Azimuth 2 - Session 35 - On the Scent

General Summary

New Keeleon

Watermill Gallery
As the chaos of the battle started to fade, city guards set a perimeter around the Watermill Gallery and ushered the gathering civilians away. Captain Ruslan quickly handed out the group's items to Chaka, Mortimr, Gertrude, and Demitri, and they reequipped themselves.   The watch captain sent a pair of guards to inform the Breakwater Keep of the attack. He interrogated the captured cultist and fanatic to ask who they were and why they attacked, but they provided no answers.   While Ruslan helped Gertrude equip her armor, Demitri informed the guard captain the fleeing acolyte was headed to the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. He asked them to keep an eye out for Watchguard Stuzrog. He said Stuzrog had followed up on the guildhall after recent events and had been missing since.   Demitri and Chaka tried to intimidate the captured cultists. Demitri demanded to know where in the guildhall the acolyte was fleeing to. The cultist seemed too uninformed or too loyal to the cult to answer. All he referred to was “the Regression” and how “all of this will burn and crumble.”   There was little to gain from further interrogation, so they rushed towards the north where Cinis was circling in the sky.  
The Pipestones
Meanwhile, Romulus, Ilmendwyth, Arwin, and Romsca raced through the Pipestones district after the fleeing acolyte. They kept their distance to not alert the acolyte to their pursuit, using Romsca’s Locate Object spell while it lasted and following Cinis’s flight.   The acolyte fled into the Catlinites. At the wall gate, they saw no guards posted. Arwin and Ilmendwyth noticed very few civilians in the Catlinites. Though they didn’t see any more cultists waiting in ambush, they were concerned there were no guards on patrol.   Cinis seemed to stop flying further northwest and now circled above the Commandment of Sky Guildhall facility. With Cinis stopped, they chose to wait for their companions to catch up. The party regrouped, and Romsca cast another Locate Object spell on Chaka’s painting. She led the group into the Catlinites.  
Guild Warehouse
The Catlinites were largely vacant, and they reached the Commandment of Sky Guildhall buildings without issue. The main guildhall was shut and closed. Romsca felt Chaka’s painting in one of the nearby warehouses. She felt it start to descend before it disappeared from her spell.   They caught glimpses of several hidden cultists posted around this warehouse. They seemed to not notice the group, so Arwin, Ilmendwyth, Demitri, and Mortimr took aim with ranged weapons. They timed their shots and killed the sentries with a volley before they could react. With the sentries gone, they ran to the warehouse door, slid it to the side, and entered.   Inside was a dark warehouse filled with storage shelves and boxes. The three Hero Hunters wagons the Lightbringers transported to New Keeleon were here. They were torn apart, and the boxes of goods were broken and strewn about.   Arwin and Ilmendwyth searched for passages leading down. Romsca followed the steak-flavored scent to a back corner of the building. Etched on the stonework ground was a circular symbol with markings of some kind.   Romsca used Detect Magic and learned it was an enchanted lock. Ilmendwyth tried pressing it and learned it needed to be affected by something. Romulus recognized it as a representation of the inner elemental planes. Using a mark on the sigil to indicate orientation, he said the depictions for the Plane of Air and the Plane of Fire were marked.   Mortimr cast a Firebolt spell on the glyph. Red energy filled the glyph and a segment of the floor shifted and moved. A staircase was revealed leading to a small smuggling tunnel that went in the direction of the main guildhall.   For safety in case they needed to quickly flee, Romsca gave the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring backpack to Romulus. She then entered the tunnel and led the way. As they walked, Chaka called to Arwin and showed him “Work #56: Urva Making Mischief” to inspire him, while Romsca imbued Demitri’s sword with fire energy.   They reached a brick wall with a lever, which opened to a cellar storeroom of the main guildhall building. Romsca followed the scent, and the group ascended a small staircase to the main level.  
Commandment of Sky Guildhall
They reached an employee facility off the main guildhall chamber. Arwin peered out the door and saw a number of robed cultists in the main room.   Arwin also saw a nearby door that had been left open. He crossed to the other room and noticed a bookcase with visible drag marks under it. He found a hidden latch and the bookcase moved free, revealing an accessway leading beneath Talmid’s office. This path seemed to lead to the far side of the building, and off this path, there was a large metal door bearing another elemental plane sigil.   Using the Earring of Message, he called for Ilmendwyth to join him and informed Demitri about the accessway. To get to it, the party would have to cross the employee room, which had direct line of sight to the cultists in the main chamber. To prepare for the crossing, Romulus cast a stealth spell on the group. Chaka unveiled “Work # 58: Ma's Award-Winning Bread” to Romsca to aid her, as well.   Ilmendwyth followed the path to the other side of the guildhall. He exited through a hidden door into a meeting room, and shattered a glass on the ground and ducked back through the hidden door. The cultists in the room turned at the noise, which gave Romsca and Gertrude the chance to cross the hallway unnoticed, and Chaka followed after.   When Mortimr crossed, though, a cultist noticed movement. They called out and moved towards Mortimr’s direction. Quickly, Mortimr stepped towards them and called “I’m gonna come for you!” as he cast Invisibility and turned a different direction.   The cultist was startled by the sudden move and by Mortimr’s demonic mask. They called out, “I think someone’s here!” and began searching for Mortimr. Demitri and Romulus quickly crossed the hall in the distraction, and the group closed the accessway door behind them. Knowing the cultists were now searching for them, Mortimr swiftly opened the sigil door with a Firebolt and revealed a descending stairway.   Ilmendwyth and Romsca led them quickly down. A short hallway led into a larger chamber ahead, but a pitfall trap triggered beneath them. Ilmendwyth jumped over in time, but Romsca fell to the bottom. As the party started maneuvering across the gap, Arwin lowered a rope to help Romsca up.  
Chamber of Titles
Meanwhile, Ilmemdwyth looked over the large chamber they’d found beneath the guildhall. The wide stone walls of the room were covered with strange runes and symbols in long chains of words and phrases. He saw two cracked, colored orbs set into the walls, one red and one blue, which emitted vibrant light.   Ilmendwyth recognized the language as Primordial dialects of Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran. It was a long series of names and titles, all leading to four proper names:  
  • Azur’tinax, The Emperor of Air, The Feldgrau Gale
  • Zi’magro, The Monarch of Water, The Hydrotic Wellspring
  • Mus’meno, The Overlord of Earth, The Sinoper Muse
  • Therm’askev, The Sovereign of Fire, The Burning Architect
  On the far side of the room were three doors. They could hear indistinct conversation. They cautiously approached. They recognized the voices of Sir Talmid and the acolyte they’d been chasing. Talmid was angry the acolyte, named Shur, had ran through the city openly, risking everything. Shur was defiant, saying they were continuing Nabat’s work “until the Regression begins.”   As the group crossed the room, the two orbs seemed to activate and glow with energy. Fire erupted from the red orb and air swirled from the blue one. Two large elementals spawned, tethered to the orbs. With screeching yells like burning fire and wind, they moved to attack the party while the conversation in the adjacent room suddenly halted.
Related Time
16 Adroth 5A 352