Winterglen Geographic Location in Moontide Isles | World Anvil


The northern reaches of Baeddon are dominated by the thick, dense forest known as Winterglen. The tall trees and thick shrubbery are not inhospitable and a small kingdom of Wood Elves claims the territory as their own. The First Mother Soliania rules the land here and keeps a tenuous peace with the human kingdom wherein their forest realm resides. The First Mother Soliania allows the human settlements to use the edges of Winterglen for foresting, as it keeps a peace between the peoples. A few pathways move through Winterglen, but most of those traveled by non-elves keep to the edges of the forest.   The edges of the forest are beautiful and relatively normal. However, the deepest inner portions of the forest have been affected by the connections to the Feywild. The flora and fauna here are more lush and voluminous and the animals within the forest seem to possess a greater sentience and awareness. Some even say that the nature of magic itself is altered within the deepest parts of Winterglen.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Related Reports (Secondary)