The Manual of Monsters

The Manual of Monsters is a series of bestiaries written by Grupe, the Monster Hunter. They have become the standard for monstrous taxonomy and study since their publication in the early Fifth Age. It has received several reprintings.   Grupe was very knowledgable about bestial and monstrous anatomy and behavior, and over the course of his journey as a Zenethian Hero, he encountered a wide variety of monsters and beasts of many different categories. Grupe compiled this knowledge into a catalogue which would eventually become The Manual of Monsters.   The cost of a copy fluctuates based on the printing and version. The cost of a copy can range between 15 to 20 silver.


The Manual of Monsters contains information on many different beasts, creatures, and monsters. Earlier volumes deal more with specific obersations and known facts about these creatures. They are very academic in nature and contain lists of facts, habitats, and biology.   Later writings from later on in Grupe's life speak more in general regarding different classifications of creatures. They also speak of the physiologies of creatures, theories on origins, and how they react and interact with different planes of existence and the balance of natural and unnatural habitats.   Over the first three volumes, there are questions asked and posed in the margins, which some editions exclude. There are notes on the inner elemental planes and the connections to the temples created by the Zenethian Champions.   These questions and notes seem to be leading to something, perhaps dealing with the inner planes. However as there is no fourth volume, any answers to these questions are assumed lost with Grupe.


A number of fiends, including demons, are discussed in the books. Some primary examples encountered by the Zenethian Heroes are detailed. Basic physiology is covered, as well as theories and observations about how that physiology interacts with the Material Plane. Places of great demonic corruption are also discussed, including the Demons' Blood Marshes.   Oozes are discussed in the books. Grupe seemed to have an interest in these creatures and how they could change based on the environment around them. Specifically, this was related to Ivan, the Oozemaster, who Grupe wrote at length about.

Known Readers

  • Romulus had read an edition of it, but it had been "eaten by birds" and he no longer had it. He later acquired a new copy of the third volume in 5A 352.
  • Demitri had read an edition of it during his tutelage at the Santeem Morounin Archive.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In 5A 010, Grupe published the first edition of The Manual of Monsters. Since that time, Grupe would publish additional additions and revisions to the series over the course of his life.   On 2 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus recieved a copy of the third volume of The Manual of Monsters from Pages for Ages in Porgorag.   On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Argilla, son of Kla, lent his copies of The Manual of Monsters to Mortimr Gwathagoldrin. These copies include the margin notes some editions exclude.   On 15 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr and Demitri searched through The Manual of Monsters for information on Elemental Planes, genasi, and residuum.   On 16 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka found a set of The Manual of Monsters on a research desk in the Chamber of Titles.
Manual, Scientific
Authoring Date
5A 010