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History of the Crean Isles

The history of the Crean Isles

Primordial Era

... 200 B.D.W.

Time before the Crean Isles evolved enough to be of significance.

  • Beginning of Time
    Universe is Born
    Era beginning/end

    In the grand narrative of creation, the birth of the Universe unfurled with cosmic majesty. Initially emerged the Material Plane, an expansive realm where the Crean Isles and Anthraxia emerged as celestial jewels, each bearing unique tapestries of life and elemental diversity. Subsequently, the ethereal planes of Magic and Chaos sprang into existence, each representing cosmic forces that influenced the very fabric of reality. The Plane of Magic shimmered with otherworldly brilliance, harboring psychic and magical entities amidst its floating islands and shimmering cosmic voids. Conversely, the Plane of Chaos manifested as a realm of darkness, a shrouded expanse permeated by an eerie mist, spawning entities embodying the very essence of turmoil and death. Together, these planes intertwined in the grand symphony of creation, each bearing its distinct mark upon the cosmos, fostering life, mystery, and the ceaseless dance of cosmic forces.

  • 1500 B.D.W.

    Creation of the Elemental Planes
    Geological / environmental event

    In the genesis of the Elemental Planes, the mighty being known as Naxion stood as a pivotal force. Born from the ethereal realms of the Elemental Plane of Magic, Naxion was once a deity, a divine entity brimming with cosmic power. In an awe-inspiring display of immense might, Naxion channeled his celestial essence to birth the elemental realms, shaping the Planes of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. This cataclysmic act required an unfathomable expenditure of his godly energies, permanently sundering his divine might and relegating him to a state just above that of mortals. The sacrifice of his godhood became the cornerstone of existence within these elemental planes, forever altering the balance of cosmic forces and marking Naxion's descent from godly omnipotence to a more finite and diminished existence.

  • 752 B.D.W.

    Founding of Arium

    In a bid to bring unity and cohesion among the scattered elementals residing across the Crean Isles, Naxion, once a celestial deity and now a diminished entity, conceived the grand vision of Arium. With a fervent desire to consolidate the disparate elemental beings, Naxion established Arium as a sanctuary of convergence, a haven where elemental spirits could coalesce and forge a unified community. As a monumental gesture of protection and unity, Naxion oversaw the construction of Nax Fort, a formidable bastion that stood as a symbol of sanctuary and unification for the myriad elemental entities scattered across the Isles. This act became the cornerstone of Arium, a city where diverse elemental forces could harmonize and find solidarity under Naxion's enlightened guidance.

    Nax Fort
  • 714 B.D.W.

    Founding of Ous

    In the heart of the cavernous depths of Litchmeuse, an enigmatic warlock, shrouded in mystery, harbored a visionary aspiration to consolidate the scattered cave-dwelling denizens under a unified banner. With a potent amalgamation of charisma and arcane prowess, this elusive figure orchestrated the foundation of Ous, a nascent nation destined to embrace the cave-dwelling communities as a singular entity. Guiding the construction of Noxis, a city that would ascend as the capital of this newfound realm, the warlock sought to provide a focal point and bastion of unity, rallying the diverse cave-dwelling tribes and weaving them into a cohesive nation within the shadowed confines of Litchmeuse.

  • 634 B.D.W.

    Founding of Anteos

    In the annals of the Crean Isles' history, the enigmatic emergence of Anteos stands as a testament to the infernal touch of the elusive entity known simply as the Sculptor of Fire. This enigmatic devil, shrouded in mystery and wielding arcane mastery over flames, sculpted the very fabric of Anteos into existence. Erecting the fiery citadel of Incidea as the core of this diabolical domain, the Sculptor's arrival on Maniver transformed what was once a verdant paradise into the volcanic, ash-choked island that looms ominously amidst the seas today. The whispers of that era evoke the subtle shift from lush landscapes to the fiery infernos, marking the indelible mark of the Sculptor's dark and enigmatic legacy within the realms of Anteos.


Material Era

199 B.D.W. 22 A.D.W.

Era when the Crean Isles were evolved and is when the focus was on the Isles.

  • 44 B.D.W.

    Founding of Lisena and Preton

    In the relatively recent annals of Crean Isles' history, the founding of Lisena and Preton emerges as a story entwined with the tumultuous times preceding the Dark War, barely 40 years past. Casmetra, the enigmatic swamp witch, carved Mossden into the fabric of Exlis, offering sanctuary and fortitude to the lizardfolk amid the enshrouded swamps. Lisena, borne from the ashes of Mossden, arose as a bastion safeguarding the reptilian inhabitants, a testament to Casmetra's protective prowess. Conversely, in Valtara, Dargath, a vigilant protector, fortified the realm against the looming threat of Arravan's quest to summon Abraxas. In this time of strife, Preton took shape, a testament to Dargath's resolve, forming a sturdy bulwark intended to shield Valtara and its ruler from the encroaching shadows that heralded the Dark War.

  • 0 B.D.W.

    10 A.D.W.


    The Dark War
    Military: War

    The Dark War, a harrowing conflict, unfolded across the diverse landscapes of the Crean Isles, spanning nations such as New Arium, Preton, Lisena, Anteos, Ous, and Reaver. It ravaged iconic locations, including Nax Fort, Ghoulkeep, Terminus, Noxis, Antaria, and the Dark Wastes, among others. This conflict wasn't limited to physical battles but seeped into the very essence of the Isles, leaving scars on the political and social fabric. Cities once thriving were reduced to rubble, nations were torn asunder, and alliances were tested and reshaped. The impact was profound, reshaping the geopolitics of the Isles and leaving a legacy of both devastation and newfound unity among surviving nations, forever altering the course of the Crean Isles' history.

    The Crean Isles