
Skyhold was a fortress built high in the northern Dragonpeaks, about fifty miles northwest of Terminus. The fortress was built by the Aurean Empire as part of a process to bring the orc tribes in the area under their influence. This angered many of the local orcs, causing them to eventually attack and destroy the settlement. The incident damaged relations between the empire and the orcs of the northern Dragonpeaks, eventually contributing to the outbreak of the mountain war.


For most of the history of the Aurean Empire, long before the founding of Skyhold, the empire had made deals with tribes of orcs living the higher portions of the Dragonpeaks, paying many of the larger tribes to keep the smaller ones from attacking Aurean settlements. The system was very successful for a long time, keeping orc raids on the mountain provinces to a minimum. Eventually, the idea of a major conflict with orcs in the Dragonpeaks became absurd to most Aureans.   The empire eventually tried to expand into the higher reaches of the northern Dragonpeaks, both due to potential mineral resources and the eventual possibility of expansion north of the mountains. Skyhold was supposed to be the first step in this, a large, fortified settlement from which control could be exerted over the surrounding area. It took several years to complete, and though orc attacks on the site were frequent the military presence was more then large enough to fend them off. When it was done, a massive, double walled behemoth of a fortress stood in one of the higher passes, thought to be one of the most impressive fortresses in the empire.   When the fortress was complete, however, officials at the site began trying to exert control over the surrounding orc tribes. Tensions and distrust rose, even with tribes once allied with the empire. Eventually, the fortress was besieged by a large number of orcs, angry and desperate enough that they'd found a way to work together, at least for a time. Despite its impressive defenses, Skyhold did not last long. Most tribes involved were ones that had historically been more distant from the empire, and some had long been outright hostile, but a few were long time allies. Distrust toward the empire among the orcs would remain strong long after, until thousands spilled into empire controlled valleys at the start of the Mountain War in 4835 AY.

4804 AY

Founding Date
4799 AY
Location under