Eastbridge Settlement in Moontide Isles | World Anvil


Founded by Liam Greyhall while on an expedition commissioned by Queen Inis of Kildare to clear the wilds to establish trade route, Eastbridge grew from the base that came of the expedition. Once the trade routes were cleared and established, Liam Greyhall was awarded the title of Duke in 215 DR and the cleared lands became his duchy to watch over.   Since then, the town has grown and the Greyhall family has continued to rule through the generations, with each successive Duke following in Liam's footsteps as a warrior-duke who rides out to combat the threats to the trade and to the settlements of the Duchy.   The town is rustic by most standards, but it is well-protected by a standing militia and a wooden palisade that surrounds the settlement.

Points of interest

Ducal Castle

The castle was based on the first building in Eastbridge, but it has changed a lot since the old days. For a while, it was the only building, a simple wooden structure surrounded by a palisade fence. After it was burned down in an orc raid, the duke rebuilt in stone. He created a three-story stone keep on the hillside and surrounded it with a two-story stone wall. After the orc raiders were hunted down and destroyed, the people of the castle began building outside the walls of the castle, eventually creating the town as it stands today. The ducal gate leads to the city and is always open. Inside the courtyard are the duke's private parade grounds, his own blacksmith shop, and stables for his animals. The larder is well-stocked with preserved food, enough for a year's siege. About 50 people live in the castle, and there is enough room for 100 more. Most of the duke's men at arms live in town, but his select guard lives in the keep. For a duke, Hueck Greyhall and his forebears keep a very small household. But then, there aren't any comparable nobility within 100 miles in any direction.  

Happy Cow Tavern

This pleasant tavern is the domain of Fulvis Proudlake, an adventurer halfling who retired to keep the tavern. Now he disdains adventurers and soldiers and concentrates on a clientele of farmers and townsmen. Nothing in the decor or in the attitudes of the employees recalls Fulvis' adventuresome past.  

Lucky Lady Tavern

This two-story structure was once a warehouse for a trading concern which was wiped out by an orc raid. Darryl Orcslayer, an adventurer who helped destroy the orcs, was given the warehouse as a reward by the survivors of the trading family. Darryl died some years ago, but his son, Owen, presides over the tavern and encourages the patronage of soldiers and adventurers. The walls are decorated with weapons, armor, and trophies various patrons have brought back from their battles. One interesting feature is a large stone column set in the middle of the floor. On it are inscribed the unique symbols of patrons who have died in battle or disappeared on a quest. Any toast given in the tavern must include a libation to those who have fallen before us. Owen is always eager to hear tales of adventuring and to repeat tales he has heard from others, but the only adventuring he has done has been with the militia.  

Red Knight's Temple

The Red Knight is the god worshipped by Duke Greyhall. His cylindrical temple is the largest in the town, the only one to share the hillside with the castle. Tonus Redsplitter leads worship and lends magical aid to those in need.  

River Shining Tavern

This is the main entertainment center for the nobility of the surrounding lands and the major notables of Eastbridge. The duke and his sister have been known to eat here, and the main hall of the tavern doubles as the meeting room for the Council of Guilds. The Desymbir family took their name from the river and named the tavern after it, too. The River Shining Tavern is the longest established tavern still operating in Eastbridge and claims to date from the town's founding. Certainly, the wooden building's architectural style matches that of the oldest buildings in town. The first Desymbir was a half-elf known as Kelven. He married a human woman and their children were human. Still, the family treasures its elven heritage and uses a forest motif throughout the tavern. Only the most successful with much gold to spend are welcomed at the River Shining Tavern, though no one is turned away as long as they have the money for their drinks and meals. The current proprietor is Lucas Desymbir.  

Seabert's Tower

When the wizard, Seabert, came to Eastbridge ten years ago, he was hailed as a hero. He used the town's gratitude and reward to take over the tower in exchange for swearing to keep the town safe from its vantage point on the hillside. The tower's arrow ports are smaller than usual, since all they are needed for is room to let a magic user see a target for a spell. The windows facing in are much larger, allowing Seabert to look out over the town if he desires. Like all the other towers, this one is three stories tall. The top story is Seabert's living quarters. The second story is where he teaches his apprentices and where they sleep if they are staying with him. The first story contains a stable for his riding mule and is also used for general storage.  

Shrine of Midone

This shrine has moved from place to place since Midone was first worshipped in Eastbridge. Midone has always been the second-choice god of the ducal family, but its priests have never been powerful. Currently, the shrine is a fairly neat wooden building next to the drill field.  

Shrine of Thiulla

Dana Weaver founded the shrine of Thiulla in Eastbridge and, though getting up there in age, she still maintains it with several underclerics.  

Temple of Sucellus

Jaida Wheatley the priestess presides over this large stone establishment not far from the farmers' gate. She has several underclerics and they spend their time fulfilling the needs of the temple, including blessing fields and researching new plants. The only apothecary in town is Duneden working out of the temple. He has the ingredients for most common spells, but he depends on caravans for more exotic ingredients.
Founding Date
215 DR
900 in town, 1500 if including surrounding farming communities and hamlets
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization