Equus Orphanage

The Equus Orphanage is an old chapel located in the Embankment District of New Keeleon in central Tarteria.   Formerly called the Equus Shrine, it was constructed early in the city's history as a chapel for the worship of Zenethia, the Plane of Light. Later, it would also take on the role of an orphanage as the city's population grew. Religious services are held here, and donations are taken for the benefit of the orphans.


It is a simple, multileveled stone building covered in vine growth. Along the exterior are tall and thin glass windows set in metal frames. It is a somewhat small building compared to the population of the city, as it is from a time much earlier in the city's history.   In front of the structure is a horseshoe-shaped pathway with an arched brick wall, which forms a tunnel leading from the building around a courtyard. The bricks of the tunnel are interspersed and open in a pattern, so there’s squares of sunlight that cascade through it.   The central courtyard is clay gravel. There’s a small garden of white edelweiss flowers around a rough, amateurish statue of a donkey made from white clay.   The interior has four rows of simple wooden pews arranged in front of a raised platform with a speaking podium. Above this is a hanging metal chandelier enchanted to emit light, which illuminates the interior.   At the back are a pair of doors that lead to other rooms within the shrine.

Notable People

  • Zofi, daughter of Mari: an old orcish Luminary from the Santeem Republic. She tends to and entertains the orphans.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
Early in the Fifth Age, New Keeleon was founded on the banks of the Rexun River. The Embankment District was the first section of the city built, and among those buildings was a shrine to Zenethia.   5A 352
On 12 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers visited to drop Leena off at the orphanage. Demitri met Zofi and learned that she was his mother who lost him as a newborn.   After 13 Adroth 5A 352, additional city guards were stationed at the orphanage at the request of Lord Lortuk, son of Mog.   On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri visited the orphanage and met with Zofi. He aided their preparations for the upcoming Champion's Conquest holiday for a time.
Alternative Names
Equus Shrine
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane