Statue of Grupe

The Statue of Grupe is a great golden statue of the Zenethian Hero Grupe, the Monster Hunter, who founded Porgorag in the early Fifth Age. The huge memorial statue of Grupe stands at the southern entrance to Porgorag, overlooking the Orc Highway as it runs southwards from the city.


The statue is constructed on the edge of the Orc Highway and stands at the southern entrance to Porgorag. The city can be seen spreading out behind it. It is known as one of the most prominent features of the city.   It is a great golden statue which is almost 60 feet tall and depicts Grupe as he was decades after the events of the Tarterian War. It shows Grupe as a big and broad orc man with battle-scarred skin and two prominent tusks, wearing a finely crafted set of hide armor represented in great detail. He has a long beard and slightly pointed ears, decorated with a few mismatched bone and gold earrings. His eyes, looking southwards, are sharp and bright, and there’s a tall mohawk with roc feathers hanging down the sides.   His stance is a powerful, steady, solid pose. His hands are held forward and his shoulders are squared, and in his hands is a great chain of golden metal running between them and then down to a great hooked blade on one side and a large counterweight on the other, both of which look almost impacted into the ground beside the roadway.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 31 Madaet 5A 352, Romulus viewed the statue on his appraoch to the city.   On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka and Mortimr Gwathagoldrin viewed the statue on their appraoch to the city. Chaka made a detailed drawing of the statue.   On 4 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers left Porgorag southwards, passing by the statue. Ilmendwyth placed his hand on the statue for a moment before continuing on.
Monument / Statue, Large
Parent Location
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane