Arenna Krelden

Arenna Krelden, the graceful and fierce princess of Miscrea, embodies a rare blend of elegance and strength that sets her apart from the typical image of a royal lady. Despite her royal status, Arenna is not content to be confined within the walls of the palace. Her adventurous spirit and thirst for knowledge drive her to explore the world beyond Argenhall's protective embrace. Accompanying her brothers, Landor and Callor, on their excursions, she fearlessly delves into the unknown, facing challenges head-on with a determination that surprises even the most seasoned warriors.   With a natural aptitude for combat, Arenna is skilled in martial arts and weaponry. She is a master of the sword, her movements fluid and precise, and her proficiency in archery is equally impressive. Her desire to excel in these skills comes not just from a desire to prove herself to her brothers but also from her genuine love for the art of combat. She sees it as an empowering means to defend her kingdom and its people, believing that a ruler should be able to protect those they govern.   Beyond her martial prowess, Arenna possesses a tender and empathetic heart. She engages with her people, listening to their concerns and actively seeking ways to make a positive impact on their lives. Arenna's genuine care for the well-being of her kingdom has earned her the admiration and respect of the citizens of Miscrea.   While she cherishes her royal heritage, Arenna is not afraid to challenge the traditional expectations placed upon princesses. Her refusal to be limited by societal norms and her willingness to push boundaries inspire others to break free from their own constraints. She is a symbol of strength and liberation for the women of Miscrea and serves as a role model for those who dare to dream beyond the conventional confines of their roles.   In the face of danger or adversity, Arenna remains composed and level-headed, always ready to act decisively. Her quick thinking and resourcefulness often lead her and her brothers out of tight spots during their escapades. Arenna's unwavering loyalty to her family and her kingdom is matched only by her unyielding determination to protect those she holds dear.   As a princess who seeks to be both a warrior and a leader, Arenna Krelden is a trailblazer in her own right. Her indomitable spirit, sense of justice, and commitment to the welfare of her people make her a formidable and respected figure within the Kingdom of Miscrea.  
Year of Birth
1165 PC 18 Years old


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