Death Report - Henry Carberson by Sorra | World Anvil

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Fri 10th Mar 2023 10:08

Death Report - Henry Carberson

by Sorra Tefin

Henry Carberson was found dead today, star date 23859.46, in Engineering. He appeared to be trapped in a room that lost life support systems while there was a circuit fire - fire extinguisher was absent from the room due to a crew member's participation in Electra bingo. There are clear nail marks on the door from Crewman Carberson trying to escape. Upon further investigation Henry Carberson's death appears to be a planned murder.
Before his time of death Henry Carberson sent a message to Lieutenant Junior Ailyn requesting a meeting with her. He stated he had information he needed to tell her in private. The autopsy revealed Crewman Carberson indeed died from exfixiation. The timing appeared to line up with a minor energy surge traveling through the ships system. Upon investigation of the ro0m, Mondanga spores were found in the room, as well as a containment of the spores was missing from the ships stock. The personell on the anomaly consolidation duty involving the spores were Crewman Astberry, Crewman Al Farabi - filling in for Crewman Torres due to Foxing bets, Ensign Williams, and Crewman Sams. The ships records showed the spores should still be in containment.
During the ongoing investigation another incident occurred revolving around the spores. While Crewman Torres and I were rock climbing in the holodeck spores were used in an attempt to knock us out. The spores succeeded in knocking out Crewman Torres who was currently free climbing without safety protocols on. Crewman Torres fell and I was unable to catch him. He is currently in med bay on life support. After he fell I saw a person untying my rope and leaving the holodeck with the security protocols overridden so they could not be reestablished. Ensign Vash then came and reinstated safety protocols and carried Crewman Torres to med bay.
At this point it became abundantly clear that Henry Carberson was not accidental. For more information on the incident, investigation, and culprit see investigation report.