Lord Adélème's fanclub

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming

Table of Contents


Why all Lords and Ladies of Elante ought to join Lord Adélème and support him in rebuilding our glorious empire


In the past few years, as Lord Adélème's star has been rising over our city, a lot of misinformation and terror mongering has been spread among us. If you do not believe in the ultimate purpose of restoring the empire and our glory, you are likely to have let yourself be swayed by them and to have succombed to panic.   However, you have nothing to fear, very far from it! Let us all clarify exactly what we have to look forwards to under his rule.

Lord Adélème is a perfect ruler

Incredibly powerful
Just like the heroes of legends, Lord Adélème is an incredibly powerful, skilled and knowledgeable mage. Having the honour of being in is presence is a reward in itself, but being by his side on the battlefield is on another level entirely!

Fair and justice
Having Lord Adélème as a supreme ruler means having someone to arbitrate quarrels and put an immediate end to them in a fair and just manner rather than let them linger for decades and decades, making hundreds of victims along the way.

Lord Adélème always take the best care of his people, ensuring that we all have access to plenty of food and healers even after droughts, conflicts and epidemics, and he even educate us all himself with the salons he organises in his drawing room!
What Lord Adélème's rule does not include

No Elantian citizens who do not oppose Lord Adélème are or will be enslaved. On the contrary, everyone will finally be allowed to leave their fief and travel!

Magical bonding
No lords and ladies joining of their free will will be magically bonded to Lord Adélème and forced to do his bidding!

Terrible experiments
Lord Adélème does not and will not pursue the last emperor's experiments and interfere with the magic currents under the city, endangering us all!
Lord Adélème's victory is inevitable, so you might as well submit before it is too late...

Political jostling
While Lord Adélème rules supreme, there are many advisory and administrative posts opened and many people attempting to show off their skills to our lord to show why they would be the best person for them.   Gift the declaration of your new allegiance to another lord to help them gain favour with Lord Adélème, and be adopted in an alliance family that will ensure you have opportunities to shine!

Limited rewards of conquests
Our lord is generous with rewards, but the most interesting ones all come from conquered fiefs. Once his rule over the city will be absolute, it will be an end to the endless distribution of loots and government posts.   Our lord rewards initiatives and people coming to him to hand him the ownership of new fiefs, no matter the means made to "convinced" said fiefs. So you know what to do...

Memorable parties
Our endless successes give us endless things to celebrate! Join now if you don't want to miss the parties of the millenium and be reduced to endlessly listening to the same reminiscences that do not involve you.   Anyway, not only will joining late make you forever regretful, it will also make sure you are the one on your knees, waiting to be beheaded while everyone else is having fun!

Start supporting Lord Adélème and join us!   Come today, while our numbers are still growing, there are still fiefs to conquer, and it is still time to prove yourself worthy!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Icons from Game-Icons: slavery, backstab, manacle. Lab-rat is mine, made from a rat icon from Game-Icons.

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Jul 29, 2024 12:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

So, uh... there definitely will be slaves and forced joinings then? I see your wording, fan club!

Aug 4, 2024 13:57 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Even more reason to join to be on the winning side!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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