Order of Retribution

An order of paladins and clerics dedicated to the elven god of vengeance, hatred, and loss, Shevarash. The order was founded by King Bruelis Amalheim after the loss of his wife and family. He swore vengeance upon Zarughal but in the end it killed him. Such is the tragedy of the order. The knights of the order seek out enemies of those who were wronged and pursue them with a blind chase, forgoing all safety for the kill. This has given the order a negative reputation by the larger population. They are seen as dangerous and a potential for disaster depending on the severity of their quest. In addition to that, they are dedicated to an elven god not of the Faerunian Pantheon. However, when someone has been wronged and is in need of righteous payback, the order are the first called. It is well known that if a vengeance paladin is seen moving towards something, its best to stay out of his way. There is nothing that can come between these paladins and their quarry. The Order has frequent run-ins with the Order of Iron. Avengers will be stopped by Justicars of Iron who claim their quarry as their jurisdiction. This conflict has erupted into fights but they are infrequent. Typically Justicars would rather let an Avenger pursue their quarry than stand between them should the Avenger be persistent enough.   The Primarch is the leader of the order and is the greatest of the Avengers. The current Primarch is Andrus Lencall.


The ranking structure is as follows:
    Primarch: The Primarch is the highest rank within the Order of Retribution. They are the leader of the order, and their authority is absolute. The Primarch is the greatest of the Avengers and is responsible for guiding and directing the order towards its goals. The current Primarch is Andrus Lencall.
    Avenger: An Avenger is a member of the Order of Retribution who has undergone extensive training and has been deemed worthy of undertaking quests for vengeance. They are the second highest ranking members of the order and are responsible for tracking down and punishing those who have committed wrongdoings. They are often seen as dangerous by the general population due to their single-minded pursuit of justice. Avengers are feared by many, both for their power and for their unwavering dedication to their cause. They are often seen as dangerous, as they will not hesitate to use force to achieve their goals. However, those who have been wronged and seek justice see them as a beacon of hope, and trust them to do whatever is necessary to bring their tormentors to justice.
    Vindicator: Vindicators are skilled paladins who have shown exceptional devotion to the cause of vengeance. They have proven their worth and are entrusted with important tasks such as leading squads of lower-ranking members. Vindicators are also responsible for overseeing missions and ensuring that they are carried out successfully.
    Templar: Templars are paladins who have proven their dedication to the order and its cause. They are tasked with tracking down and punishing those who have wronged others, and are expected to do so with unwavering determination. They are respected by the lower-ranking members of the order and are seen as promising candidates for higher positions.
    Crusader: These are paladins who are still proving themselves to the order. They have shown potential and are entrusted with important tasks, but are not yet trusted with the responsibility of leading others.
    Initiate: These are new members of the order who have not yet proven themselves in combat or demonstrated their dedication to the cause. They are often trained by more experienced members of the order and must work hard to rise through the ranks.

Tenets of Faith

Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to sacrifice even their own righteousness to mete out justice upon those who do evil, so the paladins are often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment. The core principles of the tenets are brutally simple.   Fight the Greater Evil. Faced with a choice of fighting my sworn foes or combating a lesser evil, I choose the greater evil.   No Mercy for the Wicked. Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not.   By Any Means Necessary. My qualms can't get in the way of exterminating my foes.   Restitution. If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.
Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization


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Jul 5, 2023 00:18