Far Bar Inn

The Far Bar Inn is a popular and stylized tavern and inn located in the Pipestones District of New Keeleon in the Queendom of Keeleon. Though popular, the façade falls short of impressing more traditionalist citizens that prefer orcish styles of taverns.


The Far Bar Inn is a three-story tavern building with a warm, inviting front. On the exterior, blue painted beams pull upwards in curving and smooth arcs. It’s clearly not orcish in design; the façade is very elvish in appearance, with elements of the strong angles of Santeemite influence. There are two large, glass windows, which appear fogged from the outside and cannot be seen through. Between these windows is the white-painted doorway leading to the entrance lobby.   Within the lobby is an attendant desk, and on either side are staircases leading upwards to the above levels, where closed doors sit along a balcony walkway on the upper level. The accomodations in the rooms are fair and comfortable. The rooms are fine, with feather mattresses and multiple blankets and pillows per bed.   To the left and right of the lobby are circular arches leading to the two tavern rooms of the inn. Behind these rooms is an outdoor courtyard with open doors and metal tables with room for bards to play. The open doors allow this music to feed into both the elven and Santeemite themed rooms.  
Haradren-themed side
The right side room is very elven in design. There's lots of flowing artistic patterns of thin metal and gold paint, and decorative plantlife. The fogged glass window is enchanted to look like a green field with a grand tree in the distance, the World Tree, though it is still vague and foggy. The scene shown in the window reflects the weather outside the tavern.  
Santeem-themed side
The left side room is Santeem inspired. White stone tables and chairs with plush orange cushions are arranged next to a roaring fire in a gated fireplace. Decor is hung on the walls, including Santeem Republic banners and a sphinx pelt.   This window is also enchanted and looks from the sea to a cliffside of tumbling rocks. Depicted upon the ridge is an image of Kasltun, a towering white city that looks taller than it is wide.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
5A 352
On 12 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus and Mortimr rented a room under a fake name and waited inside. That afternoon, the rest of the Lightbringers arrived and rented additional rooms. In the rooms, Mortimr initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual with the group.   On 13 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers returned to the inn and had lunch with Captain Ruslan in the Santeemite tavern. Several city guards came to bring Ruslan in for questioning, interrupting the meal.   That afternoon, Chaka ran into Lord Lortuk in the building's lobby. Lortuk left a message with Chaka for Romulus. After Chaka shared the message with Romulus and Mortimr, and after Romsca returned, the group left the inn.   Late that evening, the party slept at the inn. In the morning of 14 Adroth 5A 352, they departed.
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane