Vareindal Hastrine

The Margrave of the Order of Iron. Variendal has led the order for nearly two decades now. Serving King Aelwes Amalheim and now King Faelon Amelheim. He leads with temperance, justice, and selflessness. He will never be seen as the last to venture into a dangerous situation for the safety of the innocent. The old Margrave has many scars from his time as a paladin of Helm. He's seen some of the worst The Rim has to offer. He's even led expeditions into The Infernal Steppes. King Faelon regularly seeks his counsel and wisdom. He has a great disdain for the Order of Retribution who sees them as nothing but immature savages that seek glory not righteousness. He especially was ired when he learned who the new Primarch was. All members of the order know that if Variendal is found within the same room as Primarch Andrus Lencall, you better plug your ears or leave the room. Variendal still holds Andrus dear to his heart but sees him as an emotional youth with a dangerous power. Despite this, the two leaders try to coordinate together whenever their interests align.
Year of Birth
1122 PC 61 Years old


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