
Cavernhold is a dwarven city in the central Dragonpeaks. Like many dwarf cities in the Dragonpeaks, it has for most of it's history been controlled by the Aurean Empire, being incorporated into the province of High Rift as it is just to the west of the plateau that makes up most of the province. Since the empire's partial collapse over the last two hundred years, its control over Cavernhold has weakened, and the city now sends Aurea a small tribute — which they officially call "taxes" — but is otherwise self-governing.   The city is built into a mountain on the edge the plateau making up most of High Rift. Beyond its large gates, which are open during the day time except in cases of extreme weather or an imminent attack, is a large hall which includes a where goods from beyond the city are sold to the inhabitants. Spreading out from there, both to the sides, deeper into the mountain, and on staircases going both up and down, are hallways connecting to residences, workshops, temples, a large library, and even an impressive series of underground gardens full of decorative mushrooms. Beyond these passages, in all directions, are the mines where most of the population works.


The population is made up almost entirely of dwarves, though many other people live within the city. Unlike in some dwarf cities, outsiders are generally welcome, and are allowed to move into the city when space is availible.


The city is ruled by a king or queen. The monarch has final say on all matters, but in practice most decisions are made after consultation with a council of prominant citizens appointed by the monarch. For much of the cities history the monarch was appointed by the empire, but like many imperial positions it has become hereditary over the last few centuries.

Industry & Trade

Cavernhold produces a variety of minerals, but most of its wealth comes from gold. The mines are owned by the city, and most of the population works either in the mines or in processing of ores. All profits go to the city, some then sent on to the emperor, but the workers are paid fairly well and can easily purchase metal tools from the workshops and outside goods at the market, leaving poverty levels quite low. Mine and mineral processing workers are given free lodging within Cavernhold, but those not employed by the city must pay a small rent.


The city is built in halls and caverns that were originally created through the process of mining. Many of the more prominant chambers, especially near the entrance, have since been carved and decorated to be more aesthetically pleasing, but the areas further in still largely resemble mineshafts. A small aqueduct carries water from a small lake nearby through a short tunnel just above the gates to a cistern just inside the city, but residents must travel to the cistern to collect any water they may need.


The mine was first created in 2457 AY by a group of dwarven miners from a mine that had recently run dry. It grew into a small settlement before the large gold veins were discovered deeper beneath the surface, at which point the city began to grow dramatically. The Aurean Empire decided to take control as the stream of gold grew larger, and though the city at first shut its gate they soon gave in without bloodshed and the reigning king was exciled and replaced by an appointed official. In recent years the city has regained a significant level of autonomy, though it is still officially a part of the empire.
Founding Date
2457 AY
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under