The Barrier

The Barrier is a large fortress east of Hektanpolis that is considered to mark the edge of The Southern Passes. It is known for its unusal shape, two large walls over half a mile long with only about a hundred feet of space between them, designed block off most of the narrow pass it sits within. Large castles that could be considered fortresses in their own right sit on either end, towering higher than the surrounding forests. Combined with a number of other nearby fortifications, the Barrier makes incursions from the Southern Passes into Hektanpolis Province very difficult, helping make it a relatively peaceful region despite the proximity.   A small village, known as the Barrier Village, sits on the safer western side of the fortress to help provide for the garrisons needs. The fortress itself holds only barracks and other military functions and has no permanant civillian population. The area around the fortress holds a decent number of farms and a few small mines but most food, metal, and other supplies are shipped from further west.
Location under
Owning Organization