Captain’s Log Stardate 20621.5 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sun 26th Nov 2023 01:03

Captain’s Log Stardate 20621.5

by Sorra Tefin

After escorting the Parem through the nebula our ship needed repairs. We stopped by an m-class planet to get supplies and unload our access kremda prisoners. Of the prisoners captured, the original three requested asylum. We had the bunk space for them, so I was at liberty to grant them asylum. Meanwhile, the 30 adult parem which we had granted asylum to were being trained in their respective departments. Ensign Qiraha put together a curriculum for the Parem children and begun teaching classes. Meanwhile, I temporarily took in the Parem child without a family, Keela.
On the planet, we were able to find the supplies we needed, except for the xenocarbonite. Evidently xenocarbonite is not abundant in the beta-quadrent as it is in the alpha-quadrant. In pursuit of xenocarbonite we ventured to an m-class moon. Upon the arrival to the moon, the ship lurched and was caught in a tractor beam emanating from the moon's surface. Scans indicated the moon was a jungle like biome, similar to the last planet myself, Hollins, Fox, Pleiades, and Vash were stranded on.
As such I sent down an away team comprised of myself, Pleiades, Vash, Connors, Fontaine, Sam’s, Jenkins, and one of the Parem Bern. From the ship we had determined that we were searching for a temple that was emitting the tractor beam. The beam distorted our scans, but we were able to determine there were no civilizations currently living on the moon. Vash landed us on the surface of the moon in less than preferable conditions due to the tractor beam. Once on the planet we made our way to the temple through the jungle. The only injuries which occurred on the first part of our journey was my own, because I fell off a cliff, fracturing on of my ribs in the process. We pressed on until we found a graveyard full of fallen this point Vash went back to the shuttle and we encountered the local wildlife. Large puma like creatures, the largest of which could barely fit in a shuttle, attacked us.
We fended off the beasts, but during the we fight we heard a scream and discovered that the Parma child, Keela had stowed awayin the ship's storage compartment and followed us through the jungle. She was to be punished later as there was no way to send her back to the ship, she joined us. During the fight Fontaine and Crewman Sams were seriously injured, Pleiades and Connors stabilized the two of them and we made them a secured structure in a shuttle. We continued on and found ourselves in another unforseen situation.
We stumbled upon another starfleet officer, a Vulcan. Captain Raual of the USS Johnson, a constitution class ship that went missing over 80 years ago. He is a renowned captain in starfleet and the only surviving member of his crew. Talking with Captain Raual it is clear his lonesome time on the planet has affected his mental state. He was talking to himself and inanimate objects as well as measuring either distance or time in units of "birds" and his general demeanor was that of a startled animal. Still, we were able to get him to lead us to the temple, where he informed us of the temple's Curator which guarded and upkept the temple with the help of three large spider-like robots. He informed us that they attacked whenever they saw him because he had threatened to harm the temple to save his ship. Accordingly, we left him and keela in the nearby brush while the rest of us went to talk to the Curator, which turned out to be a sentient computer tasked with the upkeep, protection, and operation of the temple.
After negotiating with the sentient AI system we were permitted into the temple to update its system and send a message. We got in contact with our ship and we were able to piggy back a transporter signal onto the communication and transport in Bluementhal and Mentor to help with the computer. After this we attempted to send a communication to the makers of the temple: a long ago fallen empire with no success. After which Bern messed with the communication system, clearly sending a message, presumably to family, though I will look into it and tighten Bern's security just in case as I know their only family was taken captive by the Kremda.
As we continued on in the temple we came to the main room of the computer system, here we determined the layout of the computer. We positioned personnel by each of the four shield emitters and allowed Mentor, Bluementhal, and Bern to work on the computer. Pleiades wanted to stay with Bern, as has become a recent theme. When we started messing with the computer however, attempting to turn off the tractor beam, one of the spider-like robots descended from the ceiling and started attacking. We then went to plan B, taking out the shield emitters so that no matter what happened to us, the Electra would get away. Then we proceeded to fight for our lives, losing Crewman Jenkins and Mentor’s arm in the process. However, in the end Bern was able to input new commands into the computer that allowed us to stop the Curator from wanting to protect the temple.
We then contacted the ship and were able to get beamed all of the away team back aboard (including Keela and Raual), sending down a crew for the xenocarbonite (located in the Johnson), we scanned for life finding two other survivors on the planet from different ships. Additionally, we were able to separate the AI’s personality from its main protecting program and put it in one of the vacuum robots aboard the ship, we also disarmed and took aboard on of it’s spider-like robots to help with repairs around the ship while in transit. We will conintue to make sure that the Curator is sepeated from its destructive and harmful programming before allowing him to return to its giant robot form and we will allow the Crator to choose its own role on the ship as well.