Azimuth 2 - Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings

General Summary

Northern Orcish Plains

Continuing On
In the morning of 8 Adroth, Romsca buried the fallen caravan guard who died from the ghost attack in the night. She was buried near the Roadside Cairn, and Arwin and Romulus planted flowers on the grave.   The caravan packed up and headed out, and the mood of the group was tense and tired. Gertrude and Ilmendwyth were exhausted, and Arwin and Demitri were slow and haggard from the aging effects.   They discussed Drok during their travel. Romsca was uncomfortable turning him in but wanted to try reasoning with the military to excuse him as a deserter in some way. Demitri was not hopeful they would be able to clear him of any charges. He said if they wanted to get Drok to Porgorag, they shouldn’t tell anyone about him in New Keeleon.   Captain Ruslan was concerned what other travelers might think about seeing Drok bound. After Drok said he had nowhere to run to, Romsca untied him. Drok tried to make himself useful as the group lightly teased him.  
Dire Beast
In the afternoon, Romsca heard the sounds of growling and the breaking of wood in the grasses. Romulus, Arwin, and Ilmendwyth scouted into the grasses and found a Dire Pangolin scavenging near a long-abandoned lumber cart. Normally a nocturnal creature, this dire pangolin seemed agitated and hungry. They stayed out of sight, and it did not catch their scent.   Arwin suggested they kill it if it posed a danger, but Ilmendwyth cautioned that it would be hard to take down. Romulus agreed they should leave it and head back to prepare with the rest of the caravan, to be ready if the dire pangolin approached.   Upon their return, they shared their findings. They were concerned the wagons would draw its attention. Romulus moved earth to create elevated mounds for the archers, and the rest of the group planned to move quickly with the wagons.   Romsca approached Gertrude and said, “Since there might be danger and you’re not looking like you’re up to as much today, have this please.” She gave a platinum ring with diamond chips in the shape of Gertrude’s shield.   As they quickly traveled, the dire pangolin continued its scavenging away from the roadway, and they were left alone. The archers hustled to catch up with the wagons as they approached the Axe-Breaker Thicket ahead of them.  
Axe-Breaker Thicket
It quickly became apparent there were Keel’s Band soldiers within the trees. They were setting camp and managing several carriages being pulled by black bulls. Drok became nervous and Arwin suggested he keep quiet and blend in with the other caravan guards.   The soldiers appeared young and inexperienced, and it took some time for one to approach the caravan. Romsca explained they were the Santeem Republic aid caravan on the way to New Keeleon. The soldier went to retrieve the person in charge of their group, who introduced himself as Lieutenant Vramas. Vramas was a cleric in the military in charge of transporting a unit of rookie soldiers northwards to Porgorag’s Yellow Quay. He apologized for the confusion.   When Gertrude mentioned that Coinguard Gim Gorod had been removed from office, Vramas indicated his unit's transfer to Porgorag had been requested by Gim Gorod. Their carriages were on loan from the Tarterian Traders and Vramas was to release them to the Coinguard’s care for return once they arrived.   Romsca offered to contact the Oknar and find out who had replaced Gim Gorod. Using a Sending spell, she informed the Oknar that Vramas’s group were on their way and asked who to direct them towards. Oknar Jod replied that the city’s new coinguard, Borscha Brickwell, would handle it.  
A Cleric of Nerull
Gertrude noticed the emblem of Nerull, The Scythe-Bearer, that Vramas wore. She warned him of the issues they faced at the Roadside Cairn. Demitri mentioned they’d repaired the cairn as well, and Vramas mentioned the night prior, he’d had strange dreams involving sphynxes.   Vramas thanked the group for repairing the cairn and said it was a soldier’s duty to serve the citizenry. Gertrude informed Vramas of the ageing effects that affected Ilmendwyth, Arwin, Demitri, and Dodim, and Vramas offered to try restorative magic. As the four were called over, Vramas indicated he could cast such a spell only once.   Ilmendwyth and Arwin suggested Demitri receive the spell. With the aid of a hematite totem, Vramas cast a Greater Restoration spell on Demitri, reciting in draconic, “All things die, but the wounded are not yet dead.” As the magic flowed, it seemed to overflow with extra, unexpected energy.   Demitri’s aging effect was cured, and he was left with a void-like energy in his hands. His hands were drawn towards his other affected companions, and through Demitri, the curative effects were passed into Ilmendwyth and Arwin, de-aging them as well.   After, Vramas invited the aid caravan to camp within the forest as well. Captain Ruslan said they still had travel time to use if they wanted. The group decided to stay within the trees for extra protection.  
Camp and Overnight Watches
Ruslan called for camp within the forest, which was now being patrolled by the nearby soldiers. Romsca and Ilmendwyth scavenged some of the axe-breaker wood. Arwin and Chaka gathered a slim amount of the red sap from a felled log near the roadway, and Gertrude picked up some of the red wood chips.   Romulus wandered from camp and cast Speak with Plants to commune with the axe-breaker trees. He learned the arrival of the many soldiers drove away the dire pangolin. Its nest was here and it may return at some point. He asked one of the largest trees for any spare branches it would be willing to part with and offered to grant a blessing or boon in return. It dropped a large branch and Romulus offered it to Romsca, saying he hoped she could put it to good use.   Arwin took first watch. During the night, he noticed Romsca was fitful and not sleeping. He suggested she take what rest she could. She couldn’t sleep, and Arwin offered to tell her a story from his past.   Arwin revealed an event that occurred during his time with the Brancana Rangers. He was part of a unit patrolling the Pack Trek region of the southern Wild Lands. His unit was sent to speak with a gnoll emissary from one of the local tribes, but unknown to them, the emissary’s son was kidnapped and used as leverage to drive him to betray the rangers. Arwin’s group were ambushed, and the emissary attacked them with magic. Many of Arwin’s unit died before the gnolls were slain.   Romsca listened and talked with Arwin about the event. She couldn’t speak for this gnoll’s motivations, but she could understand a parent doing whatever they could to recover their child. In her tribe, Romsca’s bloodline often were willing to give one of their own up for the protection of the rest. She said sometimes that was the only choice they believed they had.   Arwin said he thought often of what he might have done differently in those moments. He didn’t claim to know the motives of a single gnoll. Arwin said they were not informed about a lot of things in the military. At the time he hadn’t thought to ask why, either.   For the rest of the night’s watches, Romulus patrolled as a Wild Shaped wolf and Demitri began to teach Romsca Draconic.
Related Time
8 Adroth 5A 352