Personal Log Star Date 47738.9 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Fri 21st Oct 2022 07:46

Personal Log Star Date 47738.9

by Sorra Tefin

Eve and I have been working on managing the ship's crew. After Eve's party, I went to visit those who had not attended, but were invited. Of the personnel there was Ensigns Cruz and Pasinissi, who had gotten side tracked hanging out with their friends; Ensign Connors, who had fallen asleep in med bay due to an overflow of work; Petty Officer Mentor, who was playing a video game; and Cheif Petty Officer Ozier ,who was talking with a large group that scattered when I entered the room. Upon reporting each of these to Eve, she decided to look into Ozier and Mentor's behavior. She informed my later that Ozier was contemplating a mutiny. She told me she had it handled, but also to mutiny back if she were to be launched out of an airlock. We were then contacted by Ensign Vash who needed assistance in simple problem solving due to an increase in their stress because of the flooding water in the hollo-deck. We gave her the assistance she needed and sent Ensign T'Lynn to fix the holodeck, which she completed in full within a few days. We then proceeded onto Mentor, who had not been showing up to his duty shifts or meetings. Eve informed me she believed he was suffering from trauma induced depression. Pasinissi has agreed to take him on as a case, as acting ship councilor. Additionally, Pasinissi and I have determined our crew could benefit from a holodeck counseling program. We will attempt to create a virtual councilor, which is capable of working with personnel for specific needs. Our first attempt will be a sexual harassments intervention program. This topic was selected due to an anonymous report which failed to included names. As such we hope to put all personnel of the ship through the program when it is ready. Officer Molde has graciously volunteered to be our first field test. We are now approaching the planet with Tebin gas to fix our warp core and preparing accordingly.