Personal Log: Stardate 20714.3 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Fri 2nd Feb 2024 12:28

Personal Log: Stardate 20714.3

by Sorra Tefin

So much has happened since my last personal log, and it’s only been a week. Just one.

I told Anna about my mom, the truth about my mom. She got drunk for the first time and told me something I’m sure she wished she hadn’t. I told her it didn’t matter. I told her I loved her.

I found and met Anna’s dad… He’s forcing her into a political marriage that I now have to stop. But I also can’t sacrifice the whole crew to stop it.

Keela wants a crab… and Christmas.

The ships running out of energy so we have to take Anna to her father’s planet, playing right into those plans. Oh, and I had to redirect the whole ship to accomplish this, which means I’ll have to send another communication, updating our timeline to federation space.

Pleiades is mad at me… again.

I let Ozier, Chambers, and Williams out to join the rest of the mutineers.

I just… I don’t even know where to begin to describe these things.

I’ve been spending extra time with the platypuses this week, when I have time to spare.

Scruff is doing well. Still loves his squeaky carrot.

I’ve been reading so much about Kirk’s diplomatic tactics that he’s starting to make sense… And Picard and Janeway, but they always made sense.

I’m basically organizing a ship wide Christmas in the holodeck… I hope I did it right. I think I’m going to open it up to the mutineers as well.

My emotions are becoming harder to reign in. I can no longer tell if that’s a good or bad thing.

I only had about one day to work on Keela’s helmet, but that cost me a night of sleep.

Keela and Anna took all my sweaters.