Session up to 38 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session up to 38

General Summary

Entering the Mesa
The Red Mesa. As our mighty adventurers finally crest over the dunes on their way towards the red mesa, they see the welcoming sight of soaring red archways off in the distance, light glistens across oddly placed pylons that crest each of the largest of the mesa's craggy risings. The wind has died down and the air around you is still, a sense of calm and accomplishment washes over you as you've made it this far.

Give party chance to discuss their intentions in the Red Mesa

As you gain closer to the Red Mesa you see what appears to be the sun separating and a second blazing ball of energy circles in the sky... A flash of blinding light appears and you hear what sounds like cracking lightning. Before your eyes, you see a woman with shards of jagged glass that extend out from where she stands, her eyes, radiant balls of blazing light - her skin white with gold veins that course across it and in place of her hair you see radiant golden locks that whisp and curl at the ends. She wears a white robe and around her neck a gold chain with a polyhedral symbol in its centre.
To'Reli will introduce herself and ask Velouria to introduce her to her friends. She will explain how she gives Velouria her power, and that her little "blackout" of power occurred for a reason.
She asks why they are ruining her purification rituals?
These rituals will aid in pushing evil out of Kaomora for good!
What are their intentions in The Red Mesa?
She and other lesser deities have no dominion in the Mesa so her ability to supervise and assist is very limited.
Betrayal a second-time Velouria will not be tolerated. You walk on a thin sheet Velouria, a seat at the council or a seat at the end of the days with the rest of your Voidkin Angels - You see her mutter a quick prayer and a sphere of radiant light swirls seemingly fighting with a void of black energy - the sphere grows from her position and begins to consume you all - What do you do?
Give the party a moment to try and do what they wish.
You find yourselves now standing on a wide-open plane of glass - you look down to see your reflection standing on the opposite side - your expressions sullen and defeated - beyond yourselves you see a dark void, blackened trees, harrowing and twisted souls lurching across the landscape, each as black as night but for a single hole that punctures their check about a fist wide and goes clean through them. Their face is now white masks frozen expressions of pain, suffering and longing emotions.
Above you see the Solaric Council they sit at large golden chairs around an oval ivory table, they seem deep in discussion - they seem concerned, worried, something is a miss. They keep pointing at different sections of a map of Kaomora that is strewn across the table. Above them you see a ceiling with 100s of 1,000s of long golden lines that have small pulsing beads of energy, you notice as the lines each weave across and around the ceiling each intersecting with one and other, then within it, there are two knots with goldenrods in them. on the table a map, DC12 Investigation check to see where the pins are located and that the one over Port Qualienta is now black - pins align with what's written in Orzhovs Black Book. On a DC15 Investigation check of the roof, you notice 5 of the are twisted around each other and are extending towards the next golden knot.
Once they have seen both sides, depending on how much they walk a pen drops from the table and falls smashing the glass and as they are in free fall they land back in the desert once more.
Looking down Velouria now has 3 bands around her left ankle one of them is black the other two still shine golden, choose your path wisely Velouria you hear whispered across the dunes as a flash of light ascends back toward the sun. You now see the jagged glass has formed into two gripping hands that curl over each other, in the centre of which is an amulet with a dodecahedron necklace identical to the one worn by To'Reli

As the players enter the Red Mesa itself a high pitch whistle is detected by the elves as puffs of smoke swiftly swirl past the players, as 3 quicklings descend on them to draw blood for Avanteris and leave. Theatre of the mind combat if needed.
After the scuffle, a tall slender Dragonborn seems to be looking quizzically at the party. He is an unassuming build, thin for Dragonborn, bronze and red scales, large orange eyes, and rows and rows of horns jut from his jaw and rows forming back across his head. He is lighting a cigarette and walking towards you.
Introduce Darue Drakon - you may call me Rue, I see you're having a rough start to the dunes, what has bought you here. Maybe a friendly face could change your mind.
What additions occurred in session 29
Poseys' hair is fabulously tied with the Tlincalli head scarf.
Scale of a bullette - Dorian
Altis and Dorian run for the flowers
Nora the black lotus flower - in a mini Terrarium
Nora blocks out the sun in her terrarium
Posey shared her letter
Calista seems interested in finding Effaziah to cure her curse.
Amberjack - questions what to do next
Amberjack - now has the mark of To'Reli burnt into his shoulder
The Necklace of To'Reli -
Amulet of the Solaric Council - +1 spell focus.
Blood of Velouria, Posey is with Avanteris .
Ritual dagger of Blood Extraction - Golden Phoenix in hilt - picked up 3 of them - Calista, ABJ and Dorians
Dorian now cuddles Tele Aran
Garillia - Wife of Rue - He wants passage to Selunes Rest and explains the difficulty with pregnancy and that his wife has been taken as a slave to Noxxarion's Rise ---
4 x black lotus sashimi
Masks of the Moonlit Court - discussed with the Bard - Nerdalye - she will be working tomorrow morning.

  • Friends with Rue

    They've spoke with Rue, met with Meowgli and had pipe and tea at the The Soft sands tavern - they are now venturing out likely to Rue's place to rest.
    Rue will take them to Ruezeen's Tailory - a Sandstone structure in the lunar sands - he explains that the Lunar Sands flea was once a prominent trading mecha his father and his father's father enjoyed many years of good business till the new auction rooms were built.
    Lunar flea
    Har'trel's Fine Instruments
    Choosing their colours
    Blue Valvet tea - a warm but calming blend of tea with a hint of Kameleon Dust Brown hair dazzling green eyes - red and
    A drum in a room - with a large laboratory - a hooded figure with serpentine emerald skin and the mark of the Collector.
    Ruby Red alluring dress to Posey - Brown turban.
    Cross X dress for Velouria with ballon pants in Copper and Purple with black purple pantaloons
    Crackling gold energy top for Dorian and ivory white pants
      Enal - Halfing Girl
    Met Bomush
    Met with Etrielle - Wears the mask of the fox
    Leviathans tendrils rip a boat into the horizon
    Rosa Prigold - tall pale elf with brown hair and green eyes
    The vision of Velouria riding towards the crystal flanked by her parents who dissolve and Corelon with open arms embracing Velouria running towards him.
    The Many Masks of the Moonlit court - Nerdalye will be playing there along with a few other select bards in different parts of the court, masks however are not acquired by street vendors but given at the event. New to the event are given the mask of the owl as an observer.
    Kalbren Gotetski Nerdalye - found within the court and gets it on with Dorian.
    Iron Battreo - Loxodon's boat Their boat was sunk by Captain Charmick Debrov
    Bulagd - the Loxodon - merchants - that's boat crashed and now are in the red mesa for the time being
    Eslayna - meets with Avanteris
    Posey takes the psychic potion before meeting her.

    Other rooms within the Moonlit Mascarade at the Golden Phoenix

    The Ivory pools on the second floor (The rooms of the doves) - a set of 15 small rooms each with a pool filled with a white liquid, marble tiling and soft music playing from an enchanted lute in the corner, white sheer curtains dance gently in the night's air back and forth and this
    In one of the chambers, you hear soft echos of giggling. The lute in this room seems to be playing a traditional dwarven song and there are two dwarven figures dancing in nude in the moonlight giggling to each other - one a short male with long dark hair and the other female has short blonde hair.
    The male figure is Dartren De Rostas - who is hear to spy on Avanteris ahead of the meeting for Zaelix. The female is Prixtra Boltas a lady of the night at the harem.
    One of the other chambers seems to be playing a more sombre song and has a man that is laying back in the pool alone. This is Celisster Mok
    During the proceedings Count Draugan Vastic will saunter up to the party and proceed discussions with Velouria ask of her needs and what she is after. He is the kind of soul that looks to alleviate pain in others he acquires slaves out of his love to fix the souls that are broken, a kind and compassionate man. He frequents these places looking for souls that are lost.

    Aventeris main plot discussion point
    Wants to know what they’ve learnt thus far - there is the easy way or the polite way - has Posey's blood in a vial next to her.
    Posey the vampire maybe?
    She will offer this gift to Posey should she be interested in turning to become a vampire. The ability to withdraw memories from someone's blood is powerful, but to an untrained mind, it can be volatile and horrendously painful if incorrectly imbibed.

    The Cube
    She will ask if they’ve figured out the cube - She will show them the port key and how it works - but she’s never completed the cube - as it resets when you use it to open one of the rifts and she’s never been bothered enough to figure it out beyond that use.
    Eslayna - 106 not in her 80s
    Why To’Reli sucks
    Aventeris will explain that the world of Kaomora was not always bathed in purity. Yes there are some wild creatures and odd blips of evil-doing, but not all darkness is evil, she is a child of darkness, the drow were children of darkness and there are many others who ToReli has burnt away with her radiant light.

      After I was erased by ToReli I was cast out to the far reaches of the shadowfel, I found myself wandering these forests and they were filled with these glum and horribly disfigured and twisted sullow creatures. All husks in some form or another of people who once lived in the Red Mesa. I on the other hand was just as before, i realised these twisted husks were the souls that were trapped and syphoned here by that ritual her minions performed. Not all of these souls seemed like they were meant to be here, I knew some of them, they were good people. It seemed rather than taking their paths to the river styx or the celestial chanel. The souls went here and began to slowly wither and twist in to forms of their most purest and sadded emotions.

    Now as a vampire I don't have a soul. I offer no point for this strange corruption to take hold. But I also had no mortals to feed on.

    Her Time in the Shadowfel

    Spends time hiding from The Raven Queen and her Shadar’kai - they hated the idea of knowledge being shared and saw her as a prized opportunity to consume her thoughts and put them into one of their pools of possibilities (think tanks).
    While spending many a hungry evening alone she stumbled on the undead armies of Kahrazoon, he informed her that he was preparing for the rising. It was only a matter of time now as he wasn’t able to store all the souls or keep them safe?

      At first she didn’t realise what he meant and she just assumed he was trying to profit on the misery that the souls were going through. Kahrazoon at first gave her very little other than a very unsettling feeling.

      Later on she discovered a feeding ground, pools of devil spawn known as Lemures seemed to be bubbling away, like an idiot she consumed one’s blood, one after another after another. Till she was there at the base of the giant crystal that housed Zaelix.

      He charmed her with his silver tongue and promised her a way out of this place in exchange for completing the final elements of a glyph he had his bumbling idiot lemures working on in the dirt around him. Once the contract was complete in a flash he was gone and I could feel a horrid and mortal sensation again - my mind started to split and a fragment of a soul in my body was connected with Orzhov. She waited and waited and for the first time in a long time began to feel tired - she slept and dreamt and Ioun found her again. Told her to seek the truth, seek knowledge, she gave her the tattoo and it pointed back towards the tower with the Lich. I feel this is something Zaelix didn’t bank on happening.
    Avanteris - has heard of this vault which she has heard contains the original truths of the The Order of Undying Knowledge but she has now only heard rumours of it's a location somewhere in the sands, it is not exactly a location in physicality but something you seek in your mind and those with a strong mind, body and soul are able to seek her knowledge. Given she now no longer has a soul she is not able to locate it and the sun is far less than ideal for her to travel in.

    Session 30 happenings

    The Sphynx is the sands is the next learning point
    Skeletal remains of wyrm - seen by Dorian as a golden light that leads him to the collector where the drum is
    Mask fo the Dove for Dorian
    Fleighugendeghasteneinmach - safe word for Dorian
    Posey chooses not to become a vampire

      Learns that Kearal can modify memory and he is the true champion of the way of the open mind

      Aventeris speaks of the tomb in the sands but to find it's entrance you must be of sound mind body and soul. She doesn't have one so can't access it.

      They find Dartren De Rostas - However his mind has been warped by the Zaelix's titivilus tricks

      Eslayna leanrs there is a blot in her mind and she is actually 102 and not in her 80s and that is due to Kearal using mind fracture to alter her memory away from what she learnt.

      They've clocked Dartren - Amberjack curious of that

      Pindaru - is where his bird is from

      Went through all the rooms

      Ingeth and Annent - THe Werebear and his lorikeet love honey - he will eventually take the bird of ABJ given he hasn't cared for it much. (Winnie the pooh)

      Calista -Finds a bolt of silk and gnomes fucking

      Amberjack interrupts cunnilingus between dwarfs

      They learn of the Shadowfel and why To'Reli is a cunt

      Aventeris didn't know about when meeting with Zaelix is - Meets with Zaelix in two days Avanteris

      They went through all the rooms

      Ended with ABJ trying to pull Dartren off Pixtra Boltas

      Re-introduce Pixtra Boltas in the markets in the next few days as she's fired up about the cock blocking ABJ did

      ABJ has the mask of the Hawk
    Posey and Calista also shift to the Hawk
    Dorian the Dove
    Velouria the Lion

      Velouria fucks Cellister Mok

    Session 31
    Killed Dartren
      Been to Zambozuk's the pet store - Don't like the owner
      Went to Fenmuzu's - he sold Carrington Cannith the schematics - didn't discover the actual name of them though.
      Calista learnt of the Moguluk
    On the way back through the Flea these stores may highlight to them. If you're new here she will suggest they check out Har'trel's if they're interested in instruments or if you a seller rather than a buyer I am sure Saamir al-Tawil would pay good money for that bird of yours. Leads to Zambozuk's
      If he spots the lute he knows they've been to Gorbens and he will ask if by chance they knew of a dagger he left there - it is a most prized possession of his. Happy to explain a little more in exchange for it.
    He explains that there is a master thief who procured them for him - he's an odd fellow, an Elven man with red hair and blue eyes. He has a cloak that changes colours.
      He remembers he had a woman with him that night he dropped off the items from his recent expedition a human woman with platinum blonde hair, couldn't make out much more detail as she wore a full suit of armour, which I believe that Kugren eventually got his greedy little mitts on. (This is the suit that was found in Gorbens).
      He purchased off him the schematics were an easy one as there was no need to do any scrubbing as people pay good money for any elite tinkerers works. The other items he sent to Bomush for re-aligning and repair.
      Most rare magical items that don't sell here I put on consignment with Bomush who is at Radiant Reliquaries so you'll have to speak with him, but I don't believe there are any other outstanding consignments from that lot still at his place.
      Bomush is shy and can be persuaded to talk about the items that his brother specifically asked him not to discuss if they offer up a rare magic item. He says that his brother knows more than he does and maybe speak with him, but from what he knows they came from a guy named Kiggorlug Ruby-Ratchet, maybe speak with his brother at The Golden Gauntlet.- he will trade a ruby coin which will give them access to the Ruby Stone house in exchange for the final missing piece of his depoilt set.

      Which leads to Ruby Stone House - he will aid Calista in making her Humonculous and also give her the A Seeker Drone which will reignite on detecting Calistas presence. Ruby will inform them of the rumour of a great vault of unfinished inventions from the famous Olistar Copenski - this Seeker drone was said to give the chosen one access to it's inner core. Should the party follow this line it will lead them to Olistars Love Piston .

    As the sun comes up it will dawn on the party that they're tired and require immediate rest.

    Session 31 Post notes
    Dorian left his blood for Aventeris
    Fatoz an elven mage they bumped into
    Dorian wears his mask proudly
    Make a deal with Fenmuzu - Scrying on Tarius Heimek and gold
    Fenmuzu told them that Al'Saliim is scared of Land-sharks.


    Session 32

      Electing to sleep at Rue's place -

      Jeritza has shown himself to Velouria and Dorian - he is weaker than before
    He feels guilt for leading her towards To'Reli - he knows she seeks more power from To'Reli, her bonds are now deserving of a familiar. The side of me that is corrupted can access different beings, maybe beings that won't be reporting back to To'Reli. When you're ready to seek your familiar I am ready to aid you.

      Velouia's ritual to summon a familiar.
    Jeritza may ask for Dorian's assistance to try and conserve some of his power. He says he would have preferred ABJ with his innate ability for planar travel but Dorian will do.

      Jeritza will place the following items before Velouria

    A black feather of a raven
    A scruff of white fur
    Scales of fish
    Fragment of an antler

    The entrance of

    Florizel (Demon - turned cute ferret)
    Magdalir (Heaven Sprite)

      Post session 32
    Learnt of Zaelix was held in an Amber Vault
    Posey writes a letter to Shay - Requesting information regarding Allips
    More mentioning of the Moguluk
    Dorian learnt of the Soul Manor Woods - Is the place that Urdendris lives in the woods south of Hobachak

    Celestial gates were raided by Demons Florizel (orc-demon form) aided Jeritza
    Calista learnt of the Shimmerstone is the resting place of Olistar
    Amberjack learnt of him being the prime meridian - His mother is Hassis'Ravoots and his father is Curiel
    Dorian learnt of where the Drum is and to seek Ik'Toth & to seek his assistant Sitka
    ABJ & Calista met with Ruby Ratchet - gave Calista the Seeker and also a basic set of armoursmith armour for 750gp

      Session 33
      Poseys Dream to go
      Jeritza's lost knowledge
      Jeritza's knowledge of the Gynospynx
    The word Gynosphynx triggered a shard of a memory, a memory he only caught a glimpse of - like it was there but never truly existed DC 14 History check (Velouria's stat block) He recalls a contract forged between him and To'Reli and a flash of white and crimson light.
    After that occurred - he saw a small sphere of swirling energy DC 15 History Check - which he later learned to be a Mind Vault. I remember they are kept in a secret chamber somewhere in Kaomora - this Gynosphnx I feel is connected to them. DC 14 History check - I feel it may be an old order to either Ioun or maybe even the Raven queen - both love knowledge but one loves secrets.

      As they wake a Black song bird drops Nerdalye's letter to Dorian

    Posey is messaged by Gordala Kelpkeep
    She has intercepted her request on Allips and wishes to know how she has come to know of these?
    She also hands Velouria her own tube that will privately direct mail to Shay as to avoid clogging important work with love letters.

    More visible weakening of Jertiza

      Darue voices concern over the Blue Valvet Tea
    Darue Drakon - will voice concern over the tea he gave them - it did not have the standard effects he is used to of Kameleon Dust
    Felt like someone has corrupted the supply - he will go speak with Lianthorn Twigblight who usually cultivates the herbs to figure out what is going on.

      Session 34&35 (AirDnD)

    Shadar kai - tried to make a deal with Zaelix
    The Raven Queen is praying on the secrets of
    Calista 1 charge of Secret Syrum
    Vial of Kahrazoons loyal servant (Finger)
    Dorian explains around IkToth - and his desires to go to wyrmbone outpost.
    Jeritza shared his story of the Gynosphynx with Velouria
    Dorian got his letter from Nerdalye and shared it
    ABJ got a double-walled box for cold storage of meat
    Posey has been discovered by Gordalla
    Caught up with Gordalla
    Taken to pocket dimension, She explained that the extensis tubes are not for private messages, Pronoia is an old champion of Ioun and you must be of pure mind, body and soul to enter her chambers.
    Learnt of the Weave which is what allows the use of magic within Kaomora
    Learnt that Zaelix is not welcome seemingly within the hells
    Scryed on Prixtra Boltas - found her in her quarters in the north sector of Red Mesa - a shop known as Boltas Blacksmithry
    Gordala Kelpkeep is not impressed with To'Reli and the way the order is currently running.
    Explains the original Arcanis Council, each member had a cube and they were high wizards that originally ran Kaomora, each gifted in certain sectors of magic. The head of Divination Von Maysterstuck sought To'Reli and she then controlled the council from there.
    Name of interest is Yorgi Kahrazoon, they learnt that powerful magic greater than a 9th level spell can come at a great cost - he was the head of Necromancy and To'Reli thought this was very dangerous, she initiated a cleanse of Kaomora and in doing so created the peach that Kaomora enjoys today.
    To'Reli over took the The Order of Undying Knowledge and rebranded and rebuilt it as The Order of the Timeless
    Gordala Kelpkeep's family have been in the order for generations
    The binding pillars are creations of To'Reli which draw the material plane to align closer to the good-aligned planes.
    Learns that if Jeritza is drained of all his power then he will become mortal and die. To save him she must seek celestial artefacts to re-energize Jeritza
    Ioun is rewarding of those who seek knowledge and adventure
    They learnt that there are also harmless creatures such as boggles in the shadowfel but most creatures there are dark and evil, such as boneclaw's
    Trevor the Crab in Posey's hair
    ABJ learns more of the path of a prime Meridean
    A prime meridians position is not to dwell in the material realm, but sail the astral sea intercepting any evil that tries to trespass its waters on the way to Good-Aligned realms
    There are two Prime merideans an Alpha and an Omega - Omega controls the seas towards the evil planes, the alpha controls the passage to the good aligned planes
    Currently if he is the Alpha Prime Meridean then there is nothing protecting the good allgined planes
    ABJ instructed to seek The Great serpent Leventus he will aid in his ability to create gateways between planes
    If these souls are not being transported to heaven or hell and are indeed stuck in the shadowfel, then they should try and get to the celestial gates that are at the base of mount celestial
    The other option is the River Styx however this may be far more challenging if ABJ is the Alpha and not the Omega
    Dorian seeks further information about the Wyrmbone outpost and realises it is a few days ride from the Red Mesa, the assistant to the collector is named Sitka and she does most of his deals.
    The collector is also after three tomes held by the order
    Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent - Lord of Snakes
    Worship of the truly devout - The true guide to the worship of the serpent lord
    Fangs, Teeth and bloodsport - Zehir's sacrificial blood sport
    In return Dorian must log their heroic journeys and make notes in particular about
    What of Zaelix
    What of Good and Evil
    What of Balance
    Scry on Claude - he is heading through the sands currently, he is a more athletic build and he walks with purpose and wears a green cloak with bug detailing on the shoulders
    Scry on Nyctaeus - find he is being ridden by an undead soldier wielding a runic blade who is attacking the devils in the shadowfel
    Scry on Leventus - known to inhabit the Ink Oil tides - smashed Gordala Kelpkeep's mirror in the process
    Visited The Twig & Twill Botanist and the proprietor Lianthorn Twigblight
    Met with his pet Gibbers
    Spoke of Kameleon Dust and that someone is mucking up his supply, he receives some of the ingredients from up north
    Posey swaps his old Ioun book with her newer version of the text. One of the curious twigblights starts shredding pages, when Lianthorn Twigblight hears of Ioun his eyes turn black and the concerns of an allip occur
    ABJ becomes a water elemental and then grabs the other book and destroys it
    Twigblights go for a swim in ABJ and then start to grow coral flowers
    Posey discovers her father houses a secret that can turn him to a allip
    Posey General request on how to cure an Allip

    Bump into a rotund halfling who is a book store owner
    Go to Donna's Emporium of Books
    Meet her son Nonda
    Calista gets a book on inventors in Red Mesa featuring Prixtra Boltas Explains she did collaboratively with CLCxxx - PTR0061 & PTR0523
    They purchased the book of pets
    Monkey & Flying Monkey Care
    How to care for your crab (Buy shell pellets)
    Visit Bomush at his store Radiant Reliquaries
    Do a deal and buy more magic items
    One is a key to Mummy Lords tomb as they are the only ones that Bomush would know to have a Soul-Sundering weapon

    Learn of the mining of arcane residuem dust which can replace material components, this is done through a dwarven mining company that is based out of Hammer Deep in an underground location known as the Titans Spine which is rumoured to also have Titan Residuem.
    Operation liberation activated - The party raid Zambozuk's and Vulita is on survelence while the party sneak in, Posey is caught by 2 black abashai a fight breaks out, the party capture the animals and run.
    They then secure the animals to realise that the black abashai are too much and run. In doing so the black abashai fill their contract by slaying Vulita. They disappear
    The party elect to resurrect Vulita, question Saamir al-Tawil briefly before sending him to the service of Kahrazoon
    In turning over the store they discovered
    A secret ledger that was selling animals to Jemarcus Kris'een - assumedly for consumption rather than as pets
    Also someone under the initial N has purchased an Ivory Khagra for 4,500gp from Zambozuk
    There was a painting of the old family of Saamir al-Tawil - he his sister and father at the front of Zambozuk's - the painting was done around 35 years ago and was painted by a painter named Aeburh
    Leave the Gribbick to eat the corpse of Saamir al-Tawil
    Party go to Needle & Point and meet with Shtiegvarr Chester exchange brief notes and discussions. do not purchase anything
    Learn of Shtiegvarr Chester trying to find his son Heldren Chester and he has a wife Morg'hana Chester and that they can write to her in Sweet Water but does not want songs written or sung about her.
    The party come back to Rue's he queries their shopping and if they are ready to help face Noxxarion - not quite yet.
    ABJ cooks Rainbow Potatoes and Fey Goose Fillet - however, backfires and ABJ and Velouria randomly honk like geese for the next 5 hours (which may interrupt sleep)
    Calista Cannith deal is with a demon named Sauraxis who controls the red reavers
    Dorris Delphinium seemingly has made a deal with a devil of fertility - Akhos as Florizel read out the deals leger that he has access too.

      Stores to likely checkout -

      Aeburh - painter of the family portrait
    Shtiegvarr Chester - Hector the Caterbee
    Gefortas - Getting Dress in Rue's
    Noxxarion - N has taken an Ivory Khagra.
    Send Posey - Old Ioun book writings Waltom - A Cartographer Kenku
    Zambozuk's the pet store - Now closed for business They've revived Vulita - They fought off the black abashai

    Dorian has learnt that there is a contract that he mother has made with a fertility devil Akhos

    Session 36
      Up to finding Zaelix
    The meeting with Zaelix - 4:42pm

      Zaelix explains to Avanteris his desires to form his own layer of hell

      He explains he has almost all the power he needs to defeat Kahrazoon

      He wants her to join him and he wants to use her vampiric powers to destroy the souls of demons. Just like she did with the Lemurs he left for her in the Shadowfel.

      He will wonder if the BB's are the champions that Avanteris has decided on? If declined he will start to seek his own champion - he has already corrupted some of the order to aid him in his discoveries and he will enjoy watching their halls of knowledge slowly twist into nothing more than children's stories by the time he has finished with it.
      She asks what he wants with Velouria - it's Jeritza's power in exchange for her safety. But once his power is gone so is her safety. Then I can complete my collection of house Ivreni.

      Now that she has heard what he has had to say, she realises the first part of her contract comes into effect - that anything he says on request requires her passive or forceful co-operation in her decision.

      Met with Waltom - Got the location of the mummy Crpyt
      Saw - Ingeth he seemed to be on his own mission - not really discussing much with the BBs

    Session 37- post notes

      Went to Boltas Blacksmiths & Prixtra Boltas - firstly she will be mad AF at ABJ for ruining her evening, she is also trying to find that boy to show him how it's really done. Secondly, she will speak with Calista regarding Clovis and how they co-labbed on a few projects together. However, Prixtra has now decided to continue working on less arcane and more functional work.
      Dorian promised to take her on a date in the next 10 days.
      Went to Har'trel's Fine Instruments

      Heard the words of the Town Cryer - Tiefling boy named Vinnien
      The Slumber-sky sand trials enroll at the shackled lens for those interested. If they are victorious they win the blessing of Kooreg and are given the right to free one person from slavery.

    In other news The Blazing Lady Festival - Aftermath has ended badly due to a spike in bad Kameleon Dust and Justine Timber-Snake is now in hiding as attendees turned to zombies and are stalking through the desert. People have been warned and those able are encouraged to deal with the zombies. Draugan Vastic is paying 2g per proven zombie kill and will pay 700g for the safe return of Justine Timber-Snake.
      Party met with Ingeth will see the party again and discuss the Slumber-sky sand trials and that if they are there to compete then best understand he will be competing in the male race. He also indicated he is a follower of the Moon weaver and was looking to free a fellow follower of the moon weaver and this is why he is doing the trials. He is not going to be hanging around to try and free everyone.
      Party made their way past Zambozuk's - found the gribbick ate most of Saamir al-Tawil.
      Bumped into two Yuanti on the way - they then went back and said Jemarcus Kris'een will not be pleased.
      They went to the Shackled lens and met with Ixiris Moxley and Posey enrolled in the womens race for the Slumber sky trials - Ixiris then exclaimed she will do her sister and father proud from reading her name.
      Stuff yet to do
      Session 39
      Have Nerdalye playing the harp - she has a black eye and is scared to see Dorian there.
      Other slaves
    Cyna - Halfling - Wirey white hair
    Sonod - Dwarf lady (echo night)
    Mili - Dragonborn black - female

      Yokiri - Life debt - friend of the Battleboobs - Freed from Slavery shattered the The shackled lens
      Debt of Bono is now living with Lianthorn and Jibber.
    Report Date
    03 Jul 2024