Incident Report: USS Electra - Damitar 4 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sun 25th Sep 2022 09:26

Incident Report: USS Electra - Damitar 4

by Sorra Tefin

Incident Type: Nuclear - Planetary, Significant Ship Damage, Missing in Action (Presumed Dead), Conclusive Fatality, Casulaty, Other


Nuclear - Planetary:

Planet: Damitar 4

Location, Planetary Coordinates: 237.849561°, -64.832064°

Source: Unknown

Further Details: Most likely from the planetary factions


Significant Ship Damage:

Damaged System: Shield, Engine, Hull Plating, Transported

Current Shield Integrity: 33% normal power -> 60% with diverted power

Engine Damage Type: Unkown

Current Warp Core Ability: Warp 0

Hull Plating: Nacelles, Upper


Missing in Action (Presumed Dead):

Personnel: Captain Lianne Marcus, Commander Taylor Hobbs, Lieutenant Commander T'Kurraran Tefin, Lieutenant Commander Gaaath To'Kri, Lieutenant Nilish Jaleso, Lieutenant Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, Lieutenant Edison Madi, Lieutenant Artur Bowdoin, Lieutenat Namkcots ch'Roni, Lieutenant Ralph Mac-Eio, Lieutenent Schwini zh'Fairo, Lietenant Junior Maxwell Wyke, Lietenant Junior Irelyn Wildner, Lietenant Junior Quela Leath, Lietenant Junior Mira Ch'Syna, Lietenant Junior T'An Pani, Lietenant Junior Ahlek W'Keeda, Lietenant Junior Windy Raschke, Lietenant Junior Kedric Konicek, Lietenant Junior Clenthaa th'Ethres

Reason for Missing in Action: Nuclear - Planetary


Conclusive Fatality:

Total Number: 1

Personnel: Ensign Dennis Thiago

Cause: Ship Damage - Hull Plating



Total Number: 34

Cause: Ship Damage - Engine, Ship Damage - Shields, Nuclear - Planetary



Please Describe: Subspace anomaly in the form of a wormhole transferred ship to coordinates 66728.9/707542.2 in the beta section

Important Details: 4 months from federation space at warp 9, ship currently capable of impulse power speed, current message relay time: 3 days

Complete Incident Recount:
While on fulfilling the acting crew role, at approximately 5 hours and 14 minutes our ship went into red alert. Here is the recount of the event.
Prior to the incident two significant actions were taken by the acting crew. The first: Ensign Fox with the permission of Lieutenant Ailyn, the acting captain, ran a diagnosis check on the ships systems discovering a decrease of 0.5% of the shield efficiency. We reported the result of the diagnosis to Engineering where, Ensign T'Lyn stated she had already sent someone to fix the cause of this inefficiency. The second: Ensign Fontaine and I, Ensign Tefin, scanned the size of the subspace anomaly I had been scanning in Lab 3. The superior bridge scanners were similarly unable to interact with the anomaly; however, they were able to detect a size of 3.10725 km. By instruction of Lieutenant Ailyn we continued monitoring the anomaly for variations in size.

At hour 5 minute 14, an energy surge was detected on the planet surface. Visuals determined to be the source to be a nuclear detonation at the known coordinates of the superior officers (Lieutenant Junior Grade and higher, exception: Lieutenant Ailyn). The location of the landing party was disconnected as well as communication with the landing party. Five additional interplanetary ballistic missiles were fired from the planet's surface, inbound for the USS Electra as well as projectile debris from the nuclear detonation. Ensign Fontaine, transferred to the helm, allowing Ensign Vash to monitor ship conditions at the Engineering Station. By order of Lieutenant Ailyn, Ensign Fontane initiated evasive maneuvers, increasing the orbit distance. Upon impact of the first inbound missile, the shields depreciated to 33%, damaged was retained by the nacelles and upper hull plating. The warp core suffered damage. Ship was now capable of impulse power only. Ensign Fox was able to use a missile to divert three of the remaining impound missiles. Ensign Vash, upon orders from Lieutenant Ailyn, diverted auxiliary power to the transporter room in attempt to gain contact with the landing party. Contact was not achieved. Non-essential systems were taken offline and decks 1,2,8,9,10,11 were evacuated. Power was diverted to the shields and restored to 60%. Ship systems now had a 38.325% chance of surviving the nuclear debris. However, more inbound missiles were identified which our ship would not be capable of withstanding.


The subspace anomaly was then identified as a wormhole. A final failing attempt was made to establish contact and beam aboard members of the landing party. Ensign Fontaine, under the orders of Lieutenant Ailyn, who was under the advisement of myself on this particular matter, veered the ship directly into the center of the wormhole at full impulse power. The warp core and ship (including minor damage to life support systems) suffered further damage while in the wormhole.

We emerged in the beta quadrant at 66728.9/707542.2. Immediately after ejection, we received notification of 13 fires located in engineering, cargo bay 2, decks 1,3,6,8, & 9, science laboratory #4, and jeffries tube section 5.12. The non-injured in the crew began extinguishing the fires. Additionally, our warp core was over heating and needed to be shut down. Ensign Fontaine was injured and taken to sick bay. Esign Vash went to engineering, as all other ensigns in engineering were injured and the engineering council was damaged. I took over the helm. Sick bay was now over run with injured so we went the three crewmen aboard with first-aid training to assist in sick bay. Chief Petty Officer Mostafa was able to fix the engineering council. Ensign Murfey was called to the bridge to man the helm. With the scanners operational we were able to get a detailed analysis of the ship. Ensign Belweather was assigned to lead hull damage repairs. Ensign Blumenthal was located in Shuttle Bay 1 alongside 4 other crewmen, which had significant hull damage and no life support systems. Ensign Vash was able to close off the jefferies tubes leading to the shuttle bay, so we could open the doors and reestablish the oxygen levels. Ensign Fox and other crewmen were sent to evacuate the shuttle bay. Ensign Vash joined them and were able to find all personnel in the shuttle bay, Ensign Fox was injured in the process. Immediately Ensign Connors began emergency surgery on Ensign Blumenthal. Ensign Cruz was sent away from work and to the sick bay after suffering radiation exposure and smoke inhalation. Ensign Smith was located in the holodeck, where safety protocols were off. Ensign Vash was sent to retrieve him from the holodeck. It is now frozen in a colosseum simulation with what appears to be a dying lion. Ensign Smith and Vash sustained injuries and reported to sick bay. We recruited a few additional operations crewmen to assist in sick bay. We lost no one after passing through the wormhole. Once matters had deescalated, we cleared an additional room for sick bay for the non-critical injuries, as the original room was over run. Engineering along with various volunteer crew members continued repairs on the ship.


Our current plan until a reply is received from Star Fleet (minimum of 6 days) is to asses damages (currently underway, lead by Ensign Vash). High Priority Repairs: Life support systems, warp core
Medium Priority Repairs: Shields, hull, transporter. After completion of repairing life support systems we will set course for federation space at impulse speed, while continuing to work on repairing the wrap core.