Glistening Hog Tavern

The Glistening Hog Tavern, or the Arttia Dorut Shul in orcish, is the most popular tavern in the city of Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon. It is located off Second Square and on the Orc Highway.


The entrance is flanked by two wooden carved boars, which are painted gold. Beside the doorway is a large bay window which shows the interior of the tavern from the street.   The main level of the tavern has a large eating area with many wooden tables ringed with dwarven iron or various sizes. The tables and chairs are somewhat mismatched and in differing states of repair and replacement.   There is a long, stained wooden bar, which is well constructed. A number of large ale casks sit behind it. There are other bottles and drinks within reach beneath the bar.   The interior walls are covered with many taxidermied animal and monster heads, antlers, and skulls, giving the impression of a hunters lodge. There are some banners and pennants hanging from the rafters and some weapons are on display on the walls.   Along the right wall is a large fireplace, above which is the taxidermied head of a large bulette.   The attached accommodations are fair. Small additional rooms are above on the second level, where an overlooking balcony hangs over the lower level. Inside the rooms are wooden cots and feather beds.   There are outdoor privies in a nearby alleyway. There is another exit in the back of the building through the kitchen.

Notable People

  • Bradzakk, son of Rhog: Orc owner of the Glistening Hog Tavern.


Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 3 Adroth 5A 352, the party came to the Glistening Hog Tavern to eat and rest. They shared a brunch meal and shared information about each other's history with a drinking game started by Demitri. During their meal, Watchguard Inzun met them here.   Later on 3 Adroth 5A 352, the party had a meeting with Coinguard Gim Gorod, where they tricked him into revealing his illicit intentions in front of the hidden Watchguard. As he tried to flee, the party captured him and handed him over to the Watchguard for questioning.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane