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The History of Shufi Shuhǎ

The following timeline encompasses the entirety of the history and creation

Age of Creation

... 99

  • 1 AoC

    Kitdi ikit Ta - The Origin of Men
    Cultural event

    kitdi ikit ta, pronounced kiːtdiː ˈiːkiːt tɑ in Tahi, means the origin of men.   Awakening on Capital Island next to Laath Lake, surrounded by marshes, King Hal Haab and his fellow humans (10 pairs), with the guidance of the Supreme-Being Valikar, began to build a civilisation on the island.

The Age of Men

100 6999

  • 1000 AoM

    1500 AoM

    The discovery and Development of the Island of Andal
    Discovery, Exploration

    In the year 1000, King Hal Haab built a fleet of boats; sailing South, they came across what the King would call The Island of Andal. Building a small settlement called Annd (what would later be known as the Ruin Coast of Annd), over the next 500 years, the Island of Andal would see the construction of the Town of Estif, the Manor of Kings, and the Keep of Andal Island.

  • 1700 AoM

    The Battle of the Islets
    Military: War

    In the year 1800AoM, King Hal Haab's fleet was attacked by the fleet of King Tankuuthwar in the Islets of Hal while King Hal's ships were sheltering from a storm. Due to King Tankuuthwar's superior ships, King Hal's fleet was utterly destroyed. This was the first recorded military conflict between humans; with these events, began the First War of the Two Kings.

  • 1800 AoM

    The First Battle of the Bay of Andula
    Military: Battle

    In the days leading up to the Battle of the Bay of Andula, both King Hal Haab and King Tankuuthwar gathered their navies. The men and ships of the Capital Island of Hal Haab readied themselves to defend their homeland, while King Tankuuthwar's forces prepared to launch an attack on the island. The morning of the battle saw the two opposing fleets sail out from their respective ports. King Hal Haab, who had taken charge of the defense of his island's coast, was at the forefront of his navy. His flagship, adorned with the coat of arms of Hal Haab, was a sight to behold. It was a large ship with billowing sails, manned by a skilled crew and equipped with formidable weaponry. The King himself stood at the helm, his face set in determination.   On the other side of the bay, King Tankuuthwar's navy advanced. The men aboard his ships were equally determined, though their ships were not as grand as those of Hal Haab's fleet. Nevertheless, they were determined to conquer the Capital Island, no matter the cost.   The two navies clashed in the Bay of Andula, their ships colliding with a loud crash. The sound of metal against metal and the screams of the dying echoed across the water. King Hal Haab's ships maneuvered with expert precision, their sailors trained to fight on the sea. They unleashed a barrage of arrows and other projectiles, taking down many of King Tankuuthwar's men.   King Tankuuthwar himself was leading the charge from the front of his navy. His ship was smaller than Hal Haab's flagship, but it was still an impressive vessel. He ordered his men to board Hal Haab's ships, hoping to take control of them from within. But the men of Hal Haab were ready for such an attack. They fought back fiercely, using swords, axes, and any other weapon they could get their hands on.   The battle raged on for hours, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. But King Hal Haab's navy slowly began to push back King Tankuuthwar's forces. Their skill and training proved too much for the invaders. Hal Haab's ships began to surround those of the enemy, cutting off their escape routes.   King Tankuuthwar saw that his defeat was imminent. He ordered his remaining ships to retreat, but it was too late. The ships of Hal Haab's navy had them surrounded, and they were unable to escape. One by one, Tankuuthwar's ships were boarded and taken over by Hal Haab's forces.   When the battle finally ended, the sea was filled with the wreckage of destroyed ships and the bodies of the dead. The victory was King Hal Haab's, but it had come at a heavy cost. His navy had lost ten ships, and five thousand men had been killed in the battle. King Tankuuthwar's losses, however, were far greater. All but one of his fifty-five ships had been destroyed, and almost twenty-seven thousand of his men had been killed.   The news of the battle spread quickly across the land, and Hal Haab was hailed as a hero. His victory had saved the Capital Island from invasion, and his bravery and leadership had inspired his men to fight to the death. The Battle of the Bay of Andula would go down in history as one of the greatest naval battles of all time, a testament to the courage and determination of the men who fought in it.

  • 1850 AoM

    1 /6
    1850 AoM

    6 /6

    The Peace Accords of the First War of the Two Kings
    Political event

    King Hal Haab hosted King Tankuuthwar at the Manor of Kings on the Island of Andal for peace talks. Lasted 5 days, the peace accords would result in the establishment of permanent properties in Gull's Perch and Haaled Hoose Fortress to serve as neutral places of communication between the two kingdoms. Additionally, King Tankuuthwar would gift King Hal Haab one of his crown jewels (a giant gem) as compensation for the losses suffered by King Hal.

  • 1899 AoM

    The Creation of Blood Magic
    Scientific achievement

    Prince Uda Haab in the year 1899 devised a method to take advantage of the rules by manipulating magic within an already living being; Prince Uda used the magic gained from the Realm of Contrast to imbue a being with significant amounts of magic, then drain that magic from the being and enrich his own magic reserves. In the majority of cases this would severely wound or kill the being that was the target of his magic. This magic technique is called Blood Magic.

  • 2100 AoM

    2400 AoM

    Construction of the Pyramid of Naab
    Construction beginning/end

    Prince Uda Haab built the Pyramid of Naab in the Western Wood of the Capital Island of Hal Haab.

  • 4800 AoM

    The Battle of the Western Wood
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Western Wood was the final battle in the Second War of the Two Kings; involving 5,000 men on both sides, the battle ended with the death of Prince Yedne, son of King Tankuuthwar, at the hands of Prince Hea Haab, son of King Hal Haab.

  • 4995 AoM

    4995 AoM


    The Battle of Siksef Forest and the Death of King Tankuuthwar
    Military: Battle

    On the borders of Siksef Forest at the foot of Haaled Hoose Fortress plateau, Prince Uda Haab and his company of 10,000 men fought against the forces of King Tankuuthwar and his company of 14,000 men.

The Age of Elves

7000 50000

The Age of Elves was the period of time that saw the Elven Kingdoms develop, becoming entities of their own with the capacity for affluence and military campaigns

  • 1 AoE

    The Founding of the Elven Capital City of Fe`m me` ke` (Ice Heart)
  • 501 AoE

    1001 AoE

    Tete ta Ftihdib - The Birth of Dwarves
    Life, Birth

    Tete ta Ftihdib, pronounced ˈtɛtɛ tɑ ˈftiːhdiːb in Tahi, means the Birth of Dwarves.   10 couples offered to undergo the process of soul manipulation; over a period of 500 years, each couple was transfigured by Prince Hedfa Haab with help from Valikar from men to proto-men, later to be named 'haki kehut' in Tahi, al yen in Fadda, funde lǐrǔ in Yǎknǔian or Dwarves.

  • 1001 AoE

    2101 AoE

    Tete ta Ftakke
    Life, Birth

    Tete ta Ftakke (pronounced tɛtɛ tɑ ˈftɑkkɛ in Tahi) was the birth of dragons

  • 8001 AoE

    The Slaughter of Gita Momufo | Gethirien
    Military: Battle

    Working in tandem with the Kingdom of Linyariel (Evening Star), Lord Elaris Sylthienlor took the area that would become Gita Momufo | Gethirien from indigenous lesser elves, slaughtering all the male elves, leaving only the female elves and children alive. The survivors were escorted to Gufa Guda and put into boats being told to never come back again.

  • 21371 AoE

    The Conspiracy of the Elven Council of Aristocrats
    Political event

    The Elven Council of monarchs rebels against the High-King of the Elves

  • 21372 AoE

    21471 AoE

    The War for Autonomy of the Elven Kingdoms
    Military: War

    The High-King Hia Nefe of the Elves declared the Council of Aristocrats rebels and summoned his troops to war against them.

  • 21375 AoE

    21375 AoE

    The Battle of Irithelon
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Irithelon: A Pivotal Clash in the Elven War for Autonomy Background: The Battle of Irithelon stands as a watershed moment in the Elven War for Autonomy, a conflict that pitted the High-King's forces against the united armies of the Council of Aristocrats. Irithelon, a strategically significant region, became the battleground where the fate of elven autonomy would be decided.

  • 21471 AoE

    The Murder of High-King Hia Nefe by his Daughter Princess Gipiu Nefe
    Life, Death

    High-King Hia Nefe was on the verge of crushing the rebel Kingdoms when his daughter murdered him in his tent on the battlefield the night before.

  • 21471 AoE

    Peace with the High-Kingdom and the Council of Aristocrats
    Diplomatic action

    Upon becoming High-Queen, Gipiu Nefe declared the war to be over

  • 28044 AoE

    The Murder of Queen Yeffeg Heyuyi
    Life, Crime

    The murder of Queen Yeffeg Heyuyi and her son Lord Unbab Gdeyaga Heyuyi was an act committed by the House of Babaheg

  • 28090 AoE

    28090 AoE

    The Kin-slaying of the Royal House of Elyndoras
    Political event

    The kin-slaying of the Royal House of Elyndoras was a political event in the City of Evening Star that involved the murder of many members of the Elyndoras family, Gegbi family, and other aristocratic families of Evening Star.


The Age of Maturity

50001 62000

By the dawn of the Age of Building, Dwarves, Elves, and humans had developed technologies to undertake mining, crafting and construction all independent of one another.

The Age of Fire & Blood

62001 75500

The Age of Fire and Blood owes its name to the conflict between the Humans, Elves, and Dwarves and the Elementals and Dragons/Drakes. Fought primarily on territorial grounds, the conflict was triggered when dragons in the Western Stretches emerged from volcanic mountains in the South West.   Together, the Humans, Elves and Dwarves confronted some 50+ dragons and hundreds of Elementals in the greatest battle up till that time. Magic would allow the Alliance to triumph; with the deaths of over 50% of the populations of all the races, and 90% of the dragons, the dragons and elementals were driven back. Never again were dragons allowed to attack the creations of The One without cause; the One endowed them with intelligence and sentience that allowed them to communicate.

  • 2900 AFB

    3000 AFB

    The Great War of Men & Dwarves
    Military: War

    The Great War of Men and Dwarves was instigated by King Hal Haab in retaliation for the The House of Blorsa limiting resources to the Men of the Capital Islands of Hal Haab.   Comprising of several battles and conflict across one hundred years, the war would end up with the death of King Hal Haab, and the decline of Men as a power in the Stretches.

  • 11590 AFB

    15 /3
    11590 AFB

    19 /3

    The Battle for the Ruul Valley
    Military: Battle

    The Battle for the Ruul Valley was fought in the Fortress Town of Ruul between the armies of the Elves of Momufo, the Dwarves of Kekta Bandu & Gofohu, and the Dragons of Finggu Ransu fi Pakne.   Fought over the course of four days, the armies of the Elves and Dwarves successfully pushed back the dragons with both sides receiving considerable losses.

The First Age

75501 87500

The First Age saw the expansion of the Elves into Dwarven settled lands; this culminated in the war between the steadfast Dwarves of the Northern Province, and the Elves of the Western Stretches that settled in the Northern Province a few thousand years before; they build the great Elven City of Elder Fort.   Fire burned and blood ran, the scale was terrible; the act that closed the First Age and dawned the Second was the inference of Wrathnors Will upon the region. The creation of Brightwater River divided the region, and the death of most of the Dwarven dragons brought an end to the fighting. From that point onwards the Supreme Beings would not interfere directly again.

  • 3056 FA

    The Founding of Liv Grama by Nobleman Das Grama
    Construction beginning/end

    The Town of Liv Grama was established by Das Grama to the extreme South of Kekta Bandu in a valley to the East of Hagle Blorsa

  • 3198 FA

    The Wounding of King Das Grama of the City of Liv Grama
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    King Das Grama of the City of Liv Grama is wounded in battle sustaining severe injuries. The King loses an eye, a leg, and an arm; he survives through the skill of his healer, Lady Feyfib Heyuyi.

  • 3251 FA

    The Establishment of the First Dwarven Council of Free Peoples
    Political event

    The Prince-Consort Faf Grama of the Kingdom-City of Liv Grama establishes the Liv Grama Council of Free Peoples; it operates as a legislative body that collaborates with the Office of the King of the Kingdom-City of Liv Grama.

  • 3266 FA


    Peace Accords of the Second Elven War of Aggression
    Political event

    Prince-Consort Faf Grama oversees the Peace Accords of the Second Elven War of Aggression

  • 3273 FA

    The Death of King Das Grama of the City-Kingdom of Liv Grama
    Life, Death

    King Das Grama's efforts in fighting the Great Forest Fire of Liv Grama resulted in his death a year later; he had ruled the City-Kingdom of Liv Grama for 217 years, a relatively short reign for a Dwarven King.   At the time of his death, King Das Grama was 823 years old.

  • 3301 FA

    12 /3
    3304 FA

    18 /1

    The Second Elven Invasion and Siege of Liv Grama
    Military action

    The Elves broke through the South-Eastern wall of the Gates of Fi Ka, marching undetected through the Forest of Ngova fi Dinta, passing between the Foothills of Munla to the South and the Mountain Ranges of Hagle Blorsa to the South.   With an army of 20,000 Elves, the Elven force made siege to the City-Kingdom of Liv Grama, destroying all settlements and resources outside of the City Walls. The Elves would set up for a long siege by setting up camp, gathering food sources, and protecting their Northern backing by intercepting all Dwarven allies heading for Liv Grama.   The Elves would also intercept all messages headed for the other Dwarven Kingdoms, creating a secretive siege that would last for over 2 years; skirmishes would occur between the two forces, with the Elves using their siege weapons to devastate the City's infrastructure.   During this sustained siege of the City, the Elves were puzzled by the resilience of the City's population; it confused them as to how the City was able to sustain such destruction for so long. At the conclusion of the second year of occupation, Liv Grama was ready to retaliate.

  • 3303 FA

    The Conclusion of the Third Elven War of Aggression
    Military action

    After 2 years of siege and regional occupation by Elven forces, and the failure of diplomacy between the Elves and the City Kingdom of Liv Grama, the patience of King Faf Grama, Hero of the Dwarves, had worn out.   King Faf Grama mustered his family dragon with the intent to conclude the siege; prior to this moment, it was impossible for King Faf to use his dragon as the Elves had engines that could kill dragons. With the destruction of those war machines, King Faf mounted his dragon and laid waste to the Elven army.   It is thought only 5,000 Elven troops survived, with all 100 of the Elvish Nobility being slaughtered in dragon fire. With no leadership left, and stranded in a foreign land, the 5,000 Elvish survivors surrendered to King Faf personally.   Reparations of the Third War of Elven Aggression would be harsh, King Faf demanded the enslavement of all Elven survivors of the War, with the option of family members to pay ransoms for the return of their Kin; Ownership of all treasure and equipment the Elves had brought with them and plundered during the 2 years of conflict; and the payment of 10,000,000 Gold Pieces as payment for suffering sustained by the Peoples of Liv Grama.

  • 3400 FA

    1 /3 12:00
    3400 FA

    6 /3 12:00

    The First 'Festival of Fire' Celebrated in the City-Kingdom of Liv Grama
    Cultural event

    King Faf of Liv Grama, Hero of the Kingdoms establishes the first 'Festival of Fire' to celebrate the victory over the Elves in the Third War of Elven Aggression in 78803FA

  • 4388 FA

    4391 FA

    The Third War of Elven Aggression | The 3-Year Siege of Liv Grama
    Military action

    The Elven Armies march on, and siege the City of Liv Grama. Mustering host of 40,000 troops, the Elves are able to fully blockade Liv Grama off from the rest of the Dwarven Region.   With no dragons to defend themselves, the King Das-Faff orders the withdrawal of the civilian population into the catacombs and shelters built under the City in the boundaries of the City walls.   King Das-Faff attempts to send messages to the Dwarven High King of Kekta Bandu; no help comes for 3 years.

  • 4401 FA

    14 /6 12:00

    The Execution of King Das-Faff of Liv Grama by Order of the High King of Kekta Bandu
    Life, Death

    The High King of Kekta Bandu sentences King Das-Faff of Liv Grama to death for the crime of conspiring to kill his King (former King Wru-Das Grama) and the killing of family members (Prince Rhett Grama & Supreme Justice Prince Dav-Das Grama).   The charges of regicide and kin-slaying were levied against King Das-Faff and was found guilty, and sentenced to death. His execution was carried out on the 14/06/79901FA.

The Second Age

87501 92876

An Age of stagnation for Elves and Dwarves, the Second Age saw the flourishing of Men; established throughout the Northern Islands, when volcanoes destroyed their capital island, King Hal Haab ventured to the East. Establishing themselves across a half-dozen islands and anointing a new Capital island, Man became the single most advanced race in the world.   This Age saw the advance of Airships, cannon and war machines; it also saw the fleeing of the last Dwarven High King from Fuste Fortress, building a strong base in the Eastern Islands with the aid of King Hal Haab. With the absence of the High King, Elves moved into the Northern Region and assimilated into the political system the Dwarves used. The Second Age ended when the settlement of the Dwarven High King and control of the Northern Province by the Elves had been completed.