Azimuth 2 - Session 18 - Cards and Conversations

General Summary

Northern Orcish Plains

As the caravan made camp in the evening of the second day of travel, Ilmendwyth kept watch for potential prey to hunt. From nearby, the half-orc guard, who previously asked Ilmendwyth to get a boar for him and his group, gave the elf a thumbs up. Ilmendwyth nodded back noncommittally.   Romsca and Chaka joined Ilmendwyth. It was quick to trail a large pack of wild boars, and Ilmendwyth expertly aimed and took down a large adult. As the rest of the pack scattered, Ilmendwyth did not take another shot at them.   Romsca helped to field dress the boar. She asked Ilmendwyth about his experience with the Manslayer War. It was in his living memory that the beastfolk waged war, but he was glad to see that in recent centuries they had changed some of their ways and could choose their own destinies.   Romsca said, “I was hoping it might help knowing so I might be able to talk to Arwin a little better.” Ilmendwyth acknowledged that Arwin’s Brancan heritage or his time with the Brancana Rangers may be a factor. Ilmendwyth had heard rumors of continued fighting between the rangers and beastfolk in the Wild Lands, though the rumors were unclear who the aggressors were.   Romsca felt Arwin was making the issue personal to her. Ilmendwyth replied, “Arwin doesn’t seem to be a brutish soldier. He can think for himself, and I believe that even if he does not see it now, he will see that not all beastfolk are the same. You are not your people. You are Romsca.”   Chaka overheard the conversation while foraging wild mallow. He felt for Romsca’s plight at being perceived by her race first and her person second. He felt it was refreshing to hear Ilmendwyth’s perspective, to know that preconceptions are not held by everyone.   They returned to camp, and the boar was prepared and shared with all the caravan guards. Ilmendwyth gave a large chunk to the goliath, Cirro, who grunted his appreciation. Ilmendwyth also provided some to the half-orc from before and his group.  
The half-orc was named Malagat. He thanked Ilmendwyth and invited them to play cards with their group: himself, another half-orc with a vielle named Dodim, and a human shuffling cards named Mardun.   Ilmendwyth and Arwin agreed to play, while Mortimr watched the twitchy dealer from a distance. Demitri decided to not join, and Gertrude made sure ale was passed around.   They played rounds of the card game, Queens and Khans. Arwin took the first pot, and Dodim took the second. Before the third hand, Malagat suggested they bet something “interesting” instead of gold, that the loser of the next round would hunt a boar for the winner. Ilmendwyth declined and left, but Arwin accepted. Arwin said if he won, Malagat and his group would agree to stay with the caravan all the way through.   Mardun dealt Arwin and Dodim a final hand. They took turns raising the bet, and Dodim laid down a winning hand. Dodim shook Arwin’s hand after. Malagat shared that the dealer, Mardun, was a gambling addict and the half-orcs had wanted to mess with him.   Arwin asked what Mardun’s deal was, and Malagat said Mardun was running from some gambling debts he made in Santeem. Arwin lied and said it was a coincidence, as one of his group was a bounty hunter from Santeem. Mardun calmly packed away the cards, stood quietly, and ran out of the camp. Arwin and Malagat laughed, and Dodim sighed and walked after the man.   Mortimr asked about the debt, but Malagat didn’t know the details. Eventually, Dodim and Mardun returned, and they had two young boars as well. These were dressed at the camp and also distributed among the full caravan, leading to an abundance of meat for the groups.   Mortimr cast a Detect Thoughts spell. He would have been noticed doing so, but as he cast, a voice in his head asked, “My love, is this important to you?” Mortimr said it could be, and the voice assisted him. Shadows cloaked him and seemingly none saw Mortimr cast his spell.   He approached Mardun from the dark and read his thoughts. Though he returned, he was paranoid and uneasy after the card game. Mortimr was puzzled why someone would fear an assassin all the way from Santeem. Reading his thoughts, Mortimr learned Mardun owed a lot of gold to Zarqaa Masoud, a powerful figure in the Santeem Republic.  
Romsca asked Demitri how he was doing. She noticed he seemed off since the night before. Demitri was lost in his own thoughts, but quickly answered unconvincingly that everything was fine. Demitri shared he left something behind in Santeem he thought was behind him, but after last night he was no longer sure.   Gertrude overheard and gave Demitri an ale. He then suggested that if they really wanted to know, then they could play the drinking game from the Glistening Hog Tavern again. Captain Ruslan joined them, along with Arwin, Chaka, and Gertrude. Mortimr eventually joined as well. Romulus and Ilmendwyth stepped away to tend to their own tasks before the evening was done.   The rules were the same: they would take turns asking questions to one another, and you could either answer the question or take a drink. Over the course of the conversations, the following information was shared:  
Captain Levka Ruslan
  • The riskiest thing Ruslan had done was talking back to his commander in the Santeem army. Ruslan had been stationed in eastern Santeem for months when he suggested some of the upcoming caravan goods instead be given to the needy Santeemites in Frenor who could use it. Ruslan was punished for this by receiving command of the caravan to be sent out of the country.
  • Common was Ruslan’s second language. His first language was Santeemite.
  • Chaka makes his supplies instead of purchasing them because these types of goods are rare in his homeland. He was on a journey to find more of these types of resources to bring back home with him one day, as they are more vibrant and he wants to refine his work.
  • Chaka is from Clan Bactrian in the south of the Hobgoblin Khanate. He “enjoyed parts” of his home, but it was somewhat stifling and difficult to follow his own path. The expectations of his family and clan made leaving difficult. He’s unsure how his return would be perceived, and felt his father may feel Chaka abandoned his duties.
  • Romsca asked what Demitri had left out on his reasoning for coming to Tarteria. Instead of answering, Demitri drank.
  • Arwin asked if there was a benefactor in Santeem he was beholden to. Demitri said no, not anymore.
  • The crest on the back of Arwin’s cloak was from the Brancana Rangers. He received the cloak when he first joined, and the emblem had faded since then.
  • Arwin’s said his fondest memory was seeing his father for the last time. Arwin knew his father would have passed on due to his advanced age by the time he returned home. Arwin’s father had given him the residuum arrows at this time, which were a gift from his mother who died in childbirth.
Romsca, Smelter of Ingots
  • Romsca said she didn’t enjoy her time in Endor. She said though dwarves say clan is important, they are also very competitive. No one wanted to help or teach her, and she was seen as a competitor without the lifespan to meet the same quality.
Gertrude Oathenhammer
  • Gertrude enjoys art. Large cities, like Endor, the First Mountain, attract many artists. She mentioned the member of Clan Grimsunder who crafted the handwoven Zenethian symbol that hung on the door of Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder.
Mortimr Gwathagoldrin
  • Mortimr said he truly didn’t know where his magic comes from.
When Mortimr joined, he asked Demitri if he knew Zarqaa Masoud. Demitri shared though she is not officially in the government, she is a figure of strong political power in Santeem. She operates in the Grand Bazaar, using money and magic to achieve her goals. Demitri said she was “someone you definitely don’t want interested in you. That’s for sure.”  
The conversation took a serious turn when Arwin asked Romsca, “Why do you worship the god of knowledge, but know pretty much nothing about the world?” She was unsure how to answer, but said the worship of Morounin was still very new. She was introduced to Morounin through Borscha Brickwell, which helped her while learning her trade.   Arwin continued to press her, alleging she was being insincere. Romsca had said the Lightbringers were a pack, but she also said she was only learning things for her tribe. Arwin said gnolls were only loyal to their packs and tribes.   Demitri called out Arwin, saying the gnoll tribes might not have the same systems of schools and learning that large countries like Santeem or Branca did, and it was unfair to judge her by it.   Romsca didn’t know what she had done to bother Arwin so much. Arwin said it was the irony of Romsca’s goals, worship of Morounin, and her lack of knowledge of the history between beastfolk and Branca. In response, Romsca said, “I’m sure history is told from many perspectives, and I’m sure that your version is different from the one I’ve heard. But what you’re forgetting is that seven lifetimes ago, I was not alive. Nobody in my tribe was alive.”   Arwin listed the things gnolls did to Brancans during the Manslayer War. Romsca said she would never do those things. Arwin said gnolls were still doing them in the Wild Lands, and he left.   In the wake of the argument, Gertrude tried to comfort Romsca, but she quickly left too. The game broke apart, and the group set to night watches.  
During the watch, Demitri spoke with Arwin. Demitri knew Branca had history with beastfolk, but suggested Arwin pull back some for the sake of group cohesion and not make his opinions Romsca’s problem. Arwin said he wished it could be that simple.   Ilmendwyth noticed a maned wolf on the outskirts of the camp, seemingly drawn to the scents of boar and food. As he watched, it wandered away into the grasses.   Chaka approached Gertrude and said he wasn’t sure what he could’ve said during Arwin and Romsca’s argument. Gertrude said there wasn’t anything anyone could have said in the heat of the moment. Arwin’s perspective came from high emotion, and Romsca was not responsible for the actions of her race so far away in the past. Chaka had thought of punching both to end the argument, but acknowledged that wouldn’t have been received as he’d intend.   Mortimr said all the best art pieces have emotion in them. Chaka said it was an apt observation. Mortimr suggested the scene could be a source of inspiration.   Mortimr asked Gertrude if Chedae had answered any of her sincere, “serious” prayers. She said no, but that, “There are many things that I would want, but there are things not even gods can give us back. I pray to her for good things to happen to good people, but life is life and sometimes bad things happen to good people as well.” Gertrude said she felt faith was worth it for her. Mortimr said he just wanted to understand faith. Gertrude said that faith needs faith.   Mortimr said Gertrude reminded him of his brother, Borli. After their talk, Mortimr felt a sense of comfort, though he wasn’t sure if it was from Gertrude’s words or something else.   In the morning, the groups in the caravan started to rouse and make ready. Romsca approached Demitri and quietly gave him a platinum ring. It was engraved with a rapier with a blue dust magical design. She quickly left before he could reply, and Demitri put the ring on.   During the morning preparations, Ilmendwyth noted his Sending Stone start to blink.
Report Date
15 Nov 2023
Primary Location
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Related Time
5 Adroth 5A 352 to 6 Adroth 5A 352