

Words and music are not just vibrations of air, but vocalizations with power all their own. The bard is a Master of song, speech⁠, and the magic they contain. Bards say that the multiverse was spoken into existence, that the words of the gods gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial⁠ Words of Creation⁠ still resound throughout the cosmos. Bards become Masters of the talents they set their minds to perfecting. A bard’s life is spent wandering across the land gathering lore, telling stories, and living on the gratitude of audiences, much like any other entertainer⁠. But a depth of knowledge, a level of musical skill, and a touch of magic set bards apart from their fellows. Discovering the magic hidden in music requires hard study and some measure of natural Talent that most troubadours and jongleurs lack.  
  • Every creature has a starting amount of Spell Points (SP) equal to 4.
  • Each attribute point spent during character creation towards a caster's Spellcasting Attribute increases their Spell Points (SP) by another 4.
  • Choose between 3 subclasses, each one detailing a different mastery.
  • Any race and any land can have one of these wandering minstrels, ever seeking to inspire, inquire, and inundate.
  • Bards do not normally settle in one place for too long, prone to wandering the lands in search of stories, both fictional and non. They seek to search for their own causes, and in the glow of taverns, sing what they have witnessed.



College of Lore

Bards of the College of Lore know something about most things, collecting bits of knowledge from sources as diverse as scholarly tomes and peasant tales. The loyalty of these bards lies in the pursuit of beauty and truth, not in fealty to a monarch or following the tenets of a deity. The college’s Members gather in libraries and sometimes in actual colleges, to share their lore with one another. They also meet at festivals or affairs of state, where they can expose corruption, unravel lies, and poke fun at self-important figures of authority.  


Spell List
Library of Lore
Gain +1 to all knowledge skills +8 spell points.
Cutting Words
You learn how to use your wit to distract, confuse, and otherwise sap the confidence and competence of others.   As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to afflict an opponent. They suffer -2 to attack and -1 to all saving throws for 2 rounds.
Magical Secrets
Your knowledge of storytelling and magic give you boons above others. Gain +3 uses to Bardic Inspiration and +8 spell points.
Peerless Skill
As a reaction and at the cost of 1 bardic inspiration point, you are inspired and add a +2 to all saves and +1 to your Spellcasting DC for 1 round.   Outside of Combat you can use peerless skill to temporarily gain +2 to skill rolls at the cost of 1 Bardic Inspiration when used. Usable twice per short rest.
Eviscerating Words
Your sharp tongue manifests your wit into not only emotional wounds, but physical. As an action and the cost of 2 Bardic Inspiration points, select a target within 6 tiles to roll a CHA save. On a failed save they take 2d8 Psychic damage and are dazed for 2 turns. On a successful save they take half damage. Usable once per short rest.
Lore Master
Peerless Skill and Eviscerating Words gain a second charge. You also permanently gain +1 INT, and +3 additional uses of Bardic Inspiration.


College of Glamour

The bards of this college are regarded with a mixture of awe and fear. The College of Glamour is the home of bards who mastered their craft in the vibrant realm of the Feywild or under the tutelage of someone who dwelled there. Villainous bards of this college can leech off a community for weeks, misusing their magic to turn their hosts into thralls. Heroic bards of this college instead use this power to gladden the downtrodden and Undermine oppressors.  


Spell List
Disguise Self

Charismatic Caster
Gain +1 to CHA and WIS saves, and an additional +3 spell points.
Mantle of Inspiration
As a bonus action and expenditure of one Bardic Inspiration point, you give yourself a wondrous appearance and choose up to three targets within 4 tiles.   Each of them heals 5+Spellcasting modifier hit points, gains +1 DT and do not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round. This ability is vulnerable to Sentinel.
Mantle of Majesty
Your fey charm passively enhances your voice and disposition among others granting you a permanent +2 Persuade, +2 Deception, and +2 Intimidate (Charisma).
Enthralling Performance
As an action, spend 1 Bardic Inspiration Point and choose up to 3 creatures within 8 tiles who are able to see and hear you. Each target must succeed a WIS saving throw against your spellsave DC or become charmed for 2 turns.   When used outside of combat, the target rolls against your spell save DC. This performance must be fully emoted. If a target succeeds its saving throw, they have no knowledge that you tried to charm them.
Unbreakable Majesty
Your appearance gains otherworldly traits that makes you look indescribably beautiful and fierce.   As an action and at the cost of 2 Bardic Inspiration Points, you gain +2 AC for 3 turns. While this ability is active, as a reaction you may force an attacker to make a WIS save against your spellcasting. On a failed save, they take 1d8+Spellcasting Modifier psychic damage and are charmed for 2 turns (unless immune), while reflecting that strength back to the caster and healing them for 1d8+Spellcasting Modifier. This may be used once per short rest.
Vision of Glamour
Gain +3 Bardic Inspiration and one additional use of Unbreakable Magesty.


College of Valor

Bards of the College of Valor are daring skalds whose tales keep alive the memory of the great heroes of the past, and thereby inspire a new generation of heroes. These bards gather in mead halls or around great bonfires to sing the deeds of the mighty, both Past and Present. They Travel the land to witness great events firsthand and to ensure that the memory of those events doesn’t pass from the world.  


Spell List
Hero's Feast
Battle Performance
You gain proficiency with medium armor and shields, and gain an additional fighting style.
  • Defense: AC +1
  • Archery: +2 Physical Accuracy when wielding a ranged weapon
  • Dueling: +2 Physical Damage when wielding a single, 1-handed, melee weapon. Versatile weapons count as 1-handed weapons no matter their wielded configuration.
  • Great Weapon Fighting: +2 Physical Damage when wielding a 2H melee weapon.
  • Two Weapon Fighting: Attacks made with off-hand weapons now add the appropriate (Strength or Dexterity) attribute bonuses to damage rolls made with that weapon.
Combat Inspiration
As a bonus action, expend one use of your bardic inspiration to apply Combat Inspiration to a creature within 4 tiles, granting +3 attack and +1d8 true damage until the end of the target's turn. Combat Inspiration can be used on yourself.
Hit Bonus
Gain +1 to attack
Rapid Strike
You gain the ability to spend your reaction to make a weapon attack.
Blade Flourish
You learn to conduct impressive displays of martial prowess and speed. If you succeed in hitting a target with a martial attack, you may spend a bardic inspiration point to use one of the following flourishes as a free action:   Defensive Flourish
You can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to flourish your weapon, preparing to parry oncoming attacks. Gain +2 AC and +1 to your DEX saving throw until the end of your next turn.   Thrusting Flourish
You can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to throw your target off balance, pushing them one tile away.   Mobile Flourish
You can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to flourish your weapon, inspiring your allies into battle. Grant one ally +1 Movement.   You may only cast one per turn.
Battle Bard
Gain a permanent +1 to hit, and an additional 2 Bardic Inspiration Points.

Combative Perks

You have learned to untangle and reshape the fabric of reality in harmony with your wishes and music. Your spells are part of your vast repertoire, magic that you can tune to different situations.   Bardic Inspiration
You have a resource of Bardic Inspiration points which can be used to inspire allies or unsettle enemies. The amount of bardic inspiration you possess is equal to 2 + your charisma modifier.   Spellcasting Ability
Charisma is your Spellcasting modifier for your Bard Spells, since your magic comes from the heart and soul you pour into the Performance of your music or oration.   Spell save DC = 10 + your Charisma modifier
Bardic Inspiration
You can inspire others through stirring words or music. A creature within 4 tiles of you who can hear you, gains a bardic inspiration dice, which lasts for an hour, to spend.   While a creature is under the effect of Bardic Insipiration, they may at any time outside of turn order, expend their Bardic Inspiration die and gain one of the two following effects until the end of their turn.
  • Gain +2 to all saving throws for a round
  • Gain +2 to their Attack stat for a round
The Bard can target themselves as a target for Bardic Inspiration.   In combat, casting Bardic Inspiration on a target requires a Bonus Action, and consumes a point of Bardic Inspiration.
Hit Dice
You gain +6 HP when you first become a Bard. On each new mastery level, you gain an additional +6 to your Hit Points.
Well Traveled
You may select one additional language. This may not be an exotic language.
Spell Points I
+4 Spell Points
Choose two of your known skills. You gain a +2 to both of them. You must have already have spent points in these skills.
Song of Rest
With a bonus action, you can use soothing music or oration to help revitalize your wounded allies. Heal up to 3 targets within 2 tiles for 1d6+Mastery hit points twice per short rest.
Spell Points II
+4 Spell Points
Gain +2 to the persuasion skill.
As a Bonus Action you can start a performance to ward against the charms of others. During that time, you and up to 3 targets within 4 tiles of you have +2 Wisdom saving throws for 3 turns and removes the "Dominated", “Charmed”, or “Frightened” condition. This uses one point of Bardic Inspiration.
As a free action and for 1 SP, you are able to Upcast Damaging Cantrips, Novice, and Adept level spells for 40% spell potency.
Spell Points III
+8 Spell Points
Bardic Versatility
Your versatile nature allows you to change focus in your magic. You may add to your spell list one novice or adept level spell, and one cantrip from any other class.
Superior Inspiration
Gain one Bardic Inspiration dice

Non-Combative Perks

Armor Proficiency
You can use light armor.

Spell List
