Age of Worms

Backstory elements and developments for the Age of Worms adventure path.

The Age Before Ages

  • Unknown
    The Battle of Pesh
    Military action

    The forces of the Queen of Chaos, led by Miska the Wolf-Spider, meet the Lawful Vaati Wind Dukes on the Plains of Pesh. The Wind Dukes deploy their weapon of ultimate Law: the Rod of Law, which splits into seven parts when it pierces Miska's body.

    Additional timelines

Oerdian Record

1 644

The Common Year

645 and beyond

  • 565 CY

    22 Flocktime

    Alastor Land Dies
    Life, Death

    Alastor Land runs away from home and takes shelter in the Whispering Cairn, where he is killed by a Grick.

  • 593 CY

    The Twisted Branch's Clutch Wiped Out
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Twisted Branch tribe of the Mistmarsh suffers the loss of a generation to a parasitic infection of green worms.

  • 594 CY

    Lahaka meets Loris Raknian
    Life, Relationship change

    The bard Lahaka performs in the Free City and catches the eye of Loris Raknian. The two begin dating.

  • 595 CY

    Smenk Hired by the Ebon Triad
    Criminal Activity

    Ragnolin Dourstone asks Balabar Smenk to run secret shipments of food and supplies to the branch of the Ebon Triad living in the Black Cathedral in Dourstone Mine in Diamond Lake. Smenk agrees, but only on condition of seeing the Black Cathedral and meeting the Faceless One. Dourstone uses what Smenk sees during this visit to coerce him.

    Dourstone Mine
  • 595 CY

    Filge comes to Diamond Lake
    Life, Relocation

    A necromancer moves into the old observatory and demands skeletons to use as servants. Smenk has his goons dig some up from an abandoned farmstead.

  • 595 CY

    21 Flocktime 14:00

    The Age of Worms Adventure Path Begins
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Whispering Cairn is rediscovered near Diamond Lake.

  • 595 CY

    22 Flocktime 14:00

    Expedition into the Whispering Cairn

    Lins led her friends Vin, Nemara and Sigvurd to help explore a tomb she'd found in the hills. It seemed untouched, and the gang hoped the treasure inside could buy their way out of Diamond lake.

  • 595 CY

    22 Flocktime 15:00

    Descent into the Lair of the Laborers
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party descended the chasm left by the fallen elevator, and explored a separate wing of the tomb. They fought a water elemental in a flooded shower, and found the missing Red lantern. They returned to the main chamber and decided to rest before exploring the other elevator.

  • 595 CY

    23 Flocktime 9:00

    Descent into the Lair of the Architect
    Discovery, Exploration

    Rested up, the party descended another elevator, and explored the lair of the tomb's architect. They liberated a minor elemental named Artophanx, had a close call with some Brown Mold, and found the missing Indigo Lantern.

  • 595 CY

    23 Flocktime 11:00

    Skeleton Hunting
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party ventured to the cairn's inner chambers, but came up against a door none could open. They met the ghost of a child who had died in the cairn, a runway named Alastor Lands. Alastor promised to open the last door for them if they coudl lay his bones to rest beside his family's.   But when they got to the Lands' old farmstead, they found his family dug up! Some digging revealed that Balabar Smenk's goons had dug up the skeletons and given them to a personal friend of Smenk's, a necromancer who had moved into the old observatory.

  • 595 CY

    23 Flocktime 15:00

    Raiding the Old Observatory
    Life, Crime

    The party got their magic items identified by the local wizard, Allustan Neff. Allustan warned them that Filge was a dangerous man, and to be careful. They invaded the old observatory and fought the egomaniacal necromancer, who said Balabar Smenk had called him to help him out of a tough spot. Smenk was apparently being blackmailed by a cult.   He let slip that the cult was operating under Dourstone Mine, and were propogating worms could be used to make "unstoppable undead." The party shared this with Allustan, who offered to be their patron in their quest to shut the cult down.

  • 595 CY

    24 Flocktime

    Raiding the True Tomb
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party buried the Lands family, and returned to the Whispering Cairn to open the True Tomb. They faced off against ancient wind warriors and learned about an ancient war against the forces of Chaos.   Later, they reconnoitered with Allustan and decided to infiltrate the cultists' holdings by passing themselves off as mine workers. Recalling that Smenk was being blackmailed, they leveraged the information to get his help. Smenk got them shortlisted for a position in Dourstone Mine, and provided them a rough map of the cult compound.

  • 595 CY

    25 Flocktime 12:00

    Entering the Black Cathedral
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party separated from their mining company and explored the new tunnel, where they beheld an elevator leading down into the cultists' compound.   They disguised themselves and ventured in, uncovering hints of the cults' activities. They even tricked a cultist into leaving and heading toward Allustan's place. But they were discovered when they set off a trap, and found themselves in battle.

  • 595 CY

    25 Flocktime 13:00

    Captured by the Ebon Triad
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The party faced off against the Faceless One, but were subdued. The cult confiscated their magic items, and stowed them in some cells. There, they met Nelelue, an elf who claimed she could help them escape, if they all worked together.   Meanwhile, Nemara, who had been absorbed into the Spellbook of Hero-Storing, found herself alone in a storage closet elsewhere in the compound.

    More reading
    Session 8: Captured!
  • 595 CY

    28 Flocktime

    Escape from the Black Cathedral

    Nemara disguised herself as a cultist, and began to investigate the Vecnan compopund. She discvered the Vecna cultists were manipulating the Hextorians and using the Erythnuls. They were trying to raise someone called Kyuss.   She discovered the party was being held in the cells, and helped them and Nelelue break out of their prison. Together, the gang began to escape the compound, but Vin set off an alarm when she tried to reclaim their confiscated magic items.   They booked it, kenku and tieflings on their heels, then collapsed the elevator behind them on the way out.

    More reading
    Session 9: Jailbreak
  • 595 CY

    1 Wealsun
    595 CY

    2 Wealsun

    The Party Seeks Reinforcements
    Life, Education

    The party rejoined Allustan the wizard and shared what they learned. They were able to confirm that the group they were dealing with was the Ebon Triad, and that their goal was to unite Vecna, Hextor, and Erythnul into an overgod. To facilitate this, they needed to bring about the Age of Worms.   This did not account for the mentioning of "Kyuss" that Nemara had heard. Lastly, they discovered that the garrison was compromised, and decided to summon reinforcements from Blackwall Keep, instead.

  • 595 CY

    2 Wealsun
    595 CY

    3 Wealsun

    Encounter at Blackwall Keep

    The party received a warning that the Twisted Branch lizardfolk tribe was preparing for war. They continued on and reached Blackwall keep, finding it under siege!   Inside, the soldiers told them that the lizardfolk had broken the piece, and dragged one of their patrols deep into the swamp, including the battlemage Marzena. The party agreed to rescue them.

  • 595 CY

    4 Wealsun

    Journey Into the Mistmarsh

    The party ventured into the mistmarsh to rescue the hostage soldiers. After two days of travel through the swamp, they arrived at the lizardfolk lair.

  • 595 CY

    6 Wealsun 24:00

    Assassination of Shukak the Warlord
    Life, Death

    Nemara infiltrated the lizardfolk's lair and met Hishka, their kindly shaman. Hishka explaind that a new chief had taken over, allied them with the black Dragon Ilthane, and was leading the clan in this hopeless battle.   With a heavy heart, she asked them to assassinate this chief. Shukak fought with the strength of ten men, but finally fell with a bellow that woke the clutch. Hishka hustled them out, promising to calm the tribe and return the soldiers to them next day.

  • 595 CY

    7 Wealsun 08:00

    Battle in the Egg Chamber
    Military action

    The party returned to the Twisted Branch, where Hishka had managed to mostly-calm the tribe. The lizardfolk worried that the party had brought danger to their clutch, which Ilthane the dragon had left her kobolds guarding. So the party, with the healed soldiers, ventured in to drive off the draconic minions.   They found a dragon egg full of green worms among the lizardfolk eggs, and managed to destroy the writhing abominations. Afterward, Vin departed to check on her family in the Free City, promising to reconvene with the party later. The remaining party members took the soldiers and a lizardfolk ambassador with them to the keep, to end hostilities between the two parties.

  • 595 CY

    7 Wealsun 18:00

    Vin In the Free City
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Vin rode to Greyhawk City on a magic steed, alarmed at finding worms so far from Diamond Lake. She arrived at her uncle's manor, but something was off. Her family was behaving oddly. Her suspicions grew, until she was forced to flee the manor. However, she was pursued from behind, and the last thing she saw was her mother's face sneering, and transforming into her own.   The doppelgänger now impersonating Vin rode for Diamond Lake to gather the rest of the party.

  • 595 CY

    8 Wealsun

    Rendezvous in Diamond Lake
    Gathering / Conference

    Sigvurd, Nemara, and Lins return to Diamond Lake to find the Ebon Triad has left. Vin rendezvouses with the party, and urging them to come back to the Free City with her. She tells them her uncle, Carlos Jabbar, has discovered the Ebon Triad operating in one of his warehouses.

  • 595 CY

    9 Wealsun
    595 CY

    12 Wealsun

    Travel to the Free City

    The party travelled from Diamond Lake to the Free City. Along the way, they met some trolls who asked them to fuck up an adventuring party: a muscly fighter, a rogue, and a wizard in red.   They find the city celebrating the impending Champion's Games.

  • 595 CY

    12 Wealsun 22:00

    Exploring The Sodden Hold
    Discovery, Exploration

    In the evening, the party gathers at the warehouse and ventures inside. They find the place full of doppelgängers, and rescue a captive noblewoman, sheltering her in an office.

  • 595 CY

    12 Wealsun 23:00
    595 CY

    13 Wealsun 00:00

    Battle in the Hall of Deception
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party delved deeper into the Sodden Hold, and discovered a hidden basement, where they beheld one of each of them tied to a chair, begging for freedom. Vin revealed herself to be a doppelgänger, and a battle broke out.

  • 595 CY

    13 Wealsun 01:00
    595 CY

    Wealsun 11:00

    Retreat from the Sodden Hold
    Gathering / Conference

    The party brings the real Vin, who had been captive all this time, back to the surface. They chase a fleeing doppelgänger into the street and get arrested, but report the goings-on to the Night Watchmen, who start investigating.

  • 595 CY

    13 Wealsun 12:00
    595 CY

    13 Wealsun 01:00

    Return to the Sodden Hold
    Military action

    The party is offered a deal: Their charges will be dropped if they help the City Guard investigate the Hold. They return to the Hall of Deception, but discover doppelgängers among their escort. They also find evidence that the doppels' efforts have penetrated every level of Greyhawk society.

  • 595 CY

    13 Wealsun 14:00
    595 CY

    13 Wealsun 15:00

    Battle With the Doppelboss
    Military action

    The party with the one real guard delve further, and find Vin's cousin held hostage by the doppelboss. After the battle, they escort Emiliana Jabbar to the surface with Kirin the guard.

  • 595 CY

    13 Wealsun 17:00
    595 CY

    13 Wealsun 21:00

    Exploring the Sewers
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party discovers the doppelgängers were working for a mind flayer. They find a secret entrance to the sewers, and delve in, looking for the Illithid's holdings. They found a secret set of caverns, and fought several drow, plus a Naga who absconded with their magic items.

  • 595 CY

    13 Wealsun 22:00
    595 CY

    13 Wealsun 23:00

    Battle with the Drow Thralls
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party regrouped and pressed on, facing off against the drow thralls who guarded these caverns. They battled the drows' high priestess and warriors, and found a set of prison cells.

    More reading
    Session 22: Siege
  • 595 CY

    13 Wealsun 24:00
    595 CY

    14 Wealsun 01:00

    Zyrxog's Inner Sanctum
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party rescued Vin's mother and brothers from the drow's prison. They explored further, and penetrated the inner sanctum, fighting against a mind-blasting trap while rescuing Vin's uncle.   All captives accounted for, the party started illithid-hunting.

  • 595 CY

    14 Wealsun 01:00
    595 CY

    14 Wealsun 02:00

    Battle with Xyrxog the Mind-Flayer Mob Boss
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party fought the mind flayer Zyrxog in his Cathedral of the Mind. After their victory, they found a ledger in his office showing a payment from one Loris Raknian for "the apostolic scroll," and for the deaths of Vin Frostkeeper, Lins Bogmar, Nemara, and Sigvurd.

  • 595 CY

    14 Wealsun 02:00
    595 CY

    14 Wealsun 03:00

    Reclaiming the Jabbar Estate
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The party returned to the surface with Carlos Jabbar and reclaimed his manor from the doppelgängers who were copying the Jabbar family.

  • 595 CY

    15 Wealsun
    595 CY

    17 Wealsun

    Downtime in the Free City
    Financial Event

    The party did some shopping and socializing in the city. Vin and Lins learned new spells from the Wizards' Guild and the Mercenaries' Guild, Nemara took Zyrxog's items to a local sage (Eligos), and Sigvurd looked for clues about the naga.

  • 595 CY

    18 Wealsun 10:00
    595 CY

    18 Wealsun 16:00

    Naga Hunt
    Gathering / Conference

    The party recruited Zeke Dorn the Paladin to help them hunt down the naga who stole their magic items. They followed its trail to the city sewers, where it had enthralled some local youths to guard its hoard.

  • 595 CY

    18 Wealsun 16:00
    595 CY

    19 Wealsun 10:00

    An Opportunity for Violence
    Gathering / Conference

    The party retrieved their magic items from the Naga's hoard, but Zeke pointed out that his contract wasn't over since the Naga still lived. He was also interested in helping the party take on the Ebon Triad, so they invited him to join them on their quest.   The next day, the party was summoned by Eligos the Sage, who revealed the scrolls Raknian had bought contained a ritual for summoning a monstrous undead. He further explained that the Kyuss Nemara heard of was an elder evil whose return was said to signal the start of the Age of Worms.   Raknian would be occupied with the Champion's Games for the next week, so the party joined the games to get close to him. They hired Ekaym Smallcask, a friend of a friend of Eligos', as their manager.

  • 595 CY

    21 Wealsun 19:00
    595 CY

    21 Wealsun 24:00

    Day 1: The Champions' Feast
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The party attended the pre-opening feast for gladiators. They gathered intel on the arena and on the other gladiator teams, and decided on their team name: the Owlbears

  • 595 CY

    22 Wealsun 10:00

    Day 2: Battle Royale
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The party had breakfast with their fellow gladiators in their lodgings under the arena, then engaged in their first battle! They faced off against three other teams in a battle royale, and emerged victorious.

  • 595 CY

    22 Wealsun 24:00
    595 CY


    Night 2: Raknian's Secret Basement
    Life, Crime

    The party spent the day watching battles and communing with the other teams. Then they waited until the bustle of the day died down, then snuck under Raknian's lodgings. They discovered a secret basement.

  • 595 CY

    23 Wealsun 9:00
    595 CY

    23 Wealsun 24:00

    Night 3: Return to the Secret Basement
    Life, Crime

    Ekaym visited the party, and revealed that he really hired them to find out what happened to his sister Lahaka, who was last seen in Raknian's company one year ago.   That night, the party returned in full force to the secret chamber discovered under Raknian's palace. They fought a monster in a five-foot urn, but were discovered by a tiefling, who attacked them.

  • 595 CY

    24 Wealsun 01:00

    Night 3: Deeper In the Secret Basement
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party defeated the tiefling cleric and all his summons. They pushed deeper into the secret chambers below Raknian's palace, discovering a chest with a powerful trap, a passive zombie holding a teacup, and a scroll on an altar, emitting a line of green energy toward a set of stone double-doors.

  • 595 CY

    24 Wealsun 01:00
    595 CY

    24 Wealsun 03:00

    Night 3: The Puzzle of the Necrodoor

    The party rested, then experimented with destroying the scrolls which emitted a strange green light toward the grotesquely carved doors. Neither spell nor sword nor angry muttering seemed to affect them. The scrolls seemed to be generating a form of magical field over the doors that radiated strong necromantic energy, with the scrolls themselves protected by powerful abjuration.   They pressed on and fought several Spawns of Kyuss - worm-riddled undead that tried to infest them. They explored rooms with coffins, pits, and old water pumps, but found no more clues to the riddle of the doors...

  • 595 CY

    24 Wealsun 03:00

    Night 3: Unholy Worm
    Military action

    The party faced off against the Ulgurstasta, a horror that slept behind the unholy doors. It vomited bile and bone on them, and lashed the air with innumerable whips from its pores. By the party's combined effort, they brought the abomination down.

    Session Report
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  • 595 CY

    24 Wealsun 03:00
    595 CY

    24 Wealsun 10:00

    Day 4: A Reunion and a Battle
    Sporting Event / Competition

    In the morning, the party called for Ekaym to deliver his sister's body. Unfortunately, it had been infected with zombies from the captive Kyuss Spawn. After clearing up this messy and traumatizing reunion, the party hastened off against their next opponents: Pitch Blade. A reclusive team of dwarves, more deadly in their intentions than any gladiators they had yet faced.

    Session Report
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  • 595 CY

    24 Wealsun 23:00

    A Whale of a Tale
    Criminal Activity

    The party infiltrated Raknian's palace, intent on finding hard evidence of his involvement with the ulgurstasta and the hit on their lives, by any means necessary. When Raknian somehow detected the presence of the invisible party members, they panicked, and thinking to rescue them, Vin descended upon the scene... literally.

    Session Report
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  • 595 CY

    25 Wealsun
    595 CY

    25 Wealsun 02:00

    The Contrite and the Wayward
    Criminal Activity

    The party is torn apart, as some flee, some are restrained, and some surrender voluntarily in the wake of their chaotic infiltration.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
    More reading
    Act 5: The Champion's Belt
  • 595 CY

    26 Wealsun 10:00
    595 CY

    27 Wealsun 07:00

    Tell It to the Judge
    Civil action

    Vin and Zeke are taken into custody when Raknian gives them away, but they've got their own accusations to sling. The party is reunited in court, where they learn shocking news about their friend Eligos, and argue for their lives against a stone-faced Judge of Greyhawk.

  • 595 CY

    27 Wealsun 08:00
    595 CY

    27 Wealsun 22:00

    A Heroes' Welcome
    Disaster / Destruction

    The gang returned to Diamond Lake, which is reeling from the black dragon's devastation. It didn't take much convincing to go after the beast when they found out it had flown in pursuit of Allustan. They faced off against the creature where it waited outside the Whispering Cairn, fighting it to retreat. Upon entering, a new tunnel had been excavated...

    Session Report
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    Diamond Lake
  • 595 CY

    27 Wealsun 22:00
    595 CY

    28 Wealsun 00:00

    The Other Side
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party steps through the black portal and finds themselves immediately in danger. The trend continues as they pass through traps and clues and meet the temple's fiery guardian...

    Session Report
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  • 595 CY

    28 Wealsun 01:00

    A Dark Bargain
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Kaida the Psuedodragon is kidnapped by a mysterious spider-like being called the Flycatcher, and Sigvurd and Lins strike a fell bargain to get him back. But upon receiving a better offer from the charismatic Moreto, they decided to double-cross Kaida's capture. But they didn't account for how the Flycatcher would react once he realized their betrayal...

    Session Report
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  • 595 CY

    28 Wealsun 02:00

    The Lost and the Fog
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The party rides along as the Flycatcher escapes to his shadowy home, but finds themselves in over their head in that dark domain...

    Session Report
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    The Shadowfell
  • 595 CY

    28 Wealsun 03:00

    Fury and Despair
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The rest of the party emerges from the spellbook in the nick of time. They flee into the fog of the Shadow Plane and meet a group of Shadar-Kai who offer both rest and a way home, but for a heavy price...

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
    The Shadowfell
  • 595 CY

    29 Wealsun 10:00

    To Grandmother's House
    Life, Relocation

    The party met with the night hag Granny Toadhand, who asked them to fetch her the Angel's Tear in exchange for passage through her portal...

    Session Report
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    The Shadowfell
  • 724 CY

    30 Wealsun

    Where Angels Fear to Tread
    Military action

    The party hunts down the Tear and discovers it is the fractured soul of Angel, the rest of which likely lies in the Hag's clutches. Cleansed by its celestic aura, the party rallies the Shadar-Kai and descends up on Granny Voidsmirk's home...

    Session Report
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    The Shadowfell
  • 724 CY

    30 Wealsun 11:00

    Welcome to the THUNDERGLOBE
    Gathering / Conference

    Returned to the tomb, the party rescued Allustan from a thunderous globe, and learned he had come there seeking magical weapons to help them in their fight. The party took up the search as the wizard retreated, but ran into trouble with the tomb's defenses...

  • 724 CY

    30 Wealsun 12:00

    Into the River Below

    The party did a little tomb-raiding, then climbed down into the pit. Their climb quickly became a fall, and then a falling battle as they were ambushed by powerful wind warriors!

    Session Report
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    More reading
    Act 6: A Gathering of Winds