Incident Report - Ensign Tatiana Fox by Sorra | World Anvil

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Fri 10th Mar 2023 12:49

Incident Report - Ensign Tatiana Fox

by Sorra Tefin

Ensign Fox confessed to the making of an Electra Bingo sheet with the contents of the attached file. The spaces included reckless endangerment, the wasting of Electra weapons resources, and three spaces that fall under sexual harassment. The confession came at the start of the work day to me. She declared she had made the Electra bingo sheet in order to receive punishment from Acting Captain Ailyn. Ensign Fox chose this course of action because she believed it would prevent a mutiny if Lieutenant Junior Ailyn was seen punishing personnel for misbehaving. At this point in the confession to me she begged for me to allow Lieutenant Junior Ailyn to be the one to punish her for her actions. I allowed for this because I agreed with her that a mutiny was likely given Lieutenant Junior Ailyn's current disciplinary policies. While on the subject Ensign Fox also mentioned this was her reasoning for starting Foxing, a fight club founded upon the premise of trading work shifts as a form of betting on the matches outcome. This is just being reported now as Lieutenant Junior Ailyn is currently out of commission.
As a result of Electra Bingo the ship lost 2 torpedo's, multiple people were shot with phasers - presumably by themselves, and Ensign Connors, Lieutenant Junior Ailyn, and Lieutenant Junior Ailyn's fiancé were sexually harassed in various different forms. The holodeck program mentioned on the bingo sheet was a vulcan porno with Lieutenant Junior Ailyn's fiancé's face plastered over the starring vulcan. Five people harassed Ensign Connors. Lieutenant Ailyn received two messages asking for dates, which she was never able to read. The bingo sheet is also the reason that Crewman Henrey Carborson was unable to put out the electrical fire - see death report - but was not the direct cause of his death.
Whereas, the actions of the crew are being dealt with abord the ship, the actions of Ensign Fox required a disciplinary hearing because of both their severity and the well-meant attempt to stop the crew from mutinying. She has currently received brig time (extent to be determined, if longer than three weeks - which is likely - accommodations will be given to make the time more humane) for her actions, but do to the low number of personnel she is still serving her shifts.