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The Theotians of Aldebaran

What is a Theotian?

A being that has always been a higher god within the realm of Aldebaran, or figured out the secret of ascension into becoming one. Theotians are the forces that make the world. They are responsible for the creation of the Weave, what happens to the souls of creatures that die, and the protection of the world of Aldebaran. Worshippers of the Theotians rarely hear the word of their god. Whatever the Theotians are up to within the realm of Indelcaun, it is above them.   Clergy and others who divine their power from the Theotians act as their god's will. That will isn't explained to them directly. Through the teachings and fundamental philosophies of their god do they act. Each Theotian has their own methods on who they pick as divine clergy, able to make use of the powers they grant. Some are far more expansive than others. Comparing the number of So'lith's followers to that of Leyinix's, you'll find that there are far more dedicated to the sun god. Then again, the Moon Conduit's followers tend to be extremely powerful individuals.   Of course, each Theotian has a particular way that they swing. The alignments of the gods often come into conflict. It is thought that through The Primordial Wyrm balance is maintained, never swaying to heavily towards one side. Impartial, the Wyrm has throughout centuries brought about ruin and golden ages alike. When it becomes necessary, Theotians can be added to the pantheon as well, typically selected from the numerous demi-gods that populate Aldebaran.  

Good Theotians


So'lith - The Sun God
Utosserix - Serpent of Creation


The Gentle Mourning - Consoler of the Dead
Karnassus - Bulwark of the Weak
Auro'thaken - Dragon of Good
Sham'oh Thalia - Lady of Luck


Lunayin - The Healing Moon
Cassilda - The Shapeshifter of Fate
Shadow Weaver - Umbral Vigilante

Neutral Theotians


Yis - Family of Stars
Aunheim - Law and Order


Vin Con Junai - The Destroyer
The Primordial Wyrm - The Seven Headed Theotian of the World
Leyinix - The Mother of Lycanthropes


Hyakuuwuu - Lord of Passion
Io - The Fanciful Moon
Gambler - Reaper of Souls

Evil Theotians


Jyodjit - The Eternal Consumer
Mordrakan - Binding Word
Glojarl - The Sickly Light


Doko - The Dishonorable Duelist
Ebenkrai - The Raven of Hatred
Fayenok - Dragon of Evil
Erux Pho - Deathstalker


Silinthinius - Serpent of Destruction
Charon - The Plotting Moon
Slaveku - Lord of Frogs
Religious, Pantheon


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