The cave system under the city
Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming
Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming
"Do not trust anyone trying to convince you to go underground!" but what if I want to go because they said there'd be cookies down there? LOL I'm kidding. But that sounds really cool and interesting!
Thanks <3 It would be very wet cookies down there, and they would be more likely to get eaten by rats first :p
Ofc! And Ewww no one would want that. Never mind now sksksksk. No sewer cookies!