Personal Log: In Orbit of Damitar 4 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Mon 19th Sep 2022 04:12

Personal Log: In Orbit of Damitar 4

by Sorra Tefin

Today's duties entailed the welcoming of new recruits, reporting to lab 3, and cleaning the conference room.
The welcoming of new recruits went well; however, the social period proved unproductive as the ensigns all had met each other on the ship. The tour being more informative and interactive proceeded with better interactions. We were joined for both by Ensign Vash. We proceeded to celebrate Ensign Fox's birthday during lunch in the mess hall.
While on my way to reporting to the lab, I was delayed by Eve and a small child named Alph. Eve appeared to be in pain from the presence of the boy, so I assisted her in assorting the child to the holodeck to "push buttons." While on the holodeck with Eve, Ensign Fontain, and Alph we witnessed suspicious behavior from Gruff, one of the members of the People's Republic. Eve, as ranking officer, reported the incident. Ensign Fontaine and I proceeded to watch the child until on of the bridge officers came to fetch the child. I stopped by Engineering to have Lieutenant Commander T'Kurraran Tefin to construct Alph a button he requested in exchange for leaving the holodeck and brough Alph the botton.
I then continued to my station, where I scanned a subspace anomaly, I was unable to identify it using the scanners. It appears that the scanners were not able to interact with the matter of the anomaly.
I then received a message that the child, Alph, was an important god-like figure to the people and I was requested to entertain him once again with Eve and Ensign Fontane in the Botanical Gardens. The child enjoyed the plants and agreed to eat. We were then interrupted to bring Alph to the treaty discussions. Alph convinced the two factions to make peace based on what he had seen on the holodeck and in the gardens.
I was released to return back to my scheduled duties. After I finished at the lab, I was requested to see Alph off and brought him a coconut as he requested. The captain then assigned Eve, Ensign Fontaine, Ensign Vash, and I to acting bridge crew duty. Eve invited Ensign Fox as it was her birthday.
I then proceeded to the duty of cleaning the conference room after the peace meetings. I was able to rearrange the room in a more efficient manner as I saw it was misarranged during the peace meetings.
I shall report a new log after bridge duty.