Death Report - Jamie Hobbler by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sat 11th Mar 2023 10:10

Death Report - Jamie Hobbler

by Sorra Tefin

Chief Petty Officer Jamie Hobbler was shot in the head by Ensign Ashley Williams on Stardate 39402.45 during the mutiny. Efforts were made by Ensign Marley Vash and Ensign Tatiana Fox to save Chief Petty Officer Hobbler.
Chief Petty Officer Hobbler was working in engineering during the mutiny which occurred on the ship. He and his fellow engineers were knocked unconscious by phase rifles in engineering by mutineers lead by Ensign Williams. The mutineers used engineering to override ship controls. Ensign Vash and Ensign Fox were sent to take back engineering. Upon entering the scene Ensign Fox was able to knock out three of the mutineers, leaving only Ensign Williams. Unfortunately, Ensign Williams to the opportunity to aim her type 2 phaser at the head of Jamie Hobbler and threaten to "shoot his brains out" if the two did not surrender. Without the information that reinforcements were on their way Ensigns Vash and Fox attempted to stun Ensign Williams before she had the opportunity to shoot Cheif Petty Officer Hobbler in the head, unfortunately they failed.
The remaining component of this report is that during his death we were caught in a time loop in which corrosion was threatening the warp core stability. We were able to successfully unteather the warp core self repair systems from their own individual space time harmonic oscillator and the self repair unit was able to stabilizer the warp core. In the end I made the decision to negate the time loop despite the death of Chief Petty Officer Hobbler in order to ensure the safety of the remainder of the crew.