The Races - A Quick Guide

On Aanrah, there are 23 different species who make up the bulk of Aanrah's intelligent and sapient races. These species live together on Aanrah and its adjacent planes in both harmony and conflict, each trying to survive each other and the world at large.

Aanrah's Inhabitants


Species on Aanrah are often divided into three categories - the divine-made, the world-born, and the interloper. These three categories refer to the way in which species came into existence.
Divine-made races generally covers the elves (Ash, dark, high, moon, sun, and wood) merfolk, and dragons. These races were made by a specific divine, and all are capable of inherent magic as a result.
Worldborn races includes birdfolk, dwarves, harpies, humans, gnomes, goblins, orcs, ratfolk, and sphinx, and are the species who came into existence from Aanrah itself without the help of a god.
Interloper races include endbringers, Nurí/fae, Nymauti demons, outsiders, and Ynvónyẽian demons, and are races who existed before Aanrah and came from another plane of existence.

Culture, Language, & Alignment

While races on Aanrah might have a 'default' or assumed culture or language, there is no inherent culture, language, or alignment to the species of Aanrah. Merfolk may usually be from the Weg'olw'chye culture and speak Weg'olw'chyen, but that doesn't mean they have to be, or know how to speak it by default. There are also no inherently 'good' or 'evil' races - each are defined by their individuals and cultures, and how their actions and culture are perceive in and out of their own culture.

The Races

Ash Elves

Small-statured elves with 'cat-like' pointed ears, the ash elves are one of the youngest races on Aanrah. Ash elves stand shorter then humans but typically live longer. They are characterized by their ashen skin and ember-like eyes. Unlike the other elven races, it is unknown which deity created.


Diverse and colorful, birdfolk appear as birds of humanoid stance, with a pair of wings on their back and arms that match their clawed feet. Birdfolk live half the average lifespan of humans, making them one of the shorter lived races on Aanrah. They come in all shapes and sizes, able to have feather colors and patterns of any real or imaginary bird.

Dark Elves

Created from moon elves by Oreik after Honoun Collapsed, the dark elves are known for their darker usually purple or blue-tinted skin and bat-like ears. They primarily live in the Underground, hidden away from the watchful eye of the moons. They tend to be taller than humans and live much longer, inheriting their predecessor's longevity.


The most diverse of the races, dragons come in all shapes and sizes, each empowered with a divine aspect more strongly than other races. They are capable of reaching colossal sizes and ascending to a immortal state, making them one of the most feared races on Aanrah. They are able to shift to a more humanoid form, which still stands taller then the average person. In modern times, dragons are near extinct on the surface.


Native to Aanrah's Underground, dwarves are stocky humanoids who stand a head shorter then most humans, but live noticeably longer. Their skin and hair color leans to more earthen tones, with eyes like gemstones. Those from deeper in the earth tend to be more pale.


Originating from another plane of existence, the endbringers are large, generally elephant-sized monsters of bone and sinew. They live largely in the Underworld, but are sometimes seen on the surface as the summons of conjurers or as mercenaries. They are one of the longest lived races on Aanrah, and one of the most powerful.


One of the smallest races, gnomes tend to be almost half the size of humans, with limber bodies and rounded facial features. Their skin, hair, and eye color is similar to humans. They tend to live a little longer then the average human does.


Standing around the same height as gnomes, goblins are sometimes thought to have originated as the hybrids of orcs and gnomes. Goblins usually have dull green, brown, or red skin, with little or no hair and pointed teeth and ears. They have life spans that are a little shorter then humans.


Harpies appear as humanoids with the lower half of a bird and wings instead of arms, often with a fine layer of feathers from their head down their back. They are sometimes thought to have originated as offspring of birdfolk and humans. They tend to be a bit shorter in lifespan and size then humans.

High Elves

Thought to be created by the god Ciurte, high elves can stand much taller than humans, and usually have tanned to pale skin with sheep-like ears. They are generally broken into eastern and western ethnic groups, with the eastern group trending towards paler skin and hair then the western group. They live far longer than humans do.


Not a far difference from the humans of Earth, humans on Aanrah are the most generalist race and one of the most adapted to mingling in other cultures. They come in all the shapes, colors, and sizes as Earth humans do, and are considered to have a average lifespan of around 80 years.


One of the first races on Aanrah, the merfolk were created by the god Sen Srrgrrlus. They have the upper half of a scaly humanoid and the lower half of a fish when in water, but most merfolk are capable of shifting their fish tail into legs when on land. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns that are akin to aquatic animals that live in their region. Without tails, they are usually the same height as humans, and live about as long.


Not quite a proper species, monsters are considered any creature that does not fall into another category. Often the results of spontaneous magical manifestations, wizard projects, or flukes of nature, monsters can look like just about anything. Not all are sapient, and some live short lives while others linger long past even some elves.

Moon Elves

Created by the three moon gods and originating from said moons, the moon elves on Aanrah are the descendants of moonfolk exiled from their lunar homes. They can be taller then humans, usually with tan to pale skin and rabbit-like ears. They come in three ethnic groups, most notable by the length of their ears. They are one of the longest lived races on Aanrah, and are biologically immortal on the moons.


Naga appear as having the upper body of a human with the lower body of a snake, usually covered in scales over the bulk of their humanoid torso. They come in a variety of patterns and colors, commonly those of real snakes, and their skin color usually matches this. They tend to live a bit longer than humans.

Nurí / Fae

Hailing from the plane of Nurí, the fae are a mysterious race rarely seen outside of their full skin-covering garb. Usually much taller then humans, fae are known to have brightly colored markings and eyes that are tell-tale signs of fae ancestry in offspring. They are the longest lived race on Aanrah, and one of the rarest.

Nymauti Demons

Originating from a different plane, Nymauti demons are known for their contrasting black and white skin and the ornate markings they are born with. Most Nymauti demons are asymmetrical in some form, usually resulting in lopsided horns, eyes, or tails. Like Endbringers, they are rarely seen outside of the Underworld, except for as summons. They can be taller than humans, and live much longer.


Orcs are one of the tallest humanoid species on Aanrah, fit with powerful muscles and intimidating sets of fangs. They usually have dull green, brown, or red skin, and dark colored hair. They live slightly shorter lives then humans.


Beings from outside of Aanrah's reality, outsiders are considered another loose collection of beings who aren't really a single species. Often appearing otherworldly to downright incomprehensible, outsiders are exceedingly rare. They share only a fragment of relation to one other, and are universally thought to be older then Aanrah on various scales.


The smallest race on Aanrah, ratfolk appear as bipedal rats who are a common staple of every inhabitable area on Aanrah. Coming in every color and pattern of a normal rat, with some more mouse-like ethnic groups, ratfolk one of the most plentiful races on Aanrah. They are also the shortest lived, living a little under half of a human's lifespan.


Sometimes thought to have originated as some sort of offspring of dragons, sphinx appear as giant lion-like beasts with bird-like wings and a humanoid face. They most often have the color and patterns of lions, but are known to come in the pattern and color of other felines. They live longer then the average human, and are much taller even at the shoulder.

Sun Elf

Created by the god Zwinwele, sun elves are the tallest humanoid race on Aanrah. They have brown to near black skin and equally dark hair, usually with pointed 'dog-like' ears. They live much longer then humans, but only in the middle in terms of elf life spans.

Wood Elves

Created by the god Zhia Tyali, wood elves tend to be a bit shorter then humans. Wood elves skin tone ranges from pale to red-brown depending on their proximity to the equator, and have 'deer-like' ears.

Ynvónyẽian Demons

Unique to The Kingdom of Four, Ynvónyẽian demons originate from another plane of existence. Little is known about them due to their isolationist nature, but they are known to appear to be entwined to elements, and have the potential to stand taller then humans. They are much longer lived then the average human is.


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