Oknar Offices, Porgorag

The Oknar Offices in Porgorag is the governor’s place of work, where city problems can be resolved and issues raised. Here, Oknar Jod, son of Anzuk, works to keep Porgorag safe and balance the various cultures here. Here also are the offices of the various appointed positions under Jod.



The offices are located farther out from the noise of Porgorag Plaza and the City Center region of the city.   The building itself is of a brutalism design. There are two large square stone pillars that frame the entrance. There is a square front façade and the doorway is painted black. Above the door is an angled flag stand which hangs the flag of the Queendom of Keeleon.   Outside the entrance is a gated courtyard of short-cut grass and little else. Surrounding this is a wrought-iron fence. There are two Queensguard stationed at the gate.


The interior opens to a warmly lit antechamber of polished stonework and emerald carpets trimmed with golden fabric. The ceiling of the interior rises between 15-20 feet and continues the brutalism design of the overall building, and it angles upwards towards the main central chamber.   Leading off from this entrance area is the main central chamber, a space for official meetings and hearings. A single dark wood bench can be seen with sevearl cushioned chairs. Behind this long bench are more flags of Keeleon. Curtained windows bring light into this room.   A hallway leads out from the entrance rotunda, which curves around the central chamber in a semi-circle. The left hallway leads to several functionary rooms for the city government. The right hallway leads to individual offices for the Oknar and the appointed Guard positions.

Oknar Jod's Office

The Oknar's office is a large room. There are a number of iron bookshelves that line the sides of the room, which are filled with books and documents and other paraphernalia. Along the back is dark oak desk with a high-backed chair cushioned with green fabric.

Coinguard Borscha Brickwell's Office

The Coinguard's office is similar in size to the Oknar's. While Gim Gorod was the coinguard of the city, the walls held fine, elven carved bookshelves, which were filled with orderly books and small trinkets and statuettes. The desk was softer in appearance and was of a Brancan design, and there were multiple locked desk drawers. There was a curtained window which opened out to the exterior courtyard. The room was kept neat and tidy. This celiing area had been decorated with soft fabric banners and sashes.

Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh's Office

The Godgsuard office is similar in size to the Oknar's. The office is a bit stuffed, with many documents, books, and items of religious importance. There is a desk of soft, white wood, with a handwovern runner across it, which displays the Zenethian symbol.

Holding Area

Nearby to the Watchguard office is a holding area used by the city watch for the processing of those under arrest. There are holding cells crafted of iron bars holding cots, which are guarded by a small detachment of city guards.

Notable People

  • Oknar: Oknar Jod, son of Anzuk
  • Watchguard: Watchguard Inzun, daughter of Drab
  • Warguard: Warguard Ghuzzakk, son of Ugral


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr Gwathagoldrin observed the entrance to the Oknar Offices for several hours. Late that night, he say Coinguard Gim Gorod enter and leave the offices with his personal bodyguards.   On 2 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin, Gertrude, and Romsca met with Oknar Jod in his office, where they informed the Oknar about the demons in the city sewers. After, Arwin and Romsca broke into the Coinguard's office and took several documents while Gertrude distracted nearby staff.   On 3 Adroth 5A 352, the party regrouped at the offices with Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh. She led them to her office and arranged a meeting with Oknar Jod. Under a Zone of Truth spell, they discussed the group's concerns with Gim Gorod.   On 4 Adrtoh 5A 352, some of the party came to Watchguard Inzun's office to deliver Gim Gorod's journal as evidence. Arwin asked to speak with Gim Gorod, who was being held in the holding area, and Inzun led them there for a brief conversation.
Government complex
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Related Report (Primary Locations)
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Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
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