Kuad's Farm

Kuad's Farm is a large series of farm fields in the Argil's Gate region north of New Keeleon in the Queendom of Keeleon. It is located off the eastern side of the Orc Highway.


The farm is a large, free ranging livestock farm. Large herds of black-furred cattle and black bulls roam in the stunted grasses of the fields north of the city. Segments of these grasses are trampled or eaten down by the grazing cattle. A series of wooden fences separate the fields and keep the animals from ranging away from the few brick barns.   In addition, several axe beaks were found among the fields. These were wearing hoods to obscure their vision, presumably to lower their aggression.

Notable People

  • Kuad: Kuad is the eldery, ornery farmer that runs the land.
  • Bessie: Kuad's prized black bull. It is a very fine specimen of the species.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 12 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin chased an orc rebel into the fields of the farm. He knocked the orc out with a blunted arrow and apprehended him. A pair of city guards approached and collected the rebel, and Kuad angrily addressed the group of them. Kuad set his prize black bull, Bessie, to watch over them until they left.
Parent Location
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane