Are the magic currents under the city expanding?

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Report of an iminent danger threatening us all


To the Attention of the Most Gracious Lords and Ladies of the City of the Hundred Fiefs

    My fellow lords and ladies, the time is serious! I have to share with you an extremely urgent concern: the magic currents under our feet are expanding!   Many of you will not immediately perceive the severity of this problem or will doubt my assertion; let me explain to you exactly why all of us ought to be terrified.  
First, we all know the history of the emperors: how they all fully mastered our magic hotspot and submitted it to their implacable will so as to use as a source of power to conquer the region.   We are all aware of how all the continent allied against them, and how in their desperation the last emperors turned to terrible experiments to reinforce and eventually alter the magic hotspot, thus completely destabilising it and engendering their own fall.   We all cannot fall to acknowledge the consequences of their folly as we are all suffering under the incessant magic floods that wreak our city, corrode everything we attempt to build, and kill our people.  
Certainly then, agreeing on all of that, we all also have to agree that a further growth of the magic currents can only results in a growth in the frequency and strength of the floods, a phenomenon that never the city nor its people will be able to endure!!   Some of us might be tempted to see powerful currents as an opportunity to be seized, but let me remind you that since the currents have been destabilised and have undergone a first growth, nobody has been powerful enough—skilled enough to master them in any significant way. Let us not risk all of our lives on the pursuit of some fancy dreams!  
As for the justification for my belief in this growth, it is very easy: I have built a new more involved type of magicometre that has allowed me to measure the magic currents with a precision never equalled before!   Thanks to this, I have measured not only the height of magic floods all over the city over the past 5 years, but also the strength of the currents in periods of calm, and I can conclude this without doubts: both the floods and the magic currents themselves are picking up in power, in a sustainable manner, both backed-up and pushed by an immense mass of magic coming towards us!  
Brothers! Sisters! I implore you: heed my warnings and come together to work on blocking this disaster! Our entire future and the legacy of our past depends on you!   This is why I urgently summon a meeting of the Council tomorrow at noon and dearly hope to see you all there, ready to fight together, unified by a common goal against a common threat.    
Lord Chemist
Note to Lady Olénie
  This new type of magicometre was certainly not made with lenses coming from our own workshops, and therefore I highly doubt the reliability of its measurements.   We have certainly been monitoring floods too, and while there has indeed been a small increase in their strength, I do not believe we have any right to make such spurious and massive claims from such an observation!  

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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Dragon-spiral icon from Game-Icons.

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Jul 27, 2024 14:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

:O Oh no!   I am side eyeing the note at the bottom suspiciously.

Aug 4, 2024 13:54 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

The Fief of Glass obviously are the only one making good quality glass :p If you get your lenses in a shoddy place, don't wonder why you're suddenly measuring an upcoming cataclysm!

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