Captain's Log Stardate 18956.4: Through the Semipermeable Membrane by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sat 1st Jul 2023 08:09

Captain's Log Stardate 18956.4: Through the Semipermeable Membrane

by Sorra Tefin

It has been a lot of trials recently. We started with Cadet's Solace's trial to determine if her actions on Cobar IV were just or not. It was decided she killed in self defense. Then we moved on to the mutineers. By request of each of the personnel we are holding off trials for Williams, Ozier, and Chambers until we get back to federation space. Until then they are all three on house arrest in quarters on the ship, provided with supervised social and holodeck time among the three of them.
Ensign Vash has been working on the Dagger for several stardates now. Two stardates ago she declared it was ready for flight testing. I am still weary of using the ship, lest we attract unwanted attention, but I was invited to come along on the test flight. Personnel on the test flight were Ensign Vash and Crewman Hollins for flying purposes, Ensign Fox because she has also been working on the ship, myself, and for some reason Cadet Solace. When aboard we began testing the steering and warp capabilities of the ship. All was going well until, suddenly, the ships shields were hit by something we couldn't see. Then, where there was formally nothing, a whole solar system stretched out in our sight. The solar system had, from what we could see 5 planets, one Class M, two suns, and no moons. The ship had taken a lot of damage and we needed to land soon. Worse yet, from where we were, there were no stars beyond the two suns. Scans showed a membrane line wall that we had just passed through, but we could tell from the scans that passing the other way would destroy our ship. We decided to emergency land on the M class planet to preform repairs to our ship. Once repairs were complete we began scans of the planet. We found that we were unable to get a signal through the membrane using the Dagger's radio equipment. Additionally, scans of the planet showed a rich iron concentrated metal that ran through the core of the planet like a sea urchin. From our tricorders we were able to locate an exposed rod of the iron concentrate in a volcano on the planet. Per my suggestion, we decided it was best to hide the Dagger and hike to the top of the volcano with our radio equipment in order to amplify the signal.
On our way, we encountered animals that looked like an armadillo mixed with a tortoise and a soccer ball. We encountered several other creatures, however this was the crew's favorite. Once we got to a forested area we began to feel watched and the planet native's revealed themselves (having previously been camouflaged to near invisibility). They were curious about us, as we were about them. Cadet Solace gathered scales of the reptilian natives in order to further study their natural cloaking ability. While there, we were able to befriend the locals while not revealing to them that we were from other planets in solar systems that did not and could not exist to them because of the membrane. We told the locals we were hiking to the top of the volcano and they warned us of the journey saying we were going through "the shadow lands." Because we had befriended them, and we were insistent on continuing our trip, the locals gave us "gifts" which at first we thought was a ceremonial tea that they believed would protect us in the shadow lands. It was not good tea by any means and none of us felt particularly healthy after drinking it.
We set out for the night and got a ways before setting up camp because none of us were feeling well, Hollins in particular was concerning, and Vash was running up walls. That night we slept in shifts to monitor both us and our surroundings. We left Hollins to sleep as she was the worst off of all of us, still recovering from her injuries on the last away mission. During the night, we each discovered we had elemental powers which I at first thought was a collective group hallucination induced by the tea. However, by dawn, there was no denying the seemingly magical powers we had been given. In the morning it was also revealed that Hollins had an void-like magical power. I had earth magic, Vash had fire magic, Cadet Solace had water magic, and Ensign Fox had air magic. Cadet Solace took a sample of each of our blood with the intent on replicating the tea back on the Electra.
We continued on our way through the forest and encountered living vines which we got caught in, a bear-like creatures which we had to fend off, and other dangers. By the end of the day we got to the base of the volcano. We decided to rest and have Cadet Solace check us over from our injuries in the jungle. Then we rested for the night. In the morning we hiked up the back of the mountain which was full of switch backs which were more likely for Hollins to be able to handle with her bad leg. Along the way we ran into a snake that appeared to have multiple lives to attack us with. During the encounter we were all temporarily blinded except for Hollins, Ensign Fox accidentally broke Cadet Solace's leg. But Vash was able to figure out a frequency which disturbed the snake and was able to kill it without it immediately responding. As we continued to hike we ran into a gigantic lizard which we were able to topple off the side of the mountain (and have it still walk away). It was at that point that Vash made the observation that everything on the planet vibrated and us not vibrating was attracting the creatures of the planet to us. We used our tricorders to emit the same frequency as the snake that had attacked us. This was enough for the wildlife to leave us alone. When we reached the top we were able to send out a distress call with our coordinates and a message about the membrane. We let the message transmit for roughly an hour before heading back to our ship.
Once we were at our ship we were able to get back into space and use the rest of our reserved fuel to wait for the electra. Fortunately for us, Passinissi and the rest of the Electra crew were working hard to get through the membrane and just as we were on our last hour of fuel, They were able to temporarily break through the membrane using the deflector dish. We were able to pass back through the membrane and return to the Electra. Cadet Solace, Ensign Connors, Nurse Wallace, and Ensign Kipp are working on a serum that replicates the powers we were able to obtain on the planet. I have given the scales Cadet Solace gathered to Bellweather to study and attempt to gather cloaking knowledge from and possible even develop cloaking technology.