Personal Log: Stardate 18956.6 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sun 2nd Jul 2023 06:11

Personal Log: Stardate 18956.6

by Sorra Tefin

I've had a strange day. First thing that happened is I woke up with a hang over. That was my fault for trying to keep up with Connors after I'd already had a few drinks myself. I remember most of the night from what I was able to put together. I remember making a cake with Anna and Pleiades, that memory is still fully intact. Then I remember inviting six people to my quarters for a small party. I remember that Vash showed up early. I remember drinking bloodwine mixed with everclear with Connors. After that things start to get hazy. I think I remember taking people to see the platypuses and letting Hollins and Anna hold M'Ginouviere. I remember Hollins hugged me, though I don't remember why... I haven't been hugged in a long time. Then I remember being in sickbay and Torres was awake. I remember trying to tell him what happened why he was in his comma. And then I woke up in my bed.
Aside from that, people's attitudes towards me seem to have changed. I'm pretty sure I am closer to Anna, based on calling her Anna, though she has been acting strange. This morning when I ran into her, she flushed entirely red and ran into the door because she tried to leave so fast. When I went to medial to get a remedy for my hangover I asked if anyone remembered what happened after I came to see Torres. A very upset-at-me Pleiades told me Anna had taken me back to my quarters. I can only assume that I offended her in some way while I was drunk. It is clear to me that I have made several people upset and that apologies are in order, but I want to remember what I have done first. I hope I have not too greatly offended anyone.