Away Mission Report 47739.0 by Sorra | World Anvil

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Thu 10th Nov 2022 05:44

Away Mission Report 47739.0

by Sorra Tefin

Using DNA disguises, Ensign Vash, Cheif Petty Officer Ozier, and beemed down to the planet for a recons mission. During which we observed the locals, who had clear signs of previous contamination. They used latinum as currency and they appeared to mine a pit full of the Tebin gas, which contained more advanced technology and weapons than their tribal civilization is currently capable of. Furthermore, they used EV suits to access the subterranean caverns, which I was able to photograph without drawing any attention. We additionally witnessed the contamination first hand. A large space ship, posing as a god collected offerings from the people, using a tractor beam. Additionally, they had a liaison to the gods, which the called the first one. We then reported back to the ship and plan to replicate the EV suits from the planet and beem down at night to gather the Tebin gas.