The Undercanopy

The Undercanopy is the name given to the massive rifts and chasms that dissect High Rift and to the jungle that fills the bottom. The rifts range from being increadibly narrow, sometimes little more then cracks, to being over a mile in width, and vary from a few hundred to over a thousand feet deep. The rifts collect most of the areas water, making it extremely wet in contrast to the dry land above, and filling much of it with mist that conceals all but the tallest treetops from anyone looking down from above.   Hidden beneath these mists is a vast and complex ecosystem full of unusual flora and fauna. Many creatures that reside there are unique to the Undercanopy, often with adaptations to the unusual environment. Fey creatures are unusually common here, as are many that usually dwell deep underground. The area does not have a significant human presence, and lizardfolk are by far the most common humanoid species. Those visiting from the surface often find themselves in significant danger from giant spiders, mobile plants, and the often aggressive lizardfolk.   One human settlement, Dimriver, exists at the base of a narrow path leading up the cliffs to Sepentum. It is used largely as a safe space for water collection, as there is little on the surface. Those who wander from the settlement are often at risk of ambushes by lizardfolk, who sometimes lurk around the settlement.


The forest is mostly deciduous, though a species of conifer called the deep pine grows there, known for its unusual narrowness that gives it the ability to grow in narrow rifts. Other trees grow unusually tall, the great oak reaches 200-300 feet and has acorns weighing over a pound, fed on voraciously by squirrels that can reach the size of a halfling. Massive chasm vines grow up the cliffs almost to the surface, and thick, thorny briars that grow to twice a humans height effectively block some smaller rifts. Fungi, some quite large, are unusually common.   Rivers and swamps are everywhere in the undercanopy. A great variety of fish dwell here, some similar to those on the surface and others greatly diverged. Crocodiles, giant turtles, and many other creatures also dwell in these waters.


Though unusually warm compared to other places high inĀ The Dragonpeaks, and despite its reputation as a lush jungle, the undercanopy is firmly temperate. It can grow cold in the winter, with the water freezing and snow falling into the chasms, and most trees loosing their leaves, though it never reaches the extremes of the surface. In the summer it remains relatively cool, as it recieves significantly less sunlight then the surface, though it is still at a comfortably warm tempreture.
Gorge / Rift
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species