sleet put out the fires burning much of the party. Steam and smoke filled the chamber, alighting the Primordial runes in the icy haze. The fires fade, the spells ended, and the runes went dark as the room quieted.  
Exploring the Rooms
They checked the other rooms quickly. One room had a large, seemingly inert spell circle with several nearby materials. The large room Talmid had come from was a workshop or study of some kind, with a layer of dust on the books, scrolls, and diagrams. The last room appeared to be a storage chamber. At the back were large metal cages with slumped figures in them.   Seeing the figures, Romulus, Gertrude, and Ilmendwyth entered and found Coinguard Holarust and Watchguard Shumedzar. They appeared hurt, as if they had been beaten. Ilmendwyth picked the locks of the cages, while Romulus and Gertrude quickly searched the room.   They found many mundane items stored here, like more blue cloaks and coils of rope, as well as spellbook paper and fragrant incense. Romulus found several unmarked potions and more smoke devices in a box labeled with a gryphon-and-umbrella symbol. He found some rarer items stashed nearby: an enchanted ring, scaled gloves, and several large diamonds.   Once the cages were open, Romulus cast a healing aura spell and Gertrude tended Shumedzar and Holarust’s wounds.  
Talmid and Mortimr
Romsca bound Talmid's hands with shackles. Mortimr went behind him and aimed his crossbow at Talmid’s knee. Romsca intervened, saying, “Why do you need to injure him more when we’re trying to keep him alive?”   Mortimr replied, “He needs to be in pain when I talk to him.” They argued about Mortimr’s implied methods, and Chaka suggested they had other immediate priorities.   Mortimr said he’d waited too long to confront Talmid. Romsca understood, but said this was the wrong time and place. Mortimr aggressively snapped back, and they loudly argued while Chaka maintained his hypnotic spell on Talmid.   Arwin removed Talmid’s weapon and tried to take the bolt from Mortimr’s crossbow during the argument. With a sheen of pink energy on his eyes, he turned and his body followed a half-step behind. Those nearby noticed the pink sheen and the scent of roses.   As Mortimr spoke, it was as if another force was present within him. Demitri held his sword and said, “Don’t make me fulfill that promise.”   Mortimr pointed at Talmid, and a voice that wasn’t quite his said, “The only one in danger is him.” As the party tried to convince Mortimr to hold off on revenge temporarily, he took off the platinum ring Romsca had made and tossed it to the ground.   Chaka suggested they lock Talmid inside the storage room cages before the hypnotic spell ended while they investigated the area.  
The Dusty Research Room
Chaka followed the scent of steak to the research room. The central desk was the only area in the room that had seen activity for months.   The Great Phoenix painting was on the desk, and a fancy blue cloak hung on the back of a nearby chair. There were copies of The Manual of Monsters, a book titled The Star Colossus, and a pair of written letters. Chaka quickly grabbed what he could and looked around.   Dust covered much of the room. There were many things in pairs, like chairs, blankets, and writing implements, leading Chaka to feel two people had frequently used this room as one point.   There was a large painting dated around 5A 330 hanging on the wall showing two genasi: a fiery headed woman and a blue-skinned man. They seemed very familiar and close to each other.   On another wall was a large elemental sigil. Unlike the others, there were different colored inlaid stones in each quadrant. The stones seemed to shimmer, and Chaka went to investigate with an Identify spell.  
Moving Forward
Gertrude cast a Sending spell to Rulla and informed her they’d found Stuzrog and Holarust at the guildhall. She received a quick reply from the Nalt Oknar saying that Captain Ruslan had just said the same thing. Gertrude could tell Rulla seemed to be running.   Meanwhile, Romsca shoved Mortimr to the side and moved Talmid towards the room with the cages. As she moved away, Arwin and Demitri saw Mortimr’s arm shoot up strangely and fire a crossbow bolt wide of Romsca.   That same extra voice said, “That was a warning shot. Give me my prize.”   Arwin shot Mortimr twice, but he did not react to the wounds. Romsca continued walking and locked Talmid in one of the cages. Mortimr felt enhanced feelings of desire and revenge and followed behind.   Demitri said he needed to know if Mortimr was in control. The group could tell Mortimr fully intended to kill Talmid, but only after he got the information they needed.   Mortimr said, “I need to talk to him. I need to. He’s the only one that needs to burn.” He dropped his crossbow.   As much of the group gathered in the storage room, Romulus carefully watched Mortimr and the entity in him. He attempted to narrow down what type of entity it could be. Through his own connections to fey creatures, he felt whatever was involved with Mortimr was not of the Feywild.   Demitri and Arwin shared a concerned look at Mortimr’s condition. Arwin grabbed one of his residuum arrows and held it ready, and they followed after.   In the room, Demitri noticed the box with the unique gryphon logo on it. This was the logo of Adamski Sokolov. Demitri threw the box across the room, breaking it on the stone floor of the Chamber of Titles.
Related Time
16 Adroth 5A 352