Yellow Quay

The Yellow Quay is a major military facility located on the coast in Porgorag. It houses the region’s Keels Band soldiers and the northern ships of the Keel’s Navy. Warguard Ghuzzakk, son of Ugral maintains the operations of the Queendom of Keeleon military in the area.


The facility is surrounded by a large, stone embankment wall, which extend out into the Leviathan Sea. The wall forms a large square section on the city's coast with a number of buildings contained within. The wall is 15-feet high and slopes at a 20-degree angle. The interior of the embankment wall is large enough to house the facility's docks, buildings, and military units, including a small number of docked warships.   The city-side entrance to the facility is at an opening of the embankment wall 25 and 30 feet wide. This section is protected by a thick timber palisade, which is manned by Keel's Band soldiers on the ground and patrolling on the wall. The palisade is designed so one has to weave single-file to enter the grounds. On either side of the palisade sigils made of wrought metal fashioned after the Queendom of Keeleon flag, which are painted yellow.   Inside the wall is a large open area where troops can be seen training, moving, and performing various facility functions. To the north are the docks, which are big, stone-lined quays made of cobbled stone. On the coast are stone breakwaters.

Reception Building

On the interior are a number of buildings, one of which functions as a reception or meeting area. It appears to be an unimportant building for fulfilling secondary or tertiary functions. It is simple in decor. There is a large table with a number of chairs, as well as a few plush chairs to the side. There is a small, potted aloe plant on the table. In addition to the entrance, there is another door leading out of the room to the side.

Notable People

Warguard Ghuzzakk, son of Ugral: Warguard of Porgorag and member of the Keel's Band military.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, the pair of docked Keel's Navy ships were being loaded with crew and supplies. Orders had come in from the capital that a portion of the forces housed here were being sent southwards. Warguard Ghuzzakk had a meeting with Coinguard Gim Gorod where they discussed these military orders, which was overheard by Mortimr.   In the late afternoon of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude, Demitri, Mortimr, Chaka, and Romsca approached the Yellow Quay and were brought to the reception building. After an extended wait, they met Warguard Ghuzzakk who provided information regarding the missing carriages for the Hands of Ore and he directed them to the Coinguard.
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane