Acting Captain's Log - Stardate 39402.78 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sun 12th Mar 2023 06:10

Acting Captain's Log - Stardate 39402.78

by Sorra Tefin

Today we threw a Post Office themed party in order to distribute the mail received from starfleet command for the crew. The party was organized by Ensign Marley Vash and was intended to raise the spirits of the crew. During the party I began to experience severe feelings of deja vu . Then I was called to the bridge by Ensign Cruz who was observing strange readings on the bridge. Ensign T'Lynn was the assigned to further investigate the readings finding them to be a space time anomaly. I then assigned Ensign Kipp to join her and to specifically look at the anomaly's affect on the ship. Guided by strange feelings of deja vu I sent Ensign Vash to med bay to get a sobering hypospray, Ensign Fox escorted her.
While back at the party I was called to the bridge by Chief Petty Officer Ozier. While on the way to the bridge I had another spout of deja vu which left me with the feeling that there was going to be a fight. I called for Ensign Vash to report to the bridge as well. This time when I got to the bridge I was greeted by two security crewmen. Chief Petty Office Ozier then tried to remove me from my role as acting captain sighting the fact that I had preformed funerals attuned to emotions as a sign of mental instability. When I informed him that the emotions displayed were displayed due to careful consideration of the crew's needs for the funerals in specific and that I, while affect remained emotionally stable, he continued to push for my removal. I required more evidence than a funeral speech I had carefully tuned to have emotion as an example for emotional instability on my part. I had given him the role of first officer as an act of good faith, but he was pushing to become captain. I calmly refused and he expectantly had security try to escort me out of the bridge. I challenged him to reconsider admittedly pushing back against the security personnel.
Ensign Cruz then saw the show of force on Chief Petty Officer Ozier's part as mutiny and attacked Crewman Molde, who was attempting to escort me from the bridge. Seeing Ensign Cruz's show of force. Chief Petty Officer Ozier released the same spores used in the murder of Crewman Henry Carberson and the attempted murder of myself which resulted in the critical injury of Crewman Torres. Ensign Vash who I had called to the bridge then push herself and Ensign Fox into the turbolift. Chief Petty Officer Ozier and Crewman Feng then both took hyposprays to negate the effects of the spores, showing with finality both their involvement in the murder of Crewman Carberson and their intent of mutiny.
Seeing this I took the hypospray from Crewman Molde, who had been knocked out by Cruz. Everyone but me, Cadet Solace, and Ensign T'Lynn remained conscious. Cadet Solace ran to the turbolift and escaped the room. While I fought to regain control of the ship. I was able to knock out both Crewman Feng and Chief Petty Officer Ozier without causing them damage. I then put E-Vac suit masks on the the rest of the personnel on the bridge and bringing them back to consciousness. I locked the three mutineers in the ready room while confiscating their com badges. I then sent Ensign Vash and Ensign Fox to secure engineering while Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp continued their research. Meanwhile, I went to med bay and then I was contacted by another mutineer, Crewman Wiesselberg, saying they had captured Cadet Solace and were going to vent Cadet Solace into space unless I turned myself over to them.
I then used the medical transporter to transport myself to Crewman Wiesselberg's location and knock out him and his comrade, Crewman Astberry. I then got Cadet Solace out of the airlock and took her to med bay were Connors had locked the door. There were mutineers outside which I was not able to knock out because they were carrying phase rifles. I then returned to the party to fetch Ensigns Waterman and Kruvabuk as well as two other security crewmen to help secure engineering.
Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp then confirmed my suspicions that the ship was caught in a time loop. It appears the ship along with several other objects were tethered by a what appeared to be a damped, space-time harmonic oscillator. We had already gone though 6357 iterations and with each iteration we risked the unknown effects of the oscillator snapping. However, Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp had come up with a possible way of disintegrating the tether in a safe for the ship manner using one of our torpedoes.
I was then informed by Ensign Vash that her and Ensign Fox had taken back engineering from Ensign Williams. However, there was multiple injuries of both the mutineers and the engineers as well as one death, Chief Petty Officer Hobbler. As described to me by Ensigns Vash and Fox , upon entering the scene Ensign Fox was able to knock out three of the mutineers, leaving only Ensign Williams. Unfortunately, Ensign Williams to the opportunity to aim her type 2 phaser at the head of Jamie Hobbler and threaten to "shoot his brains out" if the two did not surrender. Without the information that reinforcements were on their way Ensigns Vash and Fox attempted to stun Ensign Williams before she had the opportunity to shoot Chief Petty Officer Hobbler in the head, unfortunately they failed.
With the ship now secured we were able to detect an issue with the warp core. There was currosion on the warp core containment unit that was causing the core to rapidly destabilize. Ensigns Vash and Zar worked on stabilizing the warp core and found that the auto repair unit was tethered to its own harmonic oscillator. I then assigned Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp to disintegrating the tether on the warp core self repair unit as a test for the tehter on the ship. They were able to succeed and the warp core returned to a stable range.
Afterwards, I made the decision to disintegrate the time loop despite the loss of Chief Petty Officer Hobbler as a way to ensure the safety of the remaining crew. The mutineers are currently held in the brig, but there will be a distribution of various punishments due to the lack of bridge space. Chief Petty Officer Ozier and Ensign Williams, as the leaders, will be confined to the guest quarters along with Crewman Chambers. The others will serve odd jobs on the ship for operations while security personnel are assigned to oversee them. The rest of their punishments remains to be decided.
The total list of caught mutineers includes:
Crewman Astberry - Tactical
Crewmen Weiesselberg - Operations
Ensign Williams - Operation
Cheif Petty Ozier - Operations (Command)
Crewman Molde - Security
Crewman Perkavich - Security
Crewman Feng - Security
Crewman Adams - Operations
Crewman Joakim - Security
Crewman Haak - Operations
Crewman Henersen - Engineering
Crewman Dallis - Engineering
Crewman Banks - Operations