The Council's Palace

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming

Table of Contents


Palace's Guidelines to new Council Members


How to find your way in the Council's palace and avoid all pitfalls

Council's Palace.png
An ancient building that needs to be respected even if it has preservative magic!

Ex-palace of the Elantian emperors

Meeting place of the City Council

Neutral ground with wards preventing magic
Rooms above ground
As soon as you breach the gates to come into the plaza, you enter neutral ground. Do not litter!

Historical documents and foreign ressources. Books are funded by the Council's communal pot and cannot be taken from the building.

Dome meeting room
For the Council's meetings. Beautiful painted dome that also emits appeasing magic to help keep meeting peaceful and productive.

Diverse offices
Free to use after booking for private meetings, but they are not properly cleaned and maintained unless an archivist is paid to do so beforehand.

Old relics from the ancient Elantian empire. They represent admired emperors and generals and have little plates presenting them.
Rooms below ground

Ward rooms
To control the wards around the palace that forbid the use of most magic and alert everyone to the use of the rest. Free to visit and admire.

Room of Memories
Filled with a maze made of mirrors. Their reflections can show replays of important events from the old imperial days. Do not get lost into them.

Where the emperors did their terrible experiments. Located directly in the middle of the magic currents and so considered the hotspot of the city.

Servants' quarters
Can be booked to carry out experiments there, as they are safer than the old labs. Not properly maintained unless an archivist is paid to do it.
The old well in the lab is where the emperors' Draconic Constructs used to be imprisoned before the massacre. All lords and ladies have to visit it once to feel its ominous magic and be warned of what happens to those who reach beyond humans' limits...
Decorum during meetings

Do not shout

Do not litter

Do not insult people

Do not use magic

Do not draw weapons

Do not touch people

Be punctual

Be cooperative

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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Icons from Game-Icons: discobolus, slap, paper-bag-crumpled, shout.

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Aug 7, 2024 00:40

Nice article! I admire the way you use icons in your work. :)

Aug 7, 2024 19:20 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thank you <3 It's always very fun for me to play with icons :D

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 19, 2024 00:46 by Pandora 9

This is one of the most unique and interesting articles I've run across - I love the guide format, the creative use of icons, the wonderful map. Just overall really nice and inspiring.

Crimson Court: Dark Isekai Fantasy focusing on Court Intrigue, Politics and Complicated Relationships. And Also Wars. Still Under Construction, beware the pits.

Aug 19, 2024 07:14 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks <3 I've been writing a lot of my articles using a similar format lately; they're fun to write and this also makes them easier for me to reference while writing the novel XD

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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