Personal Log: Stardates 47734.2 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sun 25th Sep 2022 09:45

Personal Log: Stardates 47734.2

by Sorra Tefin

I have sorted through the crews files and Eve and I have interview the cresw to form a new leading team. To help ensure the success of the crew we have devided the leadership tasks into two parts: liaisons and leading officers (a few overlap). This allows one person to monitor the situations on the ship from the bridge and another to lead the crew on the ground. Additionally, the role of advisor was added so the more experienced crewmen would be able to share their expertise with the inexperienced leaders.
New Crew assignments have been given as listed:
Acting Captain: Lieutenant Ailyn
Acting First Officer: Sorra Tefin
Acting Cheif Tactical Officer: Ensign Cruz
Acting Engineering Liaison: Ensign Vash
Acting Opterations Liaison: Ensign Blumenthal
Acting Helmsmen: Ensign Lee
Acting Science Liaison: Ensign Tefin
Acting Navigation: Ensign Greef Fontaine
Acting Head Security Officer: Ensign Waterman
Acting Chief Engineer: Ensign Zar
Acting Chief Science Officer: Ensign Bellwether
Acting Chief Operations Officer: Ensign Passanisi
Acting Chief Medical Officer: Ensign Connors
Engineering Advisor: Hobler
Security Advisor: Sakamori
Science Advisor: Addler
Operations Advisor: Mostafa
Tactical Advisor: Mentor
Bridge Crew Advisor: Ozier
Eve has insisted upon holding a party for "team bonding" in a few days. I will be present as we have decided to present a unified front to the crew.
Additionally, I have taken over Lieutenant Commander Tefin's room. Both platypuses appear to have a way to exist the terrarium and roam the room. I am still searching for this exist. I was able to replicate food for them and the terrarium has computer controlled environmental and cleaning controls.
Additionally, the Commander Hobb's dog, Ralph, has now become ever present on the bridge and Lieutenant Fontaine has been tasked with taking care of the dog due to his upbringing on a Canadian farm.