Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Mon 20th Mar 2023 09:21

Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7

by Sorra Tefin

Today we held the trial for F - for Ensign Fox. It was my first time prosecuting someone, I hope that I did well, but for details on that you can see the trial report I will submit after this log. I - Where as I hope I did well, it seems to me as though this is an ineffectual system. I as captain was required to prosecute personnel I believed to deserve less punishment due to their intentions; however, I had to push for more due to the position I was put in. Furthermore, it seems to me as though a trained professional could have done better at both the prosecution and defense of anyone. Are ranking officers required to be trained in such legal manners or are we simply holding trial without trained professionals often; hoping that our debate skills from schooling serve as adequate enough experience for the trial?
I found myself wishing again that I was trained at Starfleet Academy rather than the Vulcan Science Academy. It has been a reoccurring thought since assuming the role of acting first officer and now acting captain. It is illogical to spend time on the thought, yet I find it creeping into my mind none the less. If I was trained at Starfleet Academy I would know more about how the crew was trained, how I am suppose to engage the crew, and how procedures such as these came to be. Regardless, I simply need to find time to meditate and banish this thought so I can focus on the resources I do have to complete my job.
It is good to get my first trial out of the way, I expect more labor intensive trials to come to surface from the mutineers. We have decided to investigate which of the mutineers this action was premeditated for and which were simply given the wrong information. Doubtless the two, Astberry and Wiesselberg, who attempted to throw Cadet Solace out of an airlock will be tried as full mutineers. Not to mention the drug trading crimes we can hold Wiesselberg accountable for. Ozier and Williams will be tried as mutiny leaders and Ozier for assistance in murder while Williams is tried for the murder of Hobbler. Doubtless, these trials will be more work for Pasinissi who will have to evaluate each individual before the trial. I should give her some of my nicer tea leaves, she deserves the extra reward for the quantity of work she's been doing, not to mention taking on the first officer role.
Other orders of business that won't be covered in my other logs:
Fox, while out of the brig, continues to make liberal use of the clam-shell communicator I gave her. I have decided to leave it with her due to the frequency to which she uses it and due to her help in the mutiny. Though, she seems to be using it nearly every night for something random, such as last night when she asked me for a Vulcan noodle dish recipe. It seems as though she is a creature of habit and while in the brig she formed the habit of calling me about random things at night. It is a small price to pay though for her friendship. At least, I assume that is her friendship. She took up my invitation to working out together starting next week and even offered up her work-out holodeck programs. Though I do not know if that offer will still stand after the trial, she agreed to it before the trial, so based on the logic of her emotions she might no longer wish to work-out together.
Cadet Solace is another matter I should bring up. They have completely changed their personality. During the mutiny they transitioned from calling me acting acting captain to simply captain. Additionally, they now seem eager to please me. I believe they feel indebted to me for saving their life during the mutiny, though this reaction is unnecessary as it is my job as acting captain to keep all members of the crew safe. I have transferred them to medical at the request of Ensign Connors, I hope their new found enthusiasm to impress me will result in an enthusiasm for their work in medical.
Third order of business, I keep having dreams about what happened in the time loop. They seem more like visions of the other iterations. In one, myself, Ensign Vash, Cadet Solace, and Ensign Cruz are locked in the brig and Ensign Fox lets us out after overpowering the guards. In another, I am in engineering with Vash instead of Fox, there are security reinforcements surrounding the room. William's again points a gun at someone's head and claims "I'm going to blow their brains out" unless I surrender. Then I surrender and the ship blows up. In another, Vash and Fox are able to take down Ensign Williams and Hobbler survives until the ship explodes. In yet another, Cadet Solace is launched out of an air lock. In some, Crewmen Torres dies because of a power cut to medical. This one worries me because I recall Connors saying that Cadet Solace helped him stabilize Crewman Torres, but I have not confirmed whether or not medical lost power on this iteration. Because if medical lost power and there was no back up generator, that means Eve would have been wiped from the pattern buffer. The one reassuring thought though, is that Connors would inform me if medical lost power and Eve was lost. Since that has not happen, I should wipe this dream from my mind. Correct?
Last order of business, myself, Pasinissi, Vash, Fox, and Cadet Solace will be running a trial run of the holodeck therapy program that Pasinissi and I have been working on. We have recruited both Ensign T'Lynn and Vash to assist in programming the holodeck. It should be functional by the end of the week and then we will test it. The idea is to have multiple species test the program to ensure its functionalities over various cultures and approaches to emotion. We expect for Cadet Solace to set off the system and warn myself and Pasinissi about the mental stability of a patient. The others we expect to move though routinely.
clam-shell communicator rings
Computer End Log