First Officer Log Star Date 42373.5 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Thu 10th Nov 2022 05:44

First Officer Log Star Date 42373.5

by Sorra Tefin

Recorded by acting first officer Fnsign Tefin:
Upon beaming back to the surface of the class M planet I lowered the rest of the away team (Ensign Vash, Ensign Williams, and Cadet Solace -- who I just learned was not a crewman, but simply serving her rotation in the engineering department) into the pit, during the interval of which, I was attacked by two locals. I was able to quickly nerve pinch both locals; however, I was minorly stabbed. The stab wound punctured my EV suit. I lowered the rest of the away team down and then returned to the ship to get healed before returning to the planet. Aboard the ship, I discovered that comms were not functioning with the rest of the away team and Eve -- Lieutenant Junior Ailyn, was beginning negotiations with Ferengi, which one can only assume is one of the sources of contamination for the planet and the ones posing as gods.
After I was healed, I beamed down to the planet. On the surface, I was able to make highly scattered contact with Ensign Vash, Ensign Williams, and Cadet Solace. Security had tightened on the planet, so still in the EV suit, I was able to take out another three guards without being seen. I then called for a small team of security personnel, instructing them to lure the guards away from their post and take out guards without being seen, until we could secure the position needed to get the remaining of the away team back from the pit. During this posses a few injuries occurred, I, myself, taking the most serious of such injuries. Fortunately, they were simply spear wounds from a projectile spear and Ensign Connors was able to heal them quickly.
The pit team was able to secure the gas and return to the ship. Engineering was able to quickly get the warp core operational and we were able to return to warp. We are now on route to the alpha quadrant with all members of the crew accounted for and all injuries treated.
Ensign Vash reported finding a large space station in the pit, from which the locals were harvesting high technology equipment. Due to the nature of the space station as described to me, I would not be surprised if this particular planet's technology evolves faster than normal.

I will be meeting with Cadet Solace tomorrow to discuss her next rotation on the ship, which is in the science division.
End of log.